
General Hayden's Calls, Small Worlds Theory/Himmler-Stalin-Corporatists

Gen. Hayden (Lake) if made the C.I.A.’s main spook would provide his boss Negroponte with valuable experience at forming vast databases to categorically violate the privacy of the American public and business too, although the rich may be exempted from the minimum tracking and surveillance structure’s of their phone calls such as perhaps 200 million other American’s reportedly experienced under General Hayden’s direction at the N.S.A.

The internet and small world network mathematical graphing theory had its very first start toward today’s sophistication in an Air Force funded research program in 1962 aimed toward creating nuclear attack survivable communications structure’s from various defense nodes. It was discovered that random computer routing of communications through the network was implicitly more survivable than dedicated hierarchical formal channels; in the formal and bound network a break in the chain blocks communication and requires formal rerouting, while in the small worlds random association alternative communications like a flow of water than can go through any channel at will instead of just downstream would easily avoid blocked or destroyed nodes. Small worlds modeling of the U.S.A.’s phone calls into networks are a dictator’s dream than even Stalin would have drooled to possess.


http://www.coseti.org/osetimap.htm small worlds graphs may be used iin the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence too

“Social networks showing the links of acquaintance between” Americans and anyone else through phone records permit the complete comprehension and manipulation of business and family contacts with probabilistic knowledge of who and how to affect networks of suppliers, implement disruptions to weaken targets of takeover, or distribute disinformation about through ancillary broadcast media tools for whatever authoritarian purpose is deemed useful. In the 2002 book ‘Nexus’ on small worlds theory Mark Buchanan wrote on page 31 (the quotation above is from the same source) “Is it possible, and if so, how is it possible, to draw a graph of six billion dots in such a way that one could link any two dots by traveling along just six line?” The answer was yes, and General Hayden may not have had much difficulty in placing the phone records of some 200 million Americans into such a small worlds paradigm-the equivalent of placing a tracking device on everyone’s auto for life and keeping all that information and graphed concurrent locations into a database.


Perhaps Americans won’t care, nor believe it a fundamental violation of the constitution intent of the founders for the government to have a real-time and historical database of the phone records of 2/3rds of the citizens and the ability to leak that data to foreign governments or global corporations to subdue and manipulate national independence. President Bush will talk to the nation tonight about why some illegal aliens should be given amnesty and flood the U.S. workforce while assuring the public that new security measures of 20 Toyota Land cruisers and new agents will help stem the tide of Mexicans annexing the nation for globalists. The 5.15 and hour U.S. minimum wage hasn’t gone up in decades, and real wages after inflation of Americans during the Bush tenure have decreased by more than 3.5%. The President’s true goal of flooding the nation with millions and millions of Mexicans is probably to reduce the minimum wage to 3 dollars an hour without insurance or other benefits the norm.

... commentators have already thrown much darkness. on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know. nothing at all about it." - Mark Twain

One would expect an authoritarian government such as the Communist Chinese have or had, the Soviet Union’s Second Directorate, Himmler’s Gestapo, etc historically to use a tracking and association tool of phone calls or physical vehicles if possible, yet it is unthinkable that such corporatist approaches (invented by Mussolini) should become usual for Americans, if they weren’t already trained to rave by broadcast corporations with immeasurable disrespect for the privacy and civil rights of Americans. For civil rights in a marketing strategy of corporatism would mean merely race or gender rights instead of universal human rights in order to divide and conquer the public with ongoing perennial social conflict.

General Hayden at the N.S.A. has implemented egregious violations of American privacy and freedom to conduct business without federal surveillance and corruption of privacy. Without privacy and proprietary contact data it is quite impossible to do any competitive business at all. If the government knows whatever anyone is doing at any given time it has the power to exploit whatever data, promote or degrade whatever social elements though numerous means, it cares to for the aggrandizement of its own will to absolute power. General Hayden should be safely retired and left to draw his full salary as Generals are wont to do with free air travel around the globe as retired military personnel enjoy. Some Americans merely struggle to have food and shelter, or enjoy the first amendment while the glorious federals piss on their life opportunities to better their physical, spiritual, economic and political status.

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