
Obama; Retreat from Democracy in Iraq

Obama supports the Democratic Party against Democracy in Iraq. He has spoken out passionately an the candidate of appeasement and surrender to theocratic and terrorist forces in the middle east. Unwillingly to talk plainly enough to say that the people of Iraq should go to hell because they are Muslims and not worth a damn to prosper negroes in New York, chicanos in Chicago or women at Wakiki the effort to build democracy in Iraq is a tedious long slow drain on Obama's notion's of right proper spending upon Americans through direct mredistyribution of wealth via taxation. The sorry and tragic condition of so many semitic peoples caught in the historical bear traps of corrupt politicians may have an Obama to add to its list of victims.n Obama's 'flee now, save later' plan probably will backfire as would his conversion of supply sided economics to demand-sided economics. In today's economy taxationj must be indexed according to its relationship to the average American wage, we are all in this together, and the interests of all citizens to share the prosperity caused by political equantimity is essential for the profit of human genius to invent and sustain the United States of America.

The chances for democracy in Iraq may not be advanced by the Democratic Party Presidential candidate Barack Obama who advocates an immediate withdrawal from ‘the war’. This is a an ironic instance of the Democratic Party in the United States placing itself in solid opposition to the process of supporting a novel democracy in Iraq; the Democratic Party opposed to democracy. John McCain has continually supported the policy of building Democracy in Iraq, a process advancing rather well considering that the change from the former dictatorship is quite radical socially.

The Democrat Party is in a perennial disconnect from reality on Iraq policy running at lest five years behind analytically. Programmed by the broadcast media and idiomatic ideological leaders the party has worked against democracy in Iraq since 2003 following the end of the warby several months. The party should have progress quickly to discover and propose policies to increase efficiency at building democratic effectiveness and political stability in Iraq instead of retreating to opposition of the premises for war to end the regime of Saddam Hussein. When Democrats surrendered real-time participation in discovery of a method to build a just civil peace and prosperity in Iraq to advocate abortion of U.S. efforts in Iraq their real-time choice defaulted into being advocates of anarchy in Iraq.

In reality, once the war was won there were only three choices available for American foreign policy in Iraq; (1) withdraw amidst anarchy and chaos it enabled, (2) build a democracy inefficiently and expensively amidst Democrat Party opposition, (3) build a democracy efficiently and intelligently cutting expenses with bipartisan fervor to make democracy work in Iraq. The Democrat Party chose option one while President Bush stayed doggedly with option two.

What does it take to build democracy macro-socially? Is it simply to invent fire or is it easier to pass the torch like a mixed metaphor of sourdough bread starter from loaf to loaf? The United States inherited the tradition of democracy and parliamentary government from Britain. The frontiersmen of revolutionary America resented royal privilege and improved upon democracy in the war of independence and design of a better form of representative, popular democratic government. Conflict and chaos often attend the processes that structure a democratic society. Luckily for the United States the processes began way back in England’s struggle between nobles and King for independence; the Magna Charta recognized social and legal relationships amidst the English in a process that continued to progress through the centuries. Some Americans have forgotten that the leavening of democracy must arise on occasion from those able to afford the gift unto those destitute of freedom and individualism. Too much the Druckerization of government has found an elite of M.B.A.’s plundering the stores of democratic nationalism, gutting environmental responsibility from business and taking over in meaningless mergers not only the firewalls of competition in business rivalry but respect for democracy and individualism.

Liberalization of political rights such that complete independence and equality of individuals was recognized with the divine right formerly reserved to Kings. Given to individuals developed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America was recognition of the immeasurable value of each particular soul to God. The Iraqis have had no such history of the gradual increase of legal civil rights. Instead Iraqis have experienced more than 7000 years of imperial or authoritarian rule under various empires or dictatorships. The sole practical democracy in the Middle East ironically is hated by Muslim people generally who are brainwashed by would be theocratic revolutionaries while the nominal Egyptian democracy in Egypt is essentially run by President for life Mubarak-next best thing to a dictator.

Democracy develops as phenomenal social group balances evolve in relationships and later in individualism such that polling free will equal citizen opinions is held to be a better way of deciding mass social policy than conflict. The historical development of reductions of conflict and innovations of advise and consent solutions by popular democratic vote to social issues isn’t inevitably a smooth history; instead as in Iraq the process may be lengthy and costly with in conflict, strife and uncertainty.

President Bush has continued resolutely to support the Iraq conflict. To some he is the poster boy of success for a President left behind policy. His son of the father Presidency is a sort of T-ball instead of fast pitch. Fundamentally President Bush isn’t worth a darn at economic policy and his advisers probably set up policies just to enrich the rich-yet he is determined about Iraq because of the vast oil reserves there in addition to other strategic interests.

It would be a tragic error for the Democratic Party to be so insouciant in quest of moral isolationism that they would dump a growing new democracy back into the cauldron of anarchy and malign influences of enemies of the United States and of democracy. In Iraq the various groups need time to discover that tribalism and clerical rule or dictatorship aren’t the sole possible ways of political life, and that groups in conflict can find that voting on common interest issues can be a more profitable way to govern themselves independently and as individuals and groups than conflict to eliminate opposition.

The United States political and military support for the growth of democracy in Iraq is necessarily a long-term commitment to defend the legitimate rights of the people of Iraq to live freely and independently from harsh, coercive and repressive powers of tyranny that comprise the historical political tradition of the Middle East. The Democratic Party under Barack Obama should not be timid about supporting the Iraqi Democracy, and it should turn about from a retirement from difficulty policy and participate in the discovery of real policy applications to accelerate the democratization of the Iraqi political system though it intrinsically is a process of decades.

The United States itself has a history of initial support for democratic change followed by abandonment once the thing seems to have started a little. Such a policy can cause decades of retarded democratic political development, or even an abortion of democracy such as occurred in South Vietnam where the effort to build a democracy was misunderstood from the start. The United States destroyed the Bathist dictatorship in Iraq and has a moral obligation to stay the course until the people of Iraq are free and secure with individual liberty and equality politically for all Iraqi adult citizens. J.F.K. and L.B.J.’s failure to secure an end to the war in a timely way in Vietnam has so scorched the Democratic Party’s confidence that it fails to comprehend that support for democracy abroad is sometimes morally necessary and occasionally difficult. Life has more political obligations occasionally than simply consumerism. Democracy is required to have an intelligent and responsible electorate willing to step into harms way to defend its liberty. When so many people in Iraq have died in the effort to resist terror and tyranny and learn democracy the Democratic Party of the United States should try to lead rather than retreat from the Iraqi political arena.

In the United States of America electro-magnetic accelerator tubes coast to coast and in select longitudinal courses should be built to assure a low-cost and planetary advanced transport infrastructure to keep a competitive advantage on shipping [product around the country at speed. Yet in the United States today with oil at 140 dollars per barrel Americans cannot imagine building and large scale innovative mass cargo infrastructure to keep shipping costs down. Truck size payloads could be moved at 1000 miles per hour to regional distribution terminals, and dedicated alternate energy solar and super-conducting networks could be synergized within to increase efficiency. Instead of using magnetic levitation system with electro-magnetic propulsion a lower cost cargo transportation structure could used magnetic rings to contain an electric jet engine powered module traveling trough the rings and receiving power from an electrical line within; the electro-magnet rings would create a low friction environment for the high speed jet powered vehicle to pass safely within. A spiraled electro-magnetic friction reduction pattern would be simpler to construct than a tunnel of rings as attractive as that prospect might be.

Such a synthetic adaptation would not have been beyond the ambitions of the builders of the first transcontinental railroad ion the 19th century with federal support yet today is beyond the will of congress who would rather depend on OPEC oil and fossil fuels deposited in America millions and millions of years ago.

That simple system was conceived more than a decade ago yet democracy has done nothing to bring it into reality-the Democratic Party is more about Hollywood than substance, about posturing rather than doing-and it needs to change towards a little more concern about real democratic responsibility and become less concerned about fashion and marketing. The Democratic Party in the United States should not be the party against democracy in Iraq. It should look for ways to accelerate the democratic process and security of Iraq toward a successful status rather than a needless disaster. When actual transport improvement s in the United States are needed and when democracy in Iraq needs U.S. support intelligence to engineer the support is far more valuable than running away from the issues even through false political consciousness.

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