
Ossetian-Georgian/Russian Conflict

Should administration policy on the states and oblasts of the former Soviet Union be to treat equally regardless of their historical ties to Russia and to seek to dissociate those political entities from Russia so far as possible in order to advance U.S. global interests for a corporatist ruled planet in concurrence with Chinese socialism? The conflict in Georgia between Russian and Georgian military forces recently over the fate of the former semi-autonomous south Ossetian oblast is a case in point.

So far U.S. administration policy has been to disrecognize Ossetia as a formerly semi-independent oblast of the Soviet Union not a part of the Georgian Republic and to just consider it a part of Georgia regardless of the will of the Alain people within to be independent. The Ukraine and Poland had a different association with Russia than Ossetia, and all had a different association with Russia than Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The United States should not preclude allowing the severely diminished Russia to continue to exist in association with people associated with it before the formation of the Soviet Union (1801 for Ossetia) because of a desire for global hegemony of corporatism.

As an American I realize that global corporatism will harm U.S. interests as it has that of other societies and civilizations that have reached a Universal state founded upon phenomenal alliances with foreign nations and peoples. For the United States globalism means flooding the U.S.A. with Hispanics so that the historical majority becomes a minority within 25 years, that China is built up to become the number one global economic power and India second, that second and third world peoples today build up a global population with diminishing non-renewable resources to 15 billion within 50 years, that planetary wars ensue between the globes non-white majorities in an archipelago of Iranianized nuclear and biologically armed states. The reason for all this is the pure greed of corporatists in the U.S. administration misleading the public down the primrose path. Explorers must be able to see beyond a foot or two ahead looking at profit reports for the short term. Georgia should not be free to glom up South Ossetia en passant simply because the administration of the U.S.A. is still fighting the cold war and championing globalism for the rich while draining Brazil with a 100 new Wal-Marts so those people can export their earnings to Swiss and Caiman Island bank accounts.

Dislike of Russians isn’t a good reason to isolate Russia with a tongue-tied ineloquence premised on the psychology of poverty as delusional in the manner of former Senator Graham. Creating prosperity and democracy takes time, luck and prayer. The way Russia moves that way will not necessarily be graceful as they support the Alans yet leave Georgia alone to determine their own future. A global solipsism in the opulent corporatist elite boardrooms does anathematize all those unwilling to lay down for their world-stage strutting power to chart their own courses of velocities of money.

Russia has only 150 million people or so, and China more than a billion; as they United States is perceived to chomp away on the western and southern edges of Russian security China looms large over the Amur River as a swelling, traditional potential foe. U.S. policy tends to isolate Russia and inadvertantly back them them in to as defenceless of a posture as possible as the U.S.A. pursues soley its own special interests of concentrating wealth globally for the rich and running down the standard of living of ordinary Americans. Rationally one cannot expect to discover and end to Russian nuclear and military power soon and should expect it's increase especially as Asia and Islam become increasingly threatening to Russian security domestically.

The Bush MBA approach to Russia is just so inarticulate and discouraging, detached and disengaged that it is easy to imagine a far better way of being involved positively rather than antagonistically as at present.

A democracy is premised on rule by the consent of the ruled...it isn't simply rule by those powerful enough to oppress others as in a mobocracy oppressing minorities. When the Soviet Union under Joseph Djugashvilli from Georgia continued rule of a region within Russia since 1801. When the Soviet Union broke apart there was a new deal and in some ways the sorting out of the pieces and peoples continues. The United States must be cautious in throwing support behind Georgian claims of political power over South Ossetians expressed through military coercion...obviously the South Ossetians don't consent to be governed by Georgians and prefer independence or alliance with Russia-is that so bad?

When the Muslims of Kosovo sought relief from the Serbian Government the United States supported them, what is so different from the S. Ossetian desire to be free from Georgia? Is the United States just pursuing a rather meat-headed policy of being in opposition to whatever the Russians like? Is the United States administration policy simply to support those susceptible to giving up their oil resources to global corporations while Russia seems to have an opposite opinion on the topic of global oil corporations taking over Russian national oil resources? Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia is ruled by the independence movement. What has made the United States decide arbitrarily against South Ossetian independence when 99% of the South Ossetians voted to support independence? When borders are redrawn after the end of an empire (maybe even an evil one) is it good policy to support the repression of large numbers of people by an adverse Georgian Government because Georgia is nominally democratic generally-whatever that means in this era of corporatism and global media brainwashing of the American public?

The United States does tend to support the concept of self-government by the people in democracy-yet a real democracy requires freedom of self-determination and the consent of the people ruled to support the government in power. When large nations break up the reorganization into several smaller new states make take time and justice isn't achieved simple by support of the first geographical area to elect someone educated at George Washington University. The United States must be certain that it really does support democracy in new nations rather than just its own narrow self-interests determined by less than statesmen.
America’s political challenges aren’t always as obvious as Anderson Cooper’s 360. In Alaska one political challenge is that of conservation of the threatened polar bear habitat. With shrinking sea ice polar bear futures are down so the state of Alaska is working against conservation efforts in order to get some dumped oil revenue futures from drilling in polar bear habitat that might be prevented with the recent federal upgrade of polar bear doom recognition. Meanwhile President Bush is making statements from Beijing China about the Russian defense of Russian culture in two sections of Georgia as ‘unacceptable’ as if it were a plate of bad borscht he could send back to the kitchen to have the Chef spit in it and returns it. I suspect that the Russian might feel President Bush is a little lap doggish in China’s favor-Russia’s main potential war rival, and that President Bush is building up Chinese business interests because he gets some scraps tossed his way in the quest for unstable globalism.

The conflict of interest President Pork Fried Rice has in China aside, sure Russia has taken a beating since the end of the former Soviet Union. Evidently because Russia changed radically to get rid of communism and China did not President G.W. Bush favors cozying up to the Chinese. I think he should not make anti-Russian statements from China, and should wait until he rediscovers the U.S. capital is in Washington D.C. with a half a million jobless compensation filings in the U.S.A. last week before putting on his disgruntled customer hat.

Offshore drilling is a bad idea because world fisheries are in steep decline and the oceans produce 1/5th of the planet’s oxygen from trillions and trillions of little bacteria that make oxygen; even so it may continue in the Chuckchi and Beaufort Sea areas. Polar bear ‘out-of-the-water’ safe islands should be constructed for polar bear and Arctic voyagers, with separate yet equal refuge areas of course, on the model of tiny oil platforms without the drilling equipment. Some of the platforms might rise and fall with the waves, yet the bear should be able to get away from the water and find a place to build a winter cave. The number and density of the platforms required to create an artificial archipelago of polar bear survival is hard to say-it would require at least two weeks of intense research with some good food and peace and quiet. To return to President Bush and the Russian crisis.

Vladimir Putin should realize that it is not in his favor to have Russian aviators seem like the Nazi Condor legion in Spain at Guernica pummeling Basque separatists for the benefit of Spanish fascists. Since the Clinton support for the Muslims in Bosnia reduced Orthodox Christian culture associated with Russia and Serbia concurrently with the loss of vast tracks of former Russian dominated territories, and subsequent Muslim terrorism globally continuing in to the Bush administration Russians must be a little skeptical about where their national interests stop loss-Bush’s Olympic noises from China aren’t too helpful perhaps. Fortunately Obomba is concentrating on getting himself in to the White House instead of making utterances about international affairs and not troubling the waters presently.

What can be done is an immediate cease-fire and a chess match held between the best of Georgia and Russia with the winner having the right to provide pizza to injured civilians the next five years and to provide financial compensation for the civilian dead. The winner can be said to have ‘won’ the conflict and both sides can withdraw to let the Ossetians police themselves with equipment provided by the winner.


Solar Cells, L.E.D. Lights, Wind Powered Generators

Bright L.E.D. lights, solar and wind products

Thursday 22 of November, 2007

L.e.d. lights including screw in edison sockets in one watt and five watts..



led components






Solar power and wind generator websites

http://www.siliconsolar.com/Concentrator-Solar-Panels-108W-SSPV108BF-p-16341.html smaller power systems

http://www.sunpowercorp.com/For-Homes.aspx big power systems

http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/07/26/india.solar/index.html primitive villagers electrify with solar panels and save money getting off non-existing grid (ha ha)


http://allsolarpanels.us/ index to some solar and wind power suppliers

http://www.bergey.com/ wind turbines

http://www.windenergy.com/air_x.htm #1 selling small wind turbine

http://www.bitterrootsolar.com/wind/lakota/lakota.htm best buy on a 900 watt to 1300 watt wind generator


A Billion New People in 12 Years-Zero Growth Eco-Economics Needed

With another billion people added to the world during 12 years (1999-2012) the concept of economic growth as a rational for improving the global standard of living seems prima facia unreasonable. Human population growth is greater than economic growth potential that is reliant upon environmental resource consumption. Corporate logic rarely is cognizant of environmental reason and logic in its blind quest for pure profits existentially. Corporate globalism must be controlled by national democracies pursuing the public good or an entropic magnification of the process of resource consumption in a finite world ecosystem will run amuck so far as to endanger the worlds 7 billion and growing people (as of 2012). Most of the world's corporate employees cannot see the woods for the trees and comprehend not the decline and fall of the global ecosphere as meaningful and pertinant to themselves.

With the third most populus nation on the Earth the United States should act as a responsible agent of conservative growth by securing its borders against illegal immigration, halting a piratical ethos of rabid consumption and growth through consumption of natural resources and sprawl of industry and industrial pollution to pristine offshore and northern regions of natural ecological purity
and though deliberations upon a no-growth economic policy that creates a steady state ecological economics niched within the rational, finite limits of planetary growth-if and when significant off-planet resources are developed then that economic criterion should also be niched within a sustainable relationship with environmental resources. Quality of life improvements without reliance upon mass increased consumption of non-renewable resources must be prioritized in national and global macro-and micro-economic planning.

The oxymoron of corporate social responsibility can be untangled like a marshmallow universal expansion making all roads straight in space-time. Corporations can advocate higher tax rates for the most rich, and increase retirement and health benefits for employees and retirees by contracting for their own medical staffing services and market investment advisers.

Corporations can choose to invest in ecologically benign business selection and increase spending on research and development. The Universe and the world business are expanding together. Corporations must increase public awareness of the laws of thermodynamics and promote awareness that non-renewable resources used in business expend net order and increase disorder and the opportunity costs for future generations is extreme.

http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QLQ/is_2007_August/ai_n19450453 ecological economics

The finite material resources of Earth both renewable and non-renewable are not generally recognized by much of the corporate world that seeks to exploit it instead. Cognizance of the ecological opportunity costs to society should become a motivating tactic of corporate boards that could seek to maximize optimal ecological economic benefits. Montana plans to let hunters kill a 100 or so wolves from a population of two or three hundred with 39 breeding pairs for sport. A stable population of at least 500 wolves is required for genetic diversity yet the in-breeding of neo=classical economic theory in the world today hates to let anything exist unexploited, untaxed or free and wild. If conservation and invention do not improve the desperate people of the world will find resource depletion effects causing increased survival challenges in a few decades and corporations should get responsible sooner instead of later or never.

Business corporations aren't non-profit. Neither in ecological economic responsibility nor in accountability to the people of the national democracy of the United States are corporations in the upper 50% range on the scorecard of good ideas and planning to be responsible. Rather, corporations pursue profit with disregard for externalities such as environment and democracy, justice or the question of the value of permitting high prices for gasoline. The U.S. Congress pursues daft policies like taxing windfall profits of oil corporations for themselves when they should be designing strategies to promote public economic development of nationally produced independent alternative energy and transportation strategies.

In the post cold war era the U.S. Government's budget has radically increased as the President with a kow-towing congress redistributed wealth to corporations supplying the peace-build efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan as an element of the war on terror. The terror of poverty created by vast federal deficit spending has yet to occur to the rich and C.E.O.‘s of multi-national corporations 'compensated' as high as a thousand times the average worker's pay for uprooting and outsourcing production to foreign corporations. One can't blame the C.E.O.'s for being hippie gypsy yippee skippy move to China billionaires however-the fault lies not in the stars but in our congress which has forgotten how to be a democracy.

Mass corporate planning collectively regarding the concatenated effects of corporate actions is a role for government instead of a super-corporate board ala Mussolini's fascist versions of corporatist socialism. The highest trade deficits in a decade and loss of quality jobs overseas are a result of corporate pursuit of profits offshore in the post cold-war global environment of expanded markets and a 300% increase in the numbers of cheap available labor. In order to be responsible to the interests of the people of the united States Corporations would need to be able to select to work against their own interests in outsourcing and perhaps go out of business...the alternative is to reinvent their businesses in such a way they profit Americans more so than the way of profiting foreigners more through globalism. The Government of the United States must take up the right role of searching for and structuring economic policy that would benefit U.S. quality of life better than indolent acquiescence is an anemic lazy faire ride along the currents of globalist drift.

Democracy was supposed to contain corporatism rather than be contained by it. A corporatism that overcomes democracy burns the ship upon which it prospers, and the ecology of the planet earth too potentially.

The U.S. Congress should develop rapid mass cargo and personnel transit infrastructure based on electromagnetic spirals through which electric jet powered modules 'fly' like blind moles down the cross-country tubes at 1000 miles per hour. The nations highways should become solar photon power collecting elements with new materials added to the paving (do research feds!). As Vince Lombardi said (its too bad he never coached the gipper) 'Winning is everything'. Like in football the wild kingdom of national economic policy needs people to play with the will to win for all of the people. Corporations should be free to do what they do best which is find a way to profit much like water runs under the course of gravity always to find the shortest course of least resistance to over. Government must set boundaries on the economic watercourses like a core of economic and environmental engineers to control flooding with success now and then; the water or corporations will adapt.

In the modern era George W. Bush and Barack Obama talk about borrowing and spending 50 billion here, another 50 billion there to stimulate spending in the economy as if that was rational long term policy. The Congress cannot rely on a Presidential spending spree on borrowed money to correct significantly flawed federal economic policy originating in the congressional inability to recognize that it has forgotten what a democratic government is supposed to be in the glory of expansion of business following the end of the cold war with communism except for Castro's Cuba...That may require the construction of innumerable new sailboat anchorages at very low cost monthly to achieve. The Congress must set the ecological and energy parameters to efficiently conserve the environment and economic prosperity, reverse the Judas economic drift and then let corporations function within regulatory parameters or experience severe penalties for law-breaking. Go Congress in 2008-9!

Posted on Tuesday 10 of June, 2008 [21:39:32 UTC]


The Reality of Relativity and कोम्प्रेस्सेद Space-Time

Time really seems to be relative, and relatively real. Time is considered to be unified with space in the modern context, and hence is called space-time. One may as well ask if space is real or relative...the density of space does seem to vary within gravitational fields where it is more or less compressed, folded or spindled.

Because time and space are treated as a unified field by contemporary physicists several questions arise about the relationships of space and time to mass and energy.

When time and space are more concentrated within specific gravitational fields the comparative duration or dimensional extension of disparat3e space-time locales differs intrinsically unless the implicit values of space-time concentration for two comparative places are of the same value or 'density'.

It is travel at particular speeds or acceleration within space-time that change the comparative passage of space-time between a moving object and a stationary point, generally, and exception being black holes for which all but three values are unknown.

Space and time have a unified value such that if one travels through space then time passes more slowly than if one doesn't compared to the non-traveling object and vice versa.

The information that can be put into any given volume of space is thought to be limited to the surface area of the volume. This evidently is because concentrating information in some mass area as information at the most dense levels would produce so much gravity eventually that a black hole would form and no information would escape it's 'event horizon' or surface volume. That concept is predicated upon the principal that any given area of space-time invariably must have a gravitational field, and perhaps that space-time itself has a gravitational field even though it may or may not be of zero-mass itself.

In a given volume of space-time without a gravitational field barring other repulsive forces such as might create a hyper-inflating field for itself at super-luminal speeds an infinite amount of information may be stored, perhaps. An infinite amount of information in an infinitely small space does seem imponderable yet that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

The space-time of the Universe may allow space-time to slip into the scuppers of extra-dimensions deleting certain amount of time from the universe, perhaps that’s a cause for the accelerating speed of expansion of the space-time of the Universe today. It is possible that gravity may exist in more than the four dimensions of space-time, and it may have an alternate dimensional time-field associated with alternate dimensional gravitational fields in the space of other dimensions than those of the standard known Universe. The relationship of space-time in Universe1 to sub prime Universe1 values without apparent possibility of interaction as a traversable field lends a time 'mortgage' to extra-dimensional borrowers (dimensions) that may or may not return in space time at 'bookmarked' locations in the University in what would inevitably be 'the past'. The Uncertainty principle acting upon space-time in extra dimensions would want an information 'data bank' of information of an infinite and predetermined rate of all possible yet selected values such that the right of return of elements of space-time would not conflict with existing standard dimensional manifestations of space-time. Information in dimensional constructs should be traversable superluminally by information unrestricted by gravitational field values.

Augustine and believers in Big Bang theory tend to believe that time was created simultaneously with space from nothing, in a beginning. Since the end of Newtonian mechanics' basis for popular cosmology and its replication by post-Riemannian non-Euclidian geometries the warped nature of space-time relations has brought an awareness of the differential rates (relativity) of time in the phenomenal Universe. If one travels in one course through space-time one can experience more or less passage of time than another in the same 'absolute' time interval...there just isn't an absolute time yardstick 'out there' it seems.

God too created the Universe ex nihilo by 'saying the word' for a hyper-inflation of the clump of dimension or whatever borrowing form from an abstract spiritual fact to become membranes or zero-dimensional loops expanding faster than light until the physics settled down enough to allow matter to dominate over anti-matter in the original cage match of sub-atomic particles determining the fate of the Universe to a certain extent. The creation made time happen then along with space. As the space-time evolves through different configurations and densities increasing in size generally human perceptions of the passage of time move along in that unified field and note the motion of its passing on. Because humans can recognize motion or change in the mass-energy fields of the Universe the experience of time passing in possible.

Cosmologists recognized that an absolute Universal time did not exist across the Universe after the changes of general relativity were published and considered. A meta-time bigger than the Universe could contain the entire Universe as a sort of sub-time event of course so no matter what happened in the Universe the extra-Universal time clock still ticks on keeping track of all the wild warped time doings 'down there' in our Universe.

That notion probably is not right of course, nor would it have been necessary for God to have built a bigger than the Universe time-keeping system to have given laws of physics, space- or schedules of the existence of this Universe I think-God's personal timepiece in some better than any singularity conceivable container of everything that exists in the way of knowledge and possible universes probably may not have a definite Universal time clock starting in eternity and ending in eternity as a set thing...instead its all infinite and more troublesome to comprehend, especially if one has limited time to contemplate with.

The concept of quantum cosmology that the Universe borrowed its existence from nothing as a virtual particle might is intriguingly similar to quantum superposition in physics along the world-line contexts of quantum uncertainty. Because God is omnipotent and contains all possibilities of even those things not actualized it has a beauty to it that the Universe too has a parallel theological/quantum construction.

Time or space-time that is intrinsically bound up in the fabric of reality following the ordination of boundary contexts of the creation may permit a phenomenal and meta space-time structure of pre-determined symmetry violations regarding the beginning and the end of the flow of space time-who can say?

John D. Barrows' -'New Theories of Everything'-2007, has more on the subject of space-time theories, contexts and universal paradigms.


Church- A Priesthood of Believers

'Church' phoenetically arised from the old and middle english word 'cirice or circe' that meant (the) Lord's, and that is from the word meaning 'Lords' in Greek- κυριακον. ref. http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Church_-_Etymology/id/1287683

It is written that the word 'church' in many or most translations into English from the Bible refer to the word in the Bible 'ecclesia'(in Greek -ἐκκλησία').

The concept of a church, or the church of Jesus Christ means simply that the believers have a true relationship to the absolute Truth in-itself, for-himself Jesus Christ. The faithful are the Lord's having been saved from the temporal conditions of original and subsequent sin.

Jesus Christ as Truth of an absolute sort is also being referred to with the word 'Truth' meaning an abbreviation of sorts, such that it simplifies saying that Jesus Christ is also God and Author of Everything including the Universe and so forth. If one does believe that then the relationship to Truth is far more important than the relationship to others who are not of faith and who are not saved. It is something comparable to it being more valuable to be on a lifeboat on a sinking ships than in the gambling lounge of the doomed vessel playing cards for penny points yet the stakes are ultimate. The church in the world is still basically a dysfunctional Temple Priesthood in little fiefdoms such as crucified our Lord. People cannot let go of the worldly power and security, and even want political power still.

A real church organization would train people for peer democracy under God instead of for rule by dictators and C.E.O.'s. A true Church structure would let the Truth of faith stand directly in relation to Jesus Christ without the vicarious upper class Christian careerism of the post-founders era.

The Church today could use a priesthood of believers organizational and design leader. You see Martin Luther believed that all Christians were to be priests in distinction the the hierarchical priesthood which continues an exclusive process.

A priesthood of believers would be something like groups of twelve with peer status sharing their weekly Sunday meeting roles in majority speaker, minority speaker, weekly reports and song leader. With this sort of fundamental organization with perhaps three ranks of novice, regular and elder status the Church would have just one high priest (Jesus Christ) and a priesthood of believers sharing in evangelical and missions work and so forth.

Many church needs should be supported by these dedicated groups, and perhaps Churches would be full with 144 members. I prefer they meet in monolithic domes sitting about round tables.

With such a squad structure churches should hopefully be able to be more supportive of medical and other group needs with contracts to Christian services to provide things the group cannot. The composition of each group should be as balanced as possible occupationally speaking.

This is a radical change to the way things are now done-Protestant Churches are set up like little franchise Catholic Churches supporting a hierarchical priesthood. Jesus ended the hierarchical temple priesthood form with his death and resurrection.

I thought a near retirement pastor might take the assignment with less risk to his career earnings potential

A 2nd reformation would be useful.

A priesthood of believers could be evolved from existing church structures to make a more egalitarian and Biblically correct for of Christian organization better able to evangelize and express the will of God so far as i understand the new testament.

The old testament has a temple worship form something similar to other priestly hierarchies of other faiths...paradoxically Muslims have an imam that isn't actually a priest but is instead just a group leader of merit.

A priesthood of believers is described somewhat in the book of Hebrews by the apostle Paul, and of course Jesus said that Christians would be as servants rather than as those placing themselves first.

Of course regular Christian priesthoods have served to bring the message of the gospel over the millenia, however in this populist era all should be more equal and serve equal roles as servants able to serve other Christians first and then others as is useful or consistent with Biblical doctrine.

Here is a brief organizational structure example...

Christians in a church would be organized in groups of 12. Maybe a useful Church would have 12 groups of 12. Each worship day one elder would have a 15 minute time to talk or sermonize, a few hymns could be sung, and everyone else in the group could have five minutes to talk or not. Alternate weeks would have a new elder selected to sermonize.

Perhaps it would be better to have half of the 11 non-sermonizers talk for 10 minutes each instead of for 5 minutes. Each would be expected to share some learning from the Bible and perhaps to discuss individual work assignments.

Tithing could continue yet no-one would be paid. The money would be invested in insurance for group associates and physical maint. Each member would have their own outside job, yet each group would so far as possible provide fairly free services to other members when and how useful.

In the priesthood of believers all would be trained to be front-line working Christians trained to speak in small groups, evangelize outside when possible, and be a Christian educator. The only position women would not take, in order to be consistent with the Bible, would be that of the 15 minute sermon leader, who would also lead the responsive group reading. Since he doesn't get paid, and the position changes no one should care, and the members should have plenty of other meaningful work to do.

New Christians could be brought int a new member group, or shifted into groups without 12 people and so forth. This is just an idea that I believe would help to establish more Christians in presently non-Christian areas, that would bring more Christians out of backseat roles and into the forefront of actual Biblically directed Christian living and so forth.


Obama; Retreat from Democracy in Iraq

Obama supports the Democratic Party against Democracy in Iraq. He has spoken out passionately an the candidate of appeasement and surrender to theocratic and terrorist forces in the middle east. Unwillingly to talk plainly enough to say that the people of Iraq should go to hell because they are Muslims and not worth a damn to prosper negroes in New York, chicanos in Chicago or women at Wakiki the effort to build democracy in Iraq is a tedious long slow drain on Obama's notion's of right proper spending upon Americans through direct mredistyribution of wealth via taxation. The sorry and tragic condition of so many semitic peoples caught in the historical bear traps of corrupt politicians may have an Obama to add to its list of victims.n Obama's 'flee now, save later' plan probably will backfire as would his conversion of supply sided economics to demand-sided economics. In today's economy taxationj must be indexed according to its relationship to the average American wage, we are all in this together, and the interests of all citizens to share the prosperity caused by political equantimity is essential for the profit of human genius to invent and sustain the United States of America.

The chances for democracy in Iraq may not be advanced by the Democratic Party Presidential candidate Barack Obama who advocates an immediate withdrawal from ‘the war’. This is a an ironic instance of the Democratic Party in the United States placing itself in solid opposition to the process of supporting a novel democracy in Iraq; the Democratic Party opposed to democracy. John McCain has continually supported the policy of building Democracy in Iraq, a process advancing rather well considering that the change from the former dictatorship is quite radical socially.

The Democrat Party is in a perennial disconnect from reality on Iraq policy running at lest five years behind analytically. Programmed by the broadcast media and idiomatic ideological leaders the party has worked against democracy in Iraq since 2003 following the end of the warby several months. The party should have progress quickly to discover and propose policies to increase efficiency at building democratic effectiveness and political stability in Iraq instead of retreating to opposition of the premises for war to end the regime of Saddam Hussein. When Democrats surrendered real-time participation in discovery of a method to build a just civil peace and prosperity in Iraq to advocate abortion of U.S. efforts in Iraq their real-time choice defaulted into being advocates of anarchy in Iraq.

In reality, once the war was won there were only three choices available for American foreign policy in Iraq; (1) withdraw amidst anarchy and chaos it enabled, (2) build a democracy inefficiently and expensively amidst Democrat Party opposition, (3) build a democracy efficiently and intelligently cutting expenses with bipartisan fervor to make democracy work in Iraq. The Democrat Party chose option one while President Bush stayed doggedly with option two.

What does it take to build democracy macro-socially? Is it simply to invent fire or is it easier to pass the torch like a mixed metaphor of sourdough bread starter from loaf to loaf? The United States inherited the tradition of democracy and parliamentary government from Britain. The frontiersmen of revolutionary America resented royal privilege and improved upon democracy in the war of independence and design of a better form of representative, popular democratic government. Conflict and chaos often attend the processes that structure a democratic society. Luckily for the United States the processes began way back in England’s struggle between nobles and King for independence; the Magna Charta recognized social and legal relationships amidst the English in a process that continued to progress through the centuries. Some Americans have forgotten that the leavening of democracy must arise on occasion from those able to afford the gift unto those destitute of freedom and individualism. Too much the Druckerization of government has found an elite of M.B.A.’s plundering the stores of democratic nationalism, gutting environmental responsibility from business and taking over in meaningless mergers not only the firewalls of competition in business rivalry but respect for democracy and individualism.

Liberalization of political rights such that complete independence and equality of individuals was recognized with the divine right formerly reserved to Kings. Given to individuals developed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America was recognition of the immeasurable value of each particular soul to God. The Iraqis have had no such history of the gradual increase of legal civil rights. Instead Iraqis have experienced more than 7000 years of imperial or authoritarian rule under various empires or dictatorships. The sole practical democracy in the Middle East ironically is hated by Muslim people generally who are brainwashed by would be theocratic revolutionaries while the nominal Egyptian democracy in Egypt is essentially run by President for life Mubarak-next best thing to a dictator.

Democracy develops as phenomenal social group balances evolve in relationships and later in individualism such that polling free will equal citizen opinions is held to be a better way of deciding mass social policy than conflict. The historical development of reductions of conflict and innovations of advise and consent solutions by popular democratic vote to social issues isn’t inevitably a smooth history; instead as in Iraq the process may be lengthy and costly with in conflict, strife and uncertainty.

President Bush has continued resolutely to support the Iraq conflict. To some he is the poster boy of success for a President left behind policy. His son of the father Presidency is a sort of T-ball instead of fast pitch. Fundamentally President Bush isn’t worth a darn at economic policy and his advisers probably set up policies just to enrich the rich-yet he is determined about Iraq because of the vast oil reserves there in addition to other strategic interests.

It would be a tragic error for the Democratic Party to be so insouciant in quest of moral isolationism that they would dump a growing new democracy back into the cauldron of anarchy and malign influences of enemies of the United States and of democracy. In Iraq the various groups need time to discover that tribalism and clerical rule or dictatorship aren’t the sole possible ways of political life, and that groups in conflict can find that voting on common interest issues can be a more profitable way to govern themselves independently and as individuals and groups than conflict to eliminate opposition.

The United States political and military support for the growth of democracy in Iraq is necessarily a long-term commitment to defend the legitimate rights of the people of Iraq to live freely and independently from harsh, coercive and repressive powers of tyranny that comprise the historical political tradition of the Middle East. The Democratic Party under Barack Obama should not be timid about supporting the Iraqi Democracy, and it should turn about from a retirement from difficulty policy and participate in the discovery of real policy applications to accelerate the democratization of the Iraqi political system though it intrinsically is a process of decades.

The United States itself has a history of initial support for democratic change followed by abandonment once the thing seems to have started a little. Such a policy can cause decades of retarded democratic political development, or even an abortion of democracy such as occurred in South Vietnam where the effort to build a democracy was misunderstood from the start. The United States destroyed the Bathist dictatorship in Iraq and has a moral obligation to stay the course until the people of Iraq are free and secure with individual liberty and equality politically for all Iraqi adult citizens. J.F.K. and L.B.J.’s failure to secure an end to the war in a timely way in Vietnam has so scorched the Democratic Party’s confidence that it fails to comprehend that support for democracy abroad is sometimes morally necessary and occasionally difficult. Life has more political obligations occasionally than simply consumerism. Democracy is required to have an intelligent and responsible electorate willing to step into harms way to defend its liberty. When so many people in Iraq have died in the effort to resist terror and tyranny and learn democracy the Democratic Party of the United States should try to lead rather than retreat from the Iraqi political arena.

In the United States of America electro-magnetic accelerator tubes coast to coast and in select longitudinal courses should be built to assure a low-cost and planetary advanced transport infrastructure to keep a competitive advantage on shipping [product around the country at speed. Yet in the United States today with oil at 140 dollars per barrel Americans cannot imagine building and large scale innovative mass cargo infrastructure to keep shipping costs down. Truck size payloads could be moved at 1000 miles per hour to regional distribution terminals, and dedicated alternate energy solar and super-conducting networks could be synergized within to increase efficiency. Instead of using magnetic levitation system with electro-magnetic propulsion a lower cost cargo transportation structure could used magnetic rings to contain an electric jet engine powered module traveling trough the rings and receiving power from an electrical line within; the electro-magnet rings would create a low friction environment for the high speed jet powered vehicle to pass safely within. A spiraled electro-magnetic friction reduction pattern would be simpler to construct than a tunnel of rings as attractive as that prospect might be.

Such a synthetic adaptation would not have been beyond the ambitions of the builders of the first transcontinental railroad ion the 19th century with federal support yet today is beyond the will of congress who would rather depend on OPEC oil and fossil fuels deposited in America millions and millions of years ago.

That simple system was conceived more than a decade ago yet democracy has done nothing to bring it into reality-the Democratic Party is more about Hollywood than substance, about posturing rather than doing-and it needs to change towards a little more concern about real democratic responsibility and become less concerned about fashion and marketing. The Democratic Party in the United States should not be the party against democracy in Iraq. It should look for ways to accelerate the democratic process and security of Iraq toward a successful status rather than a needless disaster. When actual transport improvement s in the United States are needed and when democracy in Iraq needs U.S. support intelligence to engineer the support is far more valuable than running away from the issues even through false political consciousness.


N.Y.’s Gov. Patterson Moves to फाग New York

Governor Patterson in an intimate taped messages for a clave of homosexuals revealed that by his executive order New York State will recognize homosexual ‘marriages’ from corrupt states. The Governor joins a list of perverted executives and depraved judges overturning democracy to adulterate heterosexual marriage without public consent, in effect, by decree.

This writer anticipates that Governor Patterson will quickly move to support former Washington D.C. mayor and former cocaine user Marion Berry to run as former cocaine user Barrack Obama’s vice-presidential candidate partner. In order to expedite the destruction of moral values in America a ‘Bomb & Berry the U.S.A. in 2008’ Democrat Party marketing strategy is probable.

A new program to recycle college degrees is wonted for those of us with college degrees from the University of the State of New York. In order not to become a post hoc alumni of Sodom & Gomorrah State University or have a marriage certificate from the State of Bisexual Legal Alliances where reproduction isn’t a goal, but lust is new social institutions will need to be created. One such project to recycle Bachelors degrees from New York public colleges and Universities would be to create M.A. program at private colleges that accept a B.A. from a New York public university, issue an M.A. after completion of the work and then allow destruction of the undergraduate degree. It should be possible to destroy the problem abominations of New York. Unusual remedies are necessary when legal means are corrupted by gross perversion of moral standards as a means of democratic dissent.

Another challenging consequence for Christians is the choice of forgoing adulterated marriage certificates issued by corrupt and depraved state governments that include homosexuality within the parameters defining marriage. Should heterosexual couples then live without state sanctioned marriage until a reform of the corrupted institution is made, or should they ‘visit Disneyland’ on queers day with all the rest acquiessecing in the perverted public policy. Rule by the rich through the broadcast media is the actual reason for all this high-sticking of moral sensibilities as the public isn’t any longer running on a ground up majority democratic foundation.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...