
U.K.'s Pebble Mine Threatens Bristol Bay Alaska Fishery

That Copper Mine is just one example of metaphoric homosexual economic influence of global corporatism if we consider small business to be personal genomes of sexual reproductive creativity. Corporatism reduces the fecundity of individual small business entrepreneurs and conforms independents into support of large scale corporate profit goals and resource consumption as just one requirement for the satiation of mass corporate appetites. The mass homosexual consumption ego of modern global corporatism is rivaled only by the Chinese Communist Party phenomenality. Corporatism is like a few Chinese dragons with tens of thousands of employees ravenously devouring the ecological health of the world--no slight upon the Chinese as being gay, the communist party is itself a homosexual economic phenomenality even if it was formerly required to defeat the homosexual economic metaphor that was imperial China.

Adam Smith's capitalism was a sexual liberation from the homosexual aristocracy and monarchy of his day. Instead of the individual genomes being reproduced in sexual recombination with other individual small businesses homosexual corporations with more than 2000 employees have dedicated single minded goals to just produce profit for elites. It is an incestuous global network of corpoations that conform all ideas to serve their particular capital advantages repressing individuals and quashing business species diversity in the process.

The environment becomes degraded because the corporate scale of size requires vast resource exploitation to produce sufficient profits to sustain the homosexual business world of monstrous scale. A constellation of small businesses would better be able to adapt to changing resource and environmental circumstances as well as more effectively create a governing democratic over-watch helping structure a zero growth prosperity.


This issue of a U.K. corporation developing virgin land for mining with the implicit potential for mass habitat destruction of a world class fishery raise several issues of political importance for the world's ecological survival. Corporatism and the basic problem of businesses with more than 2000 employees needing to trample on the natural resources of the world that are finite--juggernauts of economic power basically antipathetic to the paradigm of Adam Smith.

Smith's ideas about 18th century capitalism was a citizen and small business liberation movement that was a form of economic sexual liberation of the individual citizen's economic genes of idea and effort to synthetically conceive new enterprises without the repressive power of large organizations to abort or consume the young progeny. The monarchy controlled international trade and required genomic breeding control of energy and ideas for the support of the elite such as monarchy, aristocracy, communist party or corporate shareholders in more than three corporations.

Basic social philosophical ideas about the state and of government, for business large and small have been in suspension since Karl Marx wrote his book on dialectical materialism. I believe he foresaw that human organizational tendencies for greed and consolidation would drive business to grow larger and increase in size until as we see today corporatism becomes global and can only subside like a spent volcano cone after its net working and consolidating have eliminated the fecund sexual ecosystem of individual enterprise and business with less than 2000 employees. What remains will be a global network of elite corporatists exploiting Alaskan and global resources until they are mired with communist rulers from China.

I had quite a few thoughts about this recently especially with the effort of President Obama and SECDEF Gates to let heterosexuals be on the defensive against homosexuals in the military with the promotion of openly homosexual military personnel. Corporatism is a kind of ending of small scale business creativity satisfaction of the most ravenous homosexual mass appetites.

Of course writing about political issues isn't an example of 'hate' of people. If homosexuals want to bugger themselves in their private lives they have as much right as any citizen, as citizens for privacy. Politically however one has a right to argue pro or con about what laws are and how they should or should not change. It is not hate to oppose making marriage a bisexual institution and invalidating the heterosexual marriage contracts of all living married people--it is a political opinion that things should remain as they are in that regard.

So the idea of zero growth economics as Steve Heimel had ecological economic guests talking about today such as the author of 'Zero Growth Prosperity' Tim Jackson and a co-founder of the science of Ecological Economics Bob Constanza along with Daly and Farley, brings me to the awareness that large corporations are an implict problem and causative agent for maladroit mass resource development and exploitation. With the adaptability of smaller businesses it would be simpler for government to find alternative and better adapted developments than somewhat random environmental extractions simply to produce profits for elites within a corporate economic homosexuality.

Corporations of Wall Street are an economic homosexual elite,as is the British Footsie, that are incestuously owned and kicking back political power within their own kind. Mussolini foresaw that state corporatism was a righteous fascist foundation--yet corporatism (when large corporations own most everything and influence everything else including politics like tag teams of 800 pound guerrillas) can be reduced still through political will,perhaps even in time to conserve some of the remainder of Alaska's environmental health--and this is about the warmest winter in Juneau the last 200 years because of global warming perhaps.

I oppose the immediate development of the Pebble mine and believe the Copper could be better extracted by smaller Alaskan business ventures in about 20 years using some sort of a waterless technology and topology conserving methods with zero waste. A reason for the need for such amounts of metal is because of the national and global phenomena of large corporations obsessed with producing profit without regard to the finite scale of world resources.

If Alaska is to forfeit non-renewable resources I have no idea why they should be removed on the cheap by foreign corporations.

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