
Philosophical Questions of Space-Time and Multiple Universe Criteria

The subject of the multi-verse (instead of a universe) and the fundamental nature of reality presents some very challenging philosophical points for navigation. The math matters too--and it is beyond me although I can consider what the physicists describe as extrapolations for cosmological structure.Philosophically I take up the traditional epistemological and teleological points however in this fiction monologue..

M.C. Escher's drawings and paintings on perspective and various themes presented an investigation into the way that dimensions functions in perspective. Design must be a function on intention rather than objective created perhaps. Ants make good nests intentionally rather than randomly however that is a consequence of non-sentient laws of nature at a higher level forming interesting structures felicitous for the purpose of the existence of that life form.

In Escher's view of dimensions and contents we discover what can be represented in three dimensions looking to four. If we seek design in nature and the Universe we must look for purpose. I have a science fiction monologue of a character on the planet Subductor who has just has his girlfriend stolen by an unknown alien from the planetary library. Patrick Voevoda wonders about the nature of the multi-dimensional Universe he lives in. II will post an excerpt later.

Design is also a word. The word exist in a linguistic ontology as well as a Universal ontology. If someone arranges a bowl of fruit that was a design. If an artist paints the apparition of the fruit bowl then signs it that to was a design. As an aquaintance in the offshore oil industry once said 'you've got to put some intention on it'.

Design may be a duplication of that which already exist-copying a design is still an instance of that existential purpose of copying a design. We may like to consider a design to be a configuration of order of non-self existing materials, yet there is more to it than that--it is an area from which many philosophical departures may lift off...

"When human development continued for so many generations that vast language and philosophical data bases compiled more of a parallax of creativity upon mass, energy and what are regarded as material objects our knowledge developed too. When human intelligence made all of the material world a malleable subject the philosophical question arose about what the material world really would be if it were entirely subject to the human mind and it's restructuring. If all of quantum mechanical wave-particles were arranged in arbitrary waves of comfort to Corporate, not only would questions of ‘would the entire floppy mess collapse arise‘; but deeper epistemological questions arose as well.

Such questions as; are material, corresponding shapes or Universe constructions matching human, a priori thought designs, completely still material without space-time transformation? The derivative question of the possibility of creating ideas as realities without space-time change brought us to the singularity threshold of The One without need for extension of space-time.

Though necessarily we returned to the first question as did others at that time. Are such existent creations a priori as well if they are non-sentient (agnostic inert) thought constructions, or would artificial, matching constructed universes made in accordance with human a priori thought, need to be self-aware pantheistically at least in part--in order to be a priori thought for-itself?

Where would the differences be between a human self-aware mind and its a-priori thought, and those of extended, empirical, artificially reflecting mind-shape Universes that are self aware? Human minds change continuously, though reference confusion regarding self-awareness and its contents are common, and also have a large subconscious component. Is a sub-conscious juxtaposition of space-time a random assortment method of avoiding the restrictive logic of space-time and necessity of order?

How much of an artificially self-aware universe could be an inert, subconscious element and how much could it change? Could a conscious Universe have a subconscious element? Did the rapid expansion of this Universe1 after seven billion years coincide with an increase in biological self-awareness in the Universe1?

The difficulty in associating language and meaning sets with external, empirical objects and force fields is unavoidable because words have their origin in simultaneous association with an interactive material environment in Universe1. Words will always remain a little different for humans than the objects they refer to, even in the most coinciding contexts. Solely God has the word that is a for-itself spirit and material existence, to the extent that He wills

Humans face a kind of jeopardy in over-associating their own spirit with the material, and in the transformation of too-much of their environment into a completely, artificially designed, human product. Occam's razor ought rightly to apply to human resource interaction as well as it does to reason. Reason and material reformation are inherently linked, and that is axiomatic as well as the origins of language and logic are, in the utility of the context of being a human in this designated Universe1.

If we are to continue to exist in a meaningful-to-ourselves context, then we shall need to acknowledge the utility of setting our own limits at converting either mass into mind or mind into mass, even though it might seem possible at many points to do so. The donation of life given at the onset of the human experience is an axiom for-itself that needs to be accepted as an actual starting point. Conservation of life and of Universe1 resources are required implicitly--as deontological roles for being human.

Though an infinity of ontological language sets and material formations of empirical components are possible, the deontological practice of conservation of natural continua should be maximized simultaneously with the increase of human intelligence in order to avoid the obverse decline of the prospects for human reason, when it has kissed away its prospects converting everything into a mess of potage."

I looked at Norma with more respect than I'd already had since finding her efficient and attractive personal ways since meeting at the bar.

The electric pig glided to the end of the line and we stepped out into the chamber that had once been destined for a peaceful and prosperous future but know was filled with the ruined hopes of the future past. It was increasingly dark toward the far side beyond which lay glimmering, smoky gas fumes convected up as wind currents. Reflecting light at the end of the tunnel of a continent exploded, and in flames beyond, time grew short as we made our way through the shadows and dank dwellers of corporate darkness, rising gradually upward several minutes.

"There is another quarter mile ahead of negotiating a course through the complexities of debris in the tunnel. Before we reach the street I want to let you know a little secret I have kept from you."

Really? What's that Norma?

We kept walking through a maze of carefully designed twists and turns in the course placed to make unintentional discovery of the tunnel behind highly unlikely."


Of Legalism's Mal-Adaptive Effect On U.S. Politics

Sarah Palin and the U.S. Republican Party tend toward political presentation with a territorial and extra-territorial litigious accent upon non-renewable economic and energy policy. The historian Arnold Toynbee noted in his A Study of Civilization the cycle of a formerly creative majority merging into being a non-creative minority. The Harvard law school cum political prep academy, exemplifies the college of uncreative corporate boring-of-holes into the economic hull in which lower class and middle class Americans live like storm-tossed, nauseous Pilgrim-work chattel below the salon decks of upper-class corporatists cavorting with caviar while eying cheaper immigrant workers lustily above..

The problems with the economy of the United States today with a slow recovery from recession with continuing high unemployment are largely factors of corrupt anti-ecological economic practices of corporatism taking maximum profits in the wake of the end of the cold war. A corrupted populist concept of capitalism that allows large corporations to seem to embody the ideal of Adam Smith is ubiquitous and also wrong. Adam Smith’s capitalist criterion was a de-mockratic body-checking empowerment of individuals and small businesses versus the oppressive powers of the state and any large organizations that intimidated individual free enterprise.

Large international corporations have basically taken over government, advertising for political office, and through their control of politicians-the economic choices of direction of the United States of America. It is pervasively an anti-conservationist and non-ecologically economic foundation of non-renewable use of environmental resources.

The Democratic Party in the U.S. Congress in 2009 and 2010 has failed to achieve much besides propping up over-extended corporate profit takers and restore global capitalism for another round of shaky harvesting of available resource. There isn’t much creative thought in the U.S. Congress regarding how to solidify a new American democratic nationalism economically.

The Republican Party of the United States stands to benefit with the Democratic Party failure. In Alaska the Republican Party is the majority in state government. It provided the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in the 2008 election; former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The Alaska Republican Party in some respects is representative of U.S. national political phenomenality.

The State of Alaska Republican majority in the Alaska House And Senate seems to have a majority of lawyers with a few psychologists thrown in. There are a few head of construction or fishing large men as well--the kind of guy that might be a football coach. A couple of districts have sent a medical doctor and of course there are veterans and even a teacher with a B.E.D. yet there are no scientists or philosophers. There is a dirth of creativity--the Republican Party is formed to apportion existing resources. As adults none sought to be creative inventors or to boldly go where no economic innovators have gone before. None seeketh after ecological comprehension, none pursues new ways of thinking. The Alaska state Republican Party has appointed their most charismatic member--with the least education, to the chairmanship of the renewable resources committee. Since the Republicans in government simply line up in support of existing large trans-national corporate oil and extraction business in the state, or advocate harvesting the Tongass National forest and drilling for oil offshore in critical habitat areas, it is understandable that they wouldn’t appoint a sharp scientist to lead the renewable energy committee--they have no scientists anyway.

In the 15the century strong militaries and a flock of first-rate lawyers could have rightly defended economic policy based on consumption of environmental resources and a policy of economic growth transforming ecological and mineral resources, water power ad coal into products and energy for economical development. Today in the 21at century that policy is profligate and despoils the environment as well as the nation’s economic future.

The United States must have a renewable energy and resource use policy based on sustainability within national borders as should all nations. Taken together such a policy would generally promote planetary economic sustainability. U.S. public spending sold be allocated for the United State rather tan Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq; while a moon base as a long range ongoing project to secure helium 3 and begin an ecological economic policy of growth of biosphere where none exists should begin.

The national Democratic party, in giving up the moon, has retreated from the heritage of John F. Kennedy. Backing down in areas where they should stand up, and moving forward in global policies from which they should sober-up to a sea-change of reason, is reason enough why they may lose their majority in November 2010.

Jobs could be created building a Mexican border control zone across the nation with elevated berms, salt-water canals and fishing lagoons useful for recreation. Desalinated water could be used to bring more water to New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.

A July 2006 issue of Scientific American had a fine article on a national energy infrastructure of a new kind--a super-conducting grid for power and hydrogen. A smart Congress would pursue each of these plans as well as restore the moon base Constellation-Orion with an accentuation of positive super-conducting wire loop leads collecting solar power and mass organic photoelectric capture. Fiber-optics bringing light underground and super-conducting storage loops, will make perpetual lighting for food growing practical.

When Congress is filled with lawyers litigating, economics tends to become non-creative and of service more to the wealthy than the people--pervasively corrupting society and precipitating the decline and fall of civilization. Lawyers are like a leavening in the bread--too many and the banking and financial systems rise too much like a gaseous soufflé, to collapse with a requisite that government inflate it once more.

More scientists, philosophers and ecological economists are required for a right democratic government and a new spirit of nationalism and zero growth economic prosperity with full employment. Growth must occur in quality and spirit rather than in consumption and waste of finite resources.


Moon is Not Deep Enough Space For President Obama

President Obama has presented seven fundamental errors regarding his decision to terminate the Constellation/moon-base/Orion construction program;

1) The construction of an Orion-moon base program would be mutually exclusive with research on 'deep space' engines

--right answer; The Constellation-Orion program could be funded simultaneously with increased support for more unused faster space-transport technologies to reduce the Delta V factor.

2) Research of another deep space engine would actually produce something that would be used

--right answer; The United States may be so far in debt that it won't be able to afford construction of future new space ships, and there are existing technologies already unused because of federal mission design incompetence the President seeks to duplicate.

The Orion capsule to get a moon base construction gang going for practical future growth of extra-terrestrial building and research facilities could be funded with cuts to the trillion dollar military industrial complex budget to war upon foreign box cutter commando training facilities. Many people believe that conventional military approaches to the problem of confronting and repressing international terrorism are ineffective in comparison with intelligence, espionage and special forces along with competent homeland security policies including zero tolerance of entry of illegal aliens to the United States. Saving federal budgeting with good policy design is another way to fund the moon base project.

3) The third Obama error is that the moon base would be less international than the research project for another deep space engine. The moon base would support the entire Earth nation's research and development projects for lunar research and should receive ready investment support for a lasting presence.

Errors 4-7 are those of ommisions;Magnetic plasma engines, ion drives, laser beams driving space ships and electro-magnetic accelerators pushing ships to half of the speed of light are present or near term technologies that require construction and real application--the moon base is a good place to begin mass-driver construction, gathering of space direction homing beacons for the solar system guidance/control networks of accelerated ships and so forth. The President should approach the moon base on a year by year funding basis to keep the project alive instead of rashly killing it. Some money could be taken from the corrupt investment in Afghanistan.

The 2011 N.A.S.A. budget should include funding for the Constellation-Orion program even if at a slower pace. If the next President chooses to restore the program in case the Congress allows President Obama's wish ending the dream of J.F.K on manned moon missions to become law, he or she should not have to bring up the moon base program from a cold, moth-balled start.

From the moon a variety of super-conductor, solar-power, helium 3 collection, electro-magnetic mass driver, space-station construction, off-moon modules and other projects could be developed. It could be a space-port to support private and government ventures by all the people of the world. The wisdom of developing a moon base for construction of space-ships in a low gravity environment is obvious. The concept of building orbiting fuel space-stations is somewhat ridiculous-as wasteful as was the disposable present international space station that may be funded until 2020 before being allowed to burn up in the atmosphere or sold to the highest bidder. Moon base projects short of war, could last for millions of years.


Skepticism of Summer Solstice (poem)

With the winters warmer than spring formerly was
melted ice is easy upon memory scapes
sidewalks covering over the former uneven terrain
were worth days to cover before

snow plows and diesel exhaust easing the way today
tomorrow will have a deep water port on the Arctic Sea
where Beluga whales could dream without the assault of oil
with the military industrial complex M.I.C.rowfones ubiquitous

contributing untold millions in ads of support
the high Arctic is safe to gather carbon monoxide
as water at four degrees centigrade resists freezing
superfluous and modestly chaotic molecules energized
dance in the sunlight

The U.S.N. Obama will gaily bring officers with fur collars up
dreadnaughts of war to the northern pole at Summer Solstice
parades of peace will break out and Boston will become the new capital
a corporate blanket of security will cover us all.

Blundering D.O.D. Policies are a 21st Century Tradition

There is nothing like the federal military blundering in to wars and policy it does not understand. Did they know it would cost two trillion to rebuild Iraq and get oil contracts for Exxon-Mobil? Is homosexuality a behavior caused by choice or a trait that is genetically caused? Does the federal government care to make an informed decision before they act without the consent of the majority?

The Preference of Sect. Gates and Admiral Mullins for a gay friendly love boat navy raises the question about homosexuality that is fundamental to the issue; is its causation genetic or behaviorial? If it is behavior then their is no excuse to worry straight personnel with a federally forced tolerance of behavior undesirable to the majority. If it is genetic and demonstrably so then it is understandable and the afflicted comprise a genuinely different kind of homo sapien that should be tolerated as a separate military species of citizen in their own units.

Unfortunately the corruption of the term 'liberal' has made many comfortable Americans feel the whole world should be as decadent as they are and that sympathetic non-Americans really admire their values as much as their wealth. Liberals and corporatists each seek a dialectical evolution of large organization power. Homosexuals in the military would erode further the nationalism of the United States as they tend to enjoy corporate top-down promotion. That is a behavioral phenomenon rather than implicitly a trait of politics.

Corporate leadership seems to prefer that a moon base be aborted perhaps because it would reinforce the concept of American national leadership in anything besides debt and ill-planned foreign nation building ventures. Is the opportunity cost of killing the budget for peaceful development of moon base construction technology of concern for them

If homosexuality were simply a behavior trait like that of alcoholism or narcotics use I do not believe that it should be approved in the military even if 15% more or less like it and feel its 'hate' to proscribe it from the ranks. Its a question of the window being open or shut in the winter barracks perhaps in which the majority decide what they are comfortable with.

Sin is very plain in the Bible as are the consequences for nations. If the United States makes a gay love boat sort of military it may suffer disaster ahead. It would be unpopular today to say that Haiti suffered such losses because of voodoo, however research on water molecules has shown that hydrogen bonds are of less strength than atomic bonds, and a reason why water freezes from the top down rather than the bottom up. The Big Tree of Voodoo economics may suffer a similar adjustment as Haiti without transitioning to ecological economics. Ecological economics in turn is resisted by the military industrial complex that also wants to kill the Kennedy Space-Port on the moon. All of those consequences of sin compile to bring a nation to ruin. That is unfortunate when it is so easy do do things right.

Hate speech means being politically incorrect. To right about issues such as don't ask, don't tell or Haitian voodoo and voodoo economics is to occur the wrath of Boston corporatist liberals as using hate speech. Defending the southern border against illegal alien invasion also is said to be hateful. Americans are 'deficit hawks' on balancing the federal budget so that too must be ripe for the declaration of hate speech labels when one talks about cutting the federal debt.

The fine line between hate speech and writing about issues legitimately is at least as wide as the Mississippi yet nevertheless unrecognized by the 'left' mobs of corporatist-socialists that declare everything they hate as a kind of thing that only 'phobes' believe. The topic is so hateful its difficult to deal with of course, yet I must say that issues are not attacks upon individuals personally as the 'loving' crowd of leftist and homosexuals seem to do in internet forums generally neglecting issues. If the leftist-gays can say that all they want to do is lick you up then their reasoning goes that one must be hateful to resist. Well, shares of anti-septic lotions and towelets are up. Resistance is not futile.


U.K.'s Pebble Mine Threatens Bristol Bay Alaska Fishery

That Copper Mine is just one example of metaphoric homosexual economic influence of global corporatism if we consider small business to be personal genomes of sexual reproductive creativity. Corporatism reduces the fecundity of individual small business entrepreneurs and conforms independents into support of large scale corporate profit goals and resource consumption as just one requirement for the satiation of mass corporate appetites. The mass homosexual consumption ego of modern global corporatism is rivaled only by the Chinese Communist Party phenomenality. Corporatism is like a few Chinese dragons with tens of thousands of employees ravenously devouring the ecological health of the world--no slight upon the Chinese as being gay, the communist party is itself a homosexual economic phenomenality even if it was formerly required to defeat the homosexual economic metaphor that was imperial China.

Adam Smith's capitalism was a sexual liberation from the homosexual aristocracy and monarchy of his day. Instead of the individual genomes being reproduced in sexual recombination with other individual small businesses homosexual corporations with more than 2000 employees have dedicated single minded goals to just produce profit for elites. It is an incestuous global network of corpoations that conform all ideas to serve their particular capital advantages repressing individuals and quashing business species diversity in the process.

The environment becomes degraded because the corporate scale of size requires vast resource exploitation to produce sufficient profits to sustain the homosexual business world of monstrous scale. A constellation of small businesses would better be able to adapt to changing resource and environmental circumstances as well as more effectively create a governing democratic over-watch helping structure a zero growth prosperity.


This issue of a U.K. corporation developing virgin land for mining with the implicit potential for mass habitat destruction of a world class fishery raise several issues of political importance for the world's ecological survival. Corporatism and the basic problem of businesses with more than 2000 employees needing to trample on the natural resources of the world that are finite--juggernauts of economic power basically antipathetic to the paradigm of Adam Smith.

Smith's ideas about 18th century capitalism was a citizen and small business liberation movement that was a form of economic sexual liberation of the individual citizen's economic genes of idea and effort to synthetically conceive new enterprises without the repressive power of large organizations to abort or consume the young progeny. The monarchy controlled international trade and required genomic breeding control of energy and ideas for the support of the elite such as monarchy, aristocracy, communist party or corporate shareholders in more than three corporations.

Basic social philosophical ideas about the state and of government, for business large and small have been in suspension since Karl Marx wrote his book on dialectical materialism. I believe he foresaw that human organizational tendencies for greed and consolidation would drive business to grow larger and increase in size until as we see today corporatism becomes global and can only subside like a spent volcano cone after its net working and consolidating have eliminated the fecund sexual ecosystem of individual enterprise and business with less than 2000 employees. What remains will be a global network of elite corporatists exploiting Alaskan and global resources until they are mired with communist rulers from China.

I had quite a few thoughts about this recently especially with the effort of President Obama and SECDEF Gates to let heterosexuals be on the defensive against homosexuals in the military with the promotion of openly homosexual military personnel. Corporatism is a kind of ending of small scale business creativity satisfaction of the most ravenous homosexual mass appetites.

Of course writing about political issues isn't an example of 'hate' of people. If homosexuals want to bugger themselves in their private lives they have as much right as any citizen, as citizens for privacy. Politically however one has a right to argue pro or con about what laws are and how they should or should not change. It is not hate to oppose making marriage a bisexual institution and invalidating the heterosexual marriage contracts of all living married people--it is a political opinion that things should remain as they are in that regard.

So the idea of zero growth economics as Steve Heimel had ecological economic guests talking about today such as the author of 'Zero Growth Prosperity' Tim Jackson and a co-founder of the science of Ecological Economics Bob Constanza along with Daly and Farley, brings me to the awareness that large corporations are an implict problem and causative agent for maladroit mass resource development and exploitation. With the adaptability of smaller businesses it would be simpler for government to find alternative and better adapted developments than somewhat random environmental extractions simply to produce profits for elites within a corporate economic homosexuality.

Corporations of Wall Street are an economic homosexual elite,as is the British Footsie, that are incestuously owned and kicking back political power within their own kind. Mussolini foresaw that state corporatism was a righteous fascist foundation--yet corporatism (when large corporations own most everything and influence everything else including politics like tag teams of 800 pound guerrillas) can be reduced still through political will,perhaps even in time to conserve some of the remainder of Alaska's environmental health--and this is about the warmest winter in Juneau the last 200 years because of global warming perhaps.

I oppose the immediate development of the Pebble mine and believe the Copper could be better extracted by smaller Alaskan business ventures in about 20 years using some sort of a waterless technology and topology conserving methods with zero waste. A reason for the need for such amounts of metal is because of the national and global phenomena of large corporations obsessed with producing profit without regard to the finite scale of world resources.

If Alaska is to forfeit non-renewable resources I have no idea why they should be removed on the cheap by foreign corporations.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...