
N.Y.’s Gov. Patterson Moves to फाग New York

Governor Patterson in an intimate taped messages for a clave of homosexuals revealed that by his executive order New York State will recognize homosexual ‘marriages’ from corrupt states. The Governor joins a list of perverted executives and depraved judges overturning democracy to adulterate heterosexual marriage without public consent, in effect, by decree.

This writer anticipates that Governor Patterson will quickly move to support former Washington D.C. mayor and former cocaine user Marion Berry to run as former cocaine user Barrack Obama’s vice-presidential candidate partner. In order to expedite the destruction of moral values in America a ‘Bomb & Berry the U.S.A. in 2008’ Democrat Party marketing strategy is probable.

A new program to recycle college degrees is wonted for those of us with college degrees from the University of the State of New York. In order not to become a post hoc alumni of Sodom & Gomorrah State University or have a marriage certificate from the State of Bisexual Legal Alliances where reproduction isn’t a goal, but lust is new social institutions will need to be created. One such project to recycle Bachelors degrees from New York public colleges and Universities would be to create M.A. program at private colleges that accept a B.A. from a New York public university, issue an M.A. after completion of the work and then allow destruction of the undergraduate degree. It should be possible to destroy the problem abominations of New York. Unusual remedies are necessary when legal means are corrupted by gross perversion of moral standards as a means of democratic dissent.

Another challenging consequence for Christians is the choice of forgoing adulterated marriage certificates issued by corrupt and depraved state governments that include homosexuality within the parameters defining marriage. Should heterosexual couples then live without state sanctioned marriage until a reform of the corrupted institution is made, or should they ‘visit Disneyland’ on queers day with all the rest acquiessecing in the perverted public policy. Rule by the rich through the broadcast media is the actual reason for all this high-sticking of moral sensibilities as the public isn’t any longer running on a ground up majority democratic foundation.

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