
Will President Bush Oppose House of Representatives Tonight?

President G.W. Bush has been a willing tool for corporatist government. To drive down wages in the United States federal policy requires nearly a half million illegal immigrants annually to gut the labor side of the value negotiations. With Mexican president Vicente Foxx soon to leave office Mr. Bush chooses tonight to seek a last opportunity to misunderestimate and throw in the towel on U.S. border sovereignty to Mexico and give amnesty to millions of illegal workers in the United States.

Once again I will suggest more effective remedies in keeping with the will of the U.S. House of Representatives and the people of the United States.

1)Dig a Gulf of California to Gulf of Mexico Border Barrier Pleasure Boat and Desalinization water production Canal over the next ten years under the supervision of an enhanced Army Corp of Engineers. The southern border beyond the California Mountains is generally flat an easy for shallow canal building all the way to the Gulf of Mexico although Texas has some fine hills in the Laredo region. Taxpayers should get something for their investments besides kickbacks to Halliburton. Guardsmen serving along the border for defense should receive substantial hiring preference by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Vice President Cheney and General Hayden’s corporatist telephone data acquisition presents something of a conundrum. Why did it take four years to implement Mr. Cheney’s spy on American’s corporatist plan—was Sect. Rice unwilling where General Hayden was?

2)Permit no more than 75,000 Spanish speaking immigrants from all sources into the United States the next 20 years. Preference should be given to Portuguese, English and aboriginal language speakers from Amazonia

3)Create a bilateral control group of the Brazilian and U.S. State Departments to conserve the Amazonian Rain forest drainage and its vital world role in life and biota diversity right away. The goal is to depopulate Amazonia of human occupancy except for a small number of shirtless savages wonting to live in a Neolithic fashion. Everyone else would relocate with government assistance elsewhere in Brazil or to the United States, as both nations would offer guaranteed permanent residence and duel citizenship to any citizens that need or desire. This would keep Amazonia intact until more savages with vast machine chain saws gain influence such as Mr. Bush and Cheney are apt to sympathize with such as to annihilate the rational planning and investment by each government in intact ecosystems conservation to avoid a cascade of extinction perhaps dragging humanity along with it.

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