
'The Universe Before The Big Bang' and Other Topics

In the Universe before the big bang there is an imponderable vacuum in which Universes might have their start. A singularity before a big bang is just a very small bottleneck like that of an hourglass in which a collapsing black hole on the left has passed into a white hole of expansion on the right that we regard as our Universe. Gasperini explains that process and the particles that theoretically start existing.

He does at the end state his belief that God created the 'perturbative vacuum' in which Universes are created initially from virtual particles appearing through quantum uncertainty. That of course pleased me a little, for I share a Christian idea of God issuing the Universe in some primordial way. The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote about the emanation of the Universe from The One in his book of 54 tractates named The Enneads(a translation is free on-line).

The primordial perturbative vacuum allows in theory an infinite number of universe to be issued through the appearance of virtual particles (free from some unlimited supply)that are drawn together in some kind of a gravity-like phenomenon of attraction sufficiently to form a collapse.

I think the black hole criterion is just an analogy for us in this universe. We might as well regard the formation of mass for a new universe as like unto a calving iceberg of concentrated mass. At that point I am not summarizing Gasperini.

Plotinus believed that The One was perfect and had need for extension of what we would consider dimensions and forms or mass for those dimensions. We know that temporality and the expansion of a universe is like a scalar field with anisotropic mass distributions presently thought to be a consequence of the initial distribution of mass at the singularity before expansion.

String, looks, branes and quarks are the fundamental level components that in some way are associated with virtual particles and a vacuum space without extension itself. Why should a vacuum have expansion, why shouldn't all mass be infinitely concentrated into one location at every location possible before the big bang.

We tend to thing of a vacuum space as having size rather than none at all--where does spacing--interval in time and space appear before the big bang for virtual particles? These are fascinating points to consider, and there are innumerable more.

Dimensions in theory may be of virtually any number as in math. The book 'Why Beauty is Truth', also from 2008, is upon the mathematical concept of symmetry that went into algebra's development the last 5000 years from Samaria to Omar Khayyam, Lie, Killing and others. It has a good history of the origin of solutions to quadratic equations and work on the quintic. It is also a useful book to understand more about mathematical constructions of multi-dimensional arrays rather like one constructs Cartesian coordinate graphs with increasing dimensions to negative numbers and so forth. Philosophically M-Theory is mentioned usefully so one might contemplate Gasperini's book with a little more understanding of the mathematical approach to cosmology.

The idea of quantum uncertainty is interesting to me in the pre-big bang universe as it relates to virtual particles emanating from The One. Fundamentally there might be a transcendent force, power or scale that gives the contingent vacuum its values and boundary conditions. Such a meta-field may download dimensional content into it as extrusions of virtual zero-dimensional membranes, strings, loops or quarks...who can say? The number of dimensions in a non-dimensional pre big universe before the appearance of any virtual particles would be zero-and consistent with space-time values before an Intelligent contribution of content I think.

The One as a perfect being may have just cancelled out some areas of his existence or omniscience from some locations such that it is very basic-like Leibnitzian monads of one-dimensional membranes, that exist. Very simple fundamental waves or branes issued from the one yet just capable of containing a limited amount of information until constructions through evolution of a universe and human beings occurs who are limited in knowledge potential too. I think of the process a little like silk-screening painting.

The question of what The One is like (bigger than a breadbox kind of questions) also apply to the pre-big-bang universe. String theory and subsequent investigations might develop technically continguous mappings of hypothetical historical constructions yet their are so many alternative, possible constructions simultaneously cohering within any theory logically that it would be challenging to regard any as definitive especially in light of Godel's incompleteness theorem.

Perennial philosophical questions regarding the nature of the One have new vistas to consider within a pre-big bang universe origin context. Determinism and indeterminism in a cyclical or recurrent universe would raise questions on backward causality at the minimum. What extension must a vacuum space have to originate virtual wavelets emanations, how many dimensions need to exist in a vacuum for wavelets/strings to enter and form virtual dimensional constructions? An infinite number of good questions arise regarding contingent being and contingent universes in addition to the non-contingent One who issues the information comprising form.

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