
Moon is Not Deep Enough Space For President Obama

President Obama has presented seven fundamental errors regarding his decision to terminate the Constellation/moon-base/Orion construction program;

1) The construction of an Orion-moon base program would be mutually exclusive with research on 'deep space' engines

--right answer; The Constellation-Orion program could be funded simultaneously with increased support for more unused faster space-transport technologies to reduce the Delta V factor.

2) Research of another deep space engine would actually produce something that would be used

--right answer; The United States may be so far in debt that it won't be able to afford construction of future new space ships, and there are existing technologies already unused because of federal mission design incompetence the President seeks to duplicate.

The Orion capsule to get a moon base construction gang going for practical future growth of extra-terrestrial building and research facilities could be funded with cuts to the trillion dollar military industrial complex budget to war upon foreign box cutter commando training facilities. Many people believe that conventional military approaches to the problem of confronting and repressing international terrorism are ineffective in comparison with intelligence, espionage and special forces along with competent homeland security policies including zero tolerance of entry of illegal aliens to the United States. Saving federal budgeting with good policy design is another way to fund the moon base project.

3) The third Obama error is that the moon base would be less international than the research project for another deep space engine. The moon base would support the entire Earth nation's research and development projects for lunar research and should receive ready investment support for a lasting presence.

Errors 4-7 are those of ommisions;Magnetic plasma engines, ion drives, laser beams driving space ships and electro-magnetic accelerators pushing ships to half of the speed of light are present or near term technologies that require construction and real application--the moon base is a good place to begin mass-driver construction, gathering of space direction homing beacons for the solar system guidance/control networks of accelerated ships and so forth. The President should approach the moon base on a year by year funding basis to keep the project alive instead of rashly killing it. Some money could be taken from the corrupt investment in Afghanistan.

The 2011 N.A.S.A. budget should include funding for the Constellation-Orion program even if at a slower pace. If the next President chooses to restore the program in case the Congress allows President Obama's wish ending the dream of J.F.K on manned moon missions to become law, he or she should not have to bring up the moon base program from a cold, moth-balled start.

From the moon a variety of super-conductor, solar-power, helium 3 collection, electro-magnetic mass driver, space-station construction, off-moon modules and other projects could be developed. It could be a space-port to support private and government ventures by all the people of the world. The wisdom of developing a moon base for construction of space-ships in a low gravity environment is obvious. The concept of building orbiting fuel space-stations is somewhat ridiculous-as wasteful as was the disposable present international space station that may be funded until 2020 before being allowed to burn up in the atmosphere or sold to the highest bidder. Moon base projects short of war, could last for millions of years.

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