
The Chew-ya Mythos of Aryan-Nipponese Whale Hunters

"History is philosophy teaching by examples."--Thucydides

I am skeptical that the marine refuge President Bush created north of Hawaii was done for other than political purposes. Especially since there aren't any residents of the atoll to politically upset it was a 'safe' bit of environmentalism. Yet I am unhappy to learn that the Japanese and Norwegians are sharpening their forks for whales...

The Chew-ya Mythos of Aryan-Nipponese Whale Predators--

Yearning for whale meat dead or alive, Norway known for its Quisling quankist symp sumps of 3rd Reich genocidalists and the eastern wheel on the Axis of Evil; Japan, lust with tools of secret balloting and potential bribes to dine savagely on the bloody carcasses of peaceful, intelligent whales of the free oceans. Norway and Japan are the Charybdis and Scylla of civilization with one on the Atlantic and t’other on the Pacific agitating for uncivilized barbarity.

The execrable desire to convert whales into ‘human excrement’ should be deleted by right thinking people. Whales have the largest brains of any known species while whale hunters have the smallest thinking capacity of any human branch of hominids. Artificial whale meat can be made from succulent bottom fish with that sweet rancid blubber taste whale eaters need a fix of.

Predators politicking for a culture of corruption and savagery with appetites of Gobineaus undervaluing other life forms remind of the words of Adolph in 1930… ...”What we want is a picked number from the new ruling classes: who…are not troubled by humanitarian feelings, but who are convinced they have the right to rule as being a superior race, and who will secure and maintain their rule ruthlessly over the broad masses”. The sort of culture that would kill and eat innocent whales that are an indicator species of the oceanic health gave rise to the actualization of Hitler’s political dream.

===An Axis of Whale-Oiled Hunter-Culture===

The Government was destroyed
one dark and dreary day with a thump
like a Studebaker rusting roadside upon blocks it settled
slowly by the wayside a Redwood seedling grew
shade for the road kill café

Euclidians defeated by non-Euclidians
experienced solid shapes kleeing quicker
raging with quietism’s neo-expressionist assertiveness
evolving formulae to straighten out control

Crashing through the anarchy of Berlin’s walled city
weightlessness captured thinking one-armed bandits
winking alluring lights and machine language
coins and cretins built higher and higher
downward into the abyss of the void

Broadcast sunshine conversions into looped superconductors
fields wired where stars formerly shined
frictionless fusionless photons embanked forever
warping space with precise convolutions
whales within an eternal ocean of massless particles

Control of mass-energy reshapings
intentional and accidens side by side
natural grown things by design
surviving regulated creative destruction
vortices off currents in freedom to what

Purpose and destiny of each wave sector
places with time’s alterity
structured for those to be saved
from entropy and anti-entropy
upsurging determinations in the presentness of being.


Rep. Pelosi Leads Culture of Corruption To Wine of Wrath of Fornications

Transcending Mench mysticism the Democratic Party has taken a more tactical turn toward obscurantism and social political hogwashism with dissimulative labeling of the Republican Party in Congress with a name most independents apply to the DP’s. Culture of Corruption describes the turn into a cul de sac matrix of political and moral illusion…mirages set to send the unwary soul into the eternal fires of hell, and the politically naïve into the putrid arms of global corporatism.

The DP agenda is a culture of corruption of abortion, homosexual sapping of heterosexual institutions such as marriage, legalization of illegal drugs and escalation of illegal aliens into dual citizenship citizens loyal to Mexico and their relatives below the border. The Californication of DP political priorities leave the good sense of democrats of prior decades in the wake to the sharks of corporatist diplomacy and media brainwashing/thought conditioning. The Democratic Culture of Corruption is an invasion of the body snatchers sending the center of balance of U.S. politics somewhere below the southern border.

With the loss of former Rep Tom Delay because of association with the traditional congressional practices of receiving money from lobbyists, gerrymandering, bribery and so forth the Democrats should heed the criticisms of his farewell address to congress well. Liberalism has been taken over by a culture of corruption that exterminates civil liberties for submersion in a corporatist mob mentality led by the big dogs of power and high-pitched, unbleeding heart liberal associates with hearts sufficiently cold-blooded to plan the reduction of the human species for environmental purposes and elevate thoughtless conformism to the highest level of ‘democratic’ participation in society. Rep Delay was a first rate dupe for corporatism which attacks liberalism in order to advance a global control for profit to the most rich dispensing with the principles of capitalism as written by Adam Smith for those expressed by Benito Mussolini.

The Pelosi leadership is a pattern of mass misunderstanding for partisan purposes as Byzantine as a morphing of Lao Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ into the Book as a lingua franca. The Democratic leadership invented the term culture of corruption (C.O.C.) perhaps to obfuscate the Culture of Ubermensch News Terminology (C.U.N.T.) raving verbal confusion, camouflage of corruption into the political wing of mass media cohort assault upon national independence from globalist political control.

One day not so far off public writing or talk about actual American political independence, balanced budget, investment in public infrastructure initiatives that entail no trade deficit, liberation of individuals from power and energy grids through home power, taxation of foreign owned estates and so forth will be called treason. Some time after that Americans may drink of the cup of the wine of the wrath of fornication that is shared with all of the globalist partners that concentrate wealth at the top or alternately form a ossified corporatist commune from which global revolution is the sole option politically for independence and an effort to save the environment from hungry corporatists and a thoughtless proletariat.
On the immediate civil conflict in Iraq and the political illogical of Al Qa’eda in maintaining its campaign of terror I will write a few words…

Al Qa’eda and Islamic fundamentalists have the essential goal of revolting against corrupt Middle Eastern governments often led by oil financed regimes that do business with the United States and the west. Because political organization is difficult in authoritarian nations the revolutionaries tend to organize in mosques which are sanctuaries more or less for the culture of Islam that is sacred generally and off limits to government invasion. In these down-trodden reaches western, lifestyles are associated with the upper classes, and the corruption of the west is associated with the oppressive ruling class. Muslim fundamentalism is a fundamental and pragmatic tactic to revolt against the heavily financed and media owning broadcast classes. Therefore an attack on the fledging Iraqi democracy is quite illogical and perhaps something that the Al Qa’eda terrorist political philosophers haven’t considered very well. Iraq will be a nation with a populist government and not ruled by a royal ruling class oppressing the masses…Muslims will still be free to attend mosques and bow to Saudi Arabia five times a day.

The Muslim fundamentalist political philosophy in crossing borders fails to adapt to the reality of changing political conditions it seems. In Iraq Al Qa’eda is working to overthrow a dem9ocracy and instill a dictatorship that might even be royal in time. In brief Al Qa’eda is working against its own interests.

The Iranian revolution also revolted against a royal, oil-rich oppressive government associated with the west and the United States, yet Iran and other nations fail to comprehend the nature of human greed if they believe the problem is in democracy rather than in corporatism or greed that exploits people and ideologies for the apolitical purpose of power and wealth. In Iran a theocratic government that arose through a fundamentalist revolution still attacks America politically because of the association of the U.S.A. with the government of the Shah, and that is a fundamental error. The fault lies not in democracy, but in elitist leadership that is a treacherous, and presently globalist conflict set upon the masses more or less tolerantly in democracies that will indeed exploit that daft abroad. Democracy should be a goal for Iranians and Al Qa’eda, not a target of terror so they can foist a theocratic dictatorship on the public…that vehicle is needed in the conditions of a Saudi Arabia or Egypt perhaps, but not in Iraq today. The Palestinian issue is an entirely separable issue that doesn’t require fundamentalist revolution to theocracy or terror to solve…that inertial direction is a consequent of social mobsterism and greed not unlike that of human leadership at a pack level generally.


Is Music an Art?

What is the nature of art? For me I have often believed it to be something someone does with paint without following numbered spaces on a canvas with paint. Is creativity then the essential core value of art?

In recent years books such as The Art of Reasoning’ and ‘The Art of Cooking’ have appeared to add to the number of activities classified by some as artistic activities. What then are the parameters that make one activity an art and another non-artful?

Long ago mankind beat out rhythms on logs to gain a drumming effect creating a sort of amusement later known as music. Was that an activity of art originating in the Congo? If art were an activity punishable by death, few ‘artists’ would claim to be doing art, unless government grants appeared for relief.

In the Middle Ages before a middle class arose artisans and later guilds formed to produce works of skilled trades. Centuries later a book ‘Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ was written to acknowledge mechanics as an artisan’s activity. If art is not a paint by the numbers activity however, such as playing an instrument to make noise following a sheet music pattern, can mechanics be what is meant in modern art’s meaning as art?

Art today would seem to be a creative activity. Jimmi Hendrix’s guitar playing was art because of the innovative methods, while musicians replaying Hendrix songs without much creativity are simply mechanics producing an effect.

In fiction writing it is perhaps more difficult to discriminate art from not-art than in fields such as music. There are political components to music today that many aren’t aware of incidentally…

A reaction of some leftists to education and established political power following their failures in the 1960s unto the present to win the intellectual battle for social philosophical correctness was to utilize the mechanics of music to oppose human ideas and political ideology from being expressed. The method was fundamental extinction of thoughtful lyrics. Music for-itself as noise would be trustworthy because of its absence of intelligent and possibly deceiving political propaganda. The writer John Saul’s pointed out in his 1995 book ‘The Unconscious Civilization’ that the main consequent of that approach politically is to exterminate dissenting political thought and surrender ideation to the corporatist establishment. That was exemplified by a recent critic of mine that suggested that this blog should be a haven for artists without politics and just shut up, listen to the music and sneak into the polling booth to rubber stamp one of the corporatist party candidates. Musicians as mechanics may slavishly coddle up to corporatists, and be rebellious in meaningless non-political areas. Ignorance is cheaper to get than is intellectual capital anyway.


President Bush Congress Raid and the Creeping Coup

One wonders if President Bush's Attorney General's raid on the U.S. House of Congress office of Representative Jefferson of Louisiana was more than a Don Quixote on a donkey tilt at the independence of congress or an actual leverage against congressional independence that supports a corporatist agenda effectively?Certainly Representative Jefferson might have accepted an F.B.I. bribe, yet the raid into his congressional office was ill-advised and par with the A.G.'s other nefarious ideas about the constitution and executive branch so as to allow torture unless 'major organ failure' results and so forth.' Separated shoulders and such wouldn't count obviously.

The Bush administration's tedious tenure still has two years or so to run, yet hopefully congress will still be independent then, and the President won't have possession of congressional files 'sealed' perhaps to gain leverage for support on his personal legislative agenda perhaps including illegal aliens having a fast track to citizenship after paying the executive branch a suitable penalty.On my tax bill this year on 6000 dollars in earnings, even with the earned income credit the I.R.S. declared that I owe 60 some dollars. It doesn't pay to file a tax return with some self-employment included while homeless obviously...at least the very rich got a tax break this year, so the very poor must help make up the federal budget gap.

With Treasury Sect. Snow's dismissal and Mr. Paulson of Goldman Sach's taking over the U.S. Treasury won't have far to go to find it's Wall-Street corporatist kickback watch adviser. I hope my 60 dollars gets redistributed quickly through Mr. Paulson's office to Halliburton and other Texas based corporations, or at least subsidies for offshore oil drilling to help Exxon's record profits, maybe my unrecovered separated shoulder doesn't need so many bottles of Advil as it seems.It isn't hard to imagine why people abroad including Afghanistan have a less than perfect liking for the corporatist technique of plundering the public treasury wherever it is.
President Bush's two term policies seem to be reaching toward a culmination of the establishment of a creeping coup of corporatism to end democracy effectively in the United States.

The Senate is rather wussy, so the House of Representatives is the target of Presidential intimidation with the muled F.B.A. being a non sequiter as regards democracy in the U.S.A. it was used by Attorney General Gonzalez to raid the House of Representatives to seize political files and computer hardware recently.Perhaps the President will direct General Gonzalez to raid the Supreme Court to seize case files for legislation it differs with in order that it may be 'sealed' yet paid per view by the Justice's in case they need a knock on the head to remind them of who's boss. Of course with just one more nominee on the Bush court the Executive's Corporatist agenda can be rubber stamped by his lackeys should a recalcitrant House differ with his decretals to them (including perhaps the end of term limits, or restriction to eligibility for President to a relative of the incumbent).

What is Corporatism? It is a political philosophy innovated by Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Mussolini and other surpassing neo-liberalism or neo-conservativism, left or right. Public interest represented by government is nihilated over time to be replaced by non-representational private interest in corporate form. Wall-Street will lead the Treasury, Big Oil will lead government, the public will always have debt and its spending will be sluiced over too private corporate interests.Communism and Corporatism each are a form of authoritarianism.

Corporatism is the clear and present danger, and the Democratic Party's obsession with opposition to government building in Iraq is only a distraction from the need to protect representative democracy in the United States from corporatist coup.In the Corporatist system perhaps 30% of the elite or managerial class is non-creative, over-promoted thugs exploiting or destroying creative individuals and independent business under their stagnant, ossified Stalinist tyranny. They pacify Americans, flood in cheap labor from abroad, outsource work to China and India, plunder the public environment etc.John Raul's 'The Unconscious Civilization' is a good primer on the subject.


Small Worlds/Illegal Aliens/Decreasing Democracy


First I must acknowledge that evil race smears are used by some proponents of illegal Mexican immigration to the United States upon those for legal immigration only policy.

It is wicked to associate Americans for national sovereignty with world war two era fascism much less extermination of Jews effort in the holocaust. Of course there is only so much to history, and the lines are fine, and many just bum-rush right over it substituting fiction for truth.

The essential causes for the flood of 22 million illegal aliens into the United States is pure economic and political avarice by Mexicans encountering in their own nation repression from an elite plutocratic social environment that has 40 people owning 30% of the nation's wealth.

If all those Mexicans were Germans today, wouldn't it matter if 20 or 30 million just volkerwanderrrunged over the border, and their Furher campaigned in Utah, California, Washington and Oregon for more?

The United States easily could develop rational and self-serving immigration policies with fair apportionment of racial components proportional to that of the world if it had the will to do so. The U.S.A. might bring in one million new citizens annually by consent rather than by the force of Mexicans illegal will (President Fox is visiting his newest state 'conquest' Utah first)


The actual cause of Democratic Party perfidy (Senator Max Bacchus of Montana supports the flood in votes it seems) is probably traditional state and federal corruption caused by redistricting and computer programming (see the current U.S. News article) and the expense of defeating incumbents. U.S. politics may not even be fairly called a democracy anymore some are speculating and globalism and greed, including the Bush administration's perfidious approach to environmental law is essentially reforming the United States. Why the Democratic Party is so much for just Mexican illegal immigrant favoritism is perhaps also related to the wealth of globalism and Democratic incompetence. Senator Dorothy of California just needs Mexican votes. Of 52 Representatives in California in 2004 no incumbents were defeated. The odds of winning a U.S. House seat in a race against an incumbent may be about 5%, and it costs a couple of million to finance the campaign spin.

Environmental liability may be a reason for the flood of illegals too. While Reagan and G.W. Bush scuttle the EPA Superfund and mining tax legislation is defeated, superfund sites and thousands of mines still seep toxic waste all over the U.S.A. Grupo Mexico bought Guggenheim’s Colorado mines at Leadville and a number of others in a purchase in 2003? With their out of country incorporation they can just not pay for clean ups, but the federal administrators believe the taxpayers should pay anyway instead of the polluters.

All this globalist political anarchizing attacking on democracy is a consequence of perfidious subtle reorganizations possible with globalism purchasing federal and state democratic representation. With good democratic government and secure borders the people can have a better chance of a fair and orderly, lawful and rational political environment...without it they will indefinitely sell out to opulent glitz of Colonel Sanddoom at home and abroad.
Points about racial genetic differences and what causal effects they may have on politics are interesting as made above, yet I will comment on a few points of the past 100 posts generally...

Capitalism does have an inadvertent tendency to exploit the poor, concentrate wealth and so forth, yet it may also increase the new wealth of society and though previously free, happy, independent people may become comparatively poorer with oppressive rulers with corporatism removing their liberty, they may be in the materially absolute sense richer.

Pres. R. Reagan's trickle down didn't work; inequality in wealth distribution has increased in the U.S.A. Lateral reallocation of wealth ensued instead, with women and non-whites increasing their comparative share.

Capitalism isn't unique in concentrating or distributing power, in the small worlds theoria preferred attachment, or the rich getting richer, builds in a way not unlike the aggregation of 'spurs' on snowflakes in predetermined patterns, or numerous other physical examples. Communism and other mass political organizations tend to accumulate power through preferred attachment, aka excremental affluent derriere smooching., direct purging and consolidation and other organizational forms that are an aspect of human interaction.

Perhaps original sin is the best explanation for why people are cruel, exploitative of others and so forth so often hiding behind 'big lies' or 'use-truths'.

The American political system has ossified into two polarized political parties that each support globalism in their own way and subvert democracy. Americans are against amnesty for illegal aliens, against illegal immigration, and haven't confidence in the Republican Party in Congress or in the White House presently. In an actual democracy uncorrupted by computer-designed and state legislative approved gerrymandering, the Democrats would retake both houses of congress easily in November. With the ossification of incumbency and politics competition for voters is ended, and blind party fealty for trophic position blue/red is insinuated to advance global corporatism.

Humanity should be able to work out their sociologically based oddities, yet social differences are the rational behind much of human organizing phenomena. Not only is liberty enhanced for creative purposes with civil rights, sound borders and property rights, rational allocation of opportunities, interests and social rights are delineated by differences amidst individuals and classes. Differences and classes aren't best 'exterminated'.

At any given time in politics, as in history, there are inertia social forces of organization that de facto place a macro-morality from the primary power upon accompanying economic methods. Small world theory may demonstrate how power 'fuses' more power and wealth upon itself as gravity draws mass although it is within a different structural pattern. Individuals may choose to resist the affects of adverse political forces, as is the case with the illegal immigration, and encounter opposite forces to disorder their own organizational principles.

Immigration isn't about race, but about the subversive impact upon U.S. political self-determination for the masses that are being ill-served by globalist corruptions of congress. One must read today's 'Dilbert'.


55 Senators Oppose Rule of Law

"The vote was 55-40 against a proposal by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga, who said that anything less than a border security-first approach amounted to "a wink and a nod one more time to those who would come here" unlawfully."
An element of choosing to vote to legalize crime and approve of illegal entry to the United States as a legitimate course to citizenship may be caused by the investment in Mexican oil, and lobbyist’s contributions to/of the 55 Senators.


It is interesting that Senate Democrats lead the way on opposition to border control before negotiating with border bounders. Having sovereignty is a prerequisite for making sound law, simple following after lawbreakers and providing support is the function of a crock congress.
The Democratic Senators are acting in support of elements gutting the minimum wage in the United States and the value of U.S. labor. It isn't really surprising though. Senators are wealthy and wealth tends to accumulate globally in the rule of the 80-20 principle. That is in Pareto's law twenty percent or less of the people have 80% or more of the wealth simply because of preferred attachment, the ability of people with excess wealth to invest or gamble more, and other flow dynamic factors having nothing 80-20 principle is suitable for communist nations too, in which 20% or less of the communist party rule 80% or more of the national wealth. Global corporatism also follows those wealth flow phenomena and adroitly unifies communist and corporate governance and management through a number of interties from boardrooms to global media ownership, pseudo conflicts and state surveillance of citizens etc.

The Senators being quite wealthy investment in non Chinese or non-India political directions would be difficult, as that is the region in which wealth is currently finding the easiest pickings. A vast flood of cheap Mexican labor is as well beneficial to the wealthy in the United States in accord with the 80-20 principle. I should point out that this fits in quite well with the small worlds networks theories that explain a.i.d.s. distribution social and a number of other network transmission phenomena. It isn't necessary that someone have a political theory to get it started.

In the United States decent social philosophical theory just doesn't make it into politics as far as helping to elect enlightened Senators. With the historical debate between Adam Smithianites and Marxists and the social psychological trait of people choosing sides, stopping to think and dogmatically following 'leaders' theories convincing the U.S. public that their could be more to economics than the 'invisible hand' of Adam Smith or the state authoritarianism of Marxism is very difficult.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad using Smith's principle of personal greed being the best way to develop a society rightly rejected EU offers of a light water nuclear reactor if he would stop building a heavy water reactor saying (I paraphrase)'It would be like giving up gold for smoke and mirrors’. Page 188 'Nexus' Buchanan explained that many economists believe the market isn't rational entirely, and greed won't get it done. Behavioral economists have modeled market economics based on herd behavior with success.

Mexican Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Welfare for All Party is the only Mexican candidate that has rightly comprehended the ill-effect on Mexico's economy by the loss of migrant workers north. The wealthy candidates support the principle of 80-20 unknowingly, which in a limited global environment will lead to technological and enterprise stagnation within a vice of plutocratic deadbeats.


Will President Bush Oppose House of Representatives Tonight?

President G.W. Bush has been a willing tool for corporatist government. To drive down wages in the United States federal policy requires nearly a half million illegal immigrants annually to gut the labor side of the value negotiations. With Mexican president Vicente Foxx soon to leave office Mr. Bush chooses tonight to seek a last opportunity to misunderestimate and throw in the towel on U.S. border sovereignty to Mexico and give amnesty to millions of illegal workers in the United States.

Once again I will suggest more effective remedies in keeping with the will of the U.S. House of Representatives and the people of the United States.

1)Dig a Gulf of California to Gulf of Mexico Border Barrier Pleasure Boat and Desalinization water production Canal over the next ten years under the supervision of an enhanced Army Corp of Engineers. The southern border beyond the California Mountains is generally flat an easy for shallow canal building all the way to the Gulf of Mexico although Texas has some fine hills in the Laredo region. Taxpayers should get something for their investments besides kickbacks to Halliburton. Guardsmen serving along the border for defense should receive substantial hiring preference by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Vice President Cheney and General Hayden’s corporatist telephone data acquisition presents something of a conundrum. Why did it take four years to implement Mr. Cheney’s spy on American’s corporatist plan—was Sect. Rice unwilling where General Hayden was?

2)Permit no more than 75,000 Spanish speaking immigrants from all sources into the United States the next 20 years. Preference should be given to Portuguese, English and aboriginal language speakers from Amazonia

3)Create a bilateral control group of the Brazilian and U.S. State Departments to conserve the Amazonian Rain forest drainage and its vital world role in life and biota diversity right away. The goal is to depopulate Amazonia of human occupancy except for a small number of shirtless savages wonting to live in a Neolithic fashion. Everyone else would relocate with government assistance elsewhere in Brazil or to the United States, as both nations would offer guaranteed permanent residence and duel citizenship to any citizens that need or desire. This would keep Amazonia intact until more savages with vast machine chain saws gain influence such as Mr. Bush and Cheney are apt to sympathize with such as to annihilate the rational planning and investment by each government in intact ecosystems conservation to avoid a cascade of extinction perhaps dragging humanity along with it.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...