
The Chew-ya Mythos of Aryan-Nipponese Whale Hunters

"History is philosophy teaching by examples."--Thucydides

I am skeptical that the marine refuge President Bush created north of Hawaii was done for other than political purposes. Especially since there aren't any residents of the atoll to politically upset it was a 'safe' bit of environmentalism. Yet I am unhappy to learn that the Japanese and Norwegians are sharpening their forks for whales...

The Chew-ya Mythos of Aryan-Nipponese Whale Predators--

Yearning for whale meat dead or alive, Norway known for its Quisling quankist symp sumps of 3rd Reich genocidalists and the eastern wheel on the Axis of Evil; Japan, lust with tools of secret balloting and potential bribes to dine savagely on the bloody carcasses of peaceful, intelligent whales of the free oceans. Norway and Japan are the Charybdis and Scylla of civilization with one on the Atlantic and t’other on the Pacific agitating for uncivilized barbarity.

The execrable desire to convert whales into ‘human excrement’ should be deleted by right thinking people. Whales have the largest brains of any known species while whale hunters have the smallest thinking capacity of any human branch of hominids. Artificial whale meat can be made from succulent bottom fish with that sweet rancid blubber taste whale eaters need a fix of.

Predators politicking for a culture of corruption and savagery with appetites of Gobineaus undervaluing other life forms remind of the words of Adolph in 1930… ...”What we want is a picked number from the new ruling classes: who…are not troubled by humanitarian feelings, but who are convinced they have the right to rule as being a superior race, and who will secure and maintain their rule ruthlessly over the broad masses”. The sort of culture that would kill and eat innocent whales that are an indicator species of the oceanic health gave rise to the actualization of Hitler’s political dream.

===An Axis of Whale-Oiled Hunter-Culture===

The Government was destroyed
one dark and dreary day with a thump
like a Studebaker rusting roadside upon blocks it settled
slowly by the wayside a Redwood seedling grew
shade for the road kill café

Euclidians defeated by non-Euclidians
experienced solid shapes kleeing quicker
raging with quietism’s neo-expressionist assertiveness
evolving formulae to straighten out control

Crashing through the anarchy of Berlin’s walled city
weightlessness captured thinking one-armed bandits
winking alluring lights and machine language
coins and cretins built higher and higher
downward into the abyss of the void

Broadcast sunshine conversions into looped superconductors
fields wired where stars formerly shined
frictionless fusionless photons embanked forever
warping space with precise convolutions
whales within an eternal ocean of massless particles

Control of mass-energy reshapings
intentional and accidens side by side
natural grown things by design
surviving regulated creative destruction
vortices off currents in freedom to what

Purpose and destiny of each wave sector
places with time’s alterity
structured for those to be saved
from entropy and anti-entropy
upsurging determinations in the presentness of being.

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