
Toynbee Cycle; Stuck Accelerator of Political Decay

The foundation of the United States politically was generally formed as an agrarian society--rural people, overthrowing a foreign, urban elite. Rule by distant aristocrats over distant colonies with which they share no essential economic equivalent interests is a perennial historical theme as is the Toynbean cyclical acceleration of social leadership cults of decadence. Where aristocracies have emerged from democratic societies to usurp and even attack former rural majorities the gravitational center of political independence shifts from the popular support of the people to a more precarious and volatile urban metro-sexual succubus of sensuality and fiduciary power for it-self. In such concentrations of wealth and power elite networks arise to dominate global economic and trade facts.

A Chicago school of ethics ( I don't mean those of Capone) that formed contemporaneously with Dewey and subjectivism in linguistic philosophy elaborated a paradigm that objective, a priori ethic structures are not valid--instead a subjectivist conduct of making values vague and detached from empirical validity was provided.

While in some respects encouraging righteous reduction of rash judgments about foreign and unfamiliar moral practices it has also made reform of corrupt bureaucracy more difficult and disregards a natural law founded respect for all persons inalienably dues as their right as creations of God.

In the New England and Chicago post-moral elites prosecuting expensive military conflicts abroad, one must wonder, since there are few valid financial goals involved in Afghanistan at least, if the elite's believe its there inherent duty to provide moral instruction in a Deweyian sort of moral mish-mash through coercive conditioning of rural poor with bombs and Marine's with bags of candy.

When the people become dominated with Orwellian egotism materialized through cults of bosses driving herds of followers in urban, organizationally dependent lifestyles the ideal decay of social liberty and political independence follows; freedom and liberalization transition into definitions of non-intellectual, atheist maggotyness wherein consumption and mindless, non-reproductive sensuality for-themselves actualize as the embodiment of liberty. The public accounts deficits and freedom from coercive and pervasive state and corporate power are fine print at the bottom of the social contract held commonly to be as disposable as virtual Internet agreement best read by virtual lawyers at Boston or in Washington cutting deals with global billionaires.

Classical political failures of nations arise for the traditional reason that atheistic corruption decoheres family stability and the freedom of individuals to form families, personal associations and financial independence.. From the decline and fall of the Roman empire to the Weimar Republic the alienation of popular control of politics that formed the stability of the state through usurpations of power by minority elites--even the Bolsheviki--have brought nations to ruin. The Toynbee cyclical accelerator of the decay of civilization can strike the United States too--and from some points of view it has.

In the pursuit of global wealth large corporations have networked such that both major U.S. political parties are co-opted by corporatism. While Sarah Palin seems situated to bring female interest into the oily and elitist Republican Party she is also co-opted by oil politics as well as the anti-environmental recovery crowd. Democrats are another tool of corporate decay of national interests.

The Harvard cult of lawyers bringing first generation Americans to power in return for allegiance to global interests prosecutes a war upon rural Muslims in the high country of central Asia. The Taliban provided the usual shelter to Muslim radicals that attacked the United States and would not give them up so the United States attacked in 2002 and is still spending hundreds of billions of dollars in a temporal effort to force a central government upon the rural, independent Muslims of the area. The Taliban according to BBC reports is older than the Ford motor company and will probably outlast present federal efforts to sanitize the region of their presence. Instead of acting as the fountain of liberty the United States today has elite leadership acting in the role of a foreign imperial government of urban elites seeking to politically dehumanize rural peoples. The present U.S. leadership acts thus more like King George the Third than Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, or later figures such as Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.

The effort to control rural, ignorant ‘rag-heads’ of central Asia such that they all pay taxes to a globalist friendly puppet government with citizens that will not use pejoratives to describe homosexuals with hate speech seems somewhat far a field from either the interests of poor rural Americans or of the brainwashed and for-sale allegiance of urban corporate employees. The cost to subjugate central Asia will come out of the pockets of rural Americans and urban minions alike--and probably is an interminable requirement because the Afghanis and Pakistanis are poor compared to the former prosperity of the people of the United States--decadence and the decadent lifestyle and values requires prosperity to achieve and central Asians generally can’t afford that.

The below the surface or behind the wall political undercurrents. visible with high tech infra-red intellectual probity in the affair are many; with decades of bad Iranian policy from Washington starting with Mossadec and British machinations through the shah and the aftermath the rotten current state of affairs is the result. The elites of Harvard perhaps seeks global population reduction and environmental rectification reasonably enough, yet feel that they must simultaneously concentrate wealth and power in the alumni to achieve that--and all evil methods are fine and good because the end of saving the world justifies the methods. Perhaps a Harvard axis of evil is only an appearance rather than a fact--yet global corporatism is too much shaping up like global Maoism or totalitarian Chinese communism for the liking of some rural peoples who modestly believe that other than manic urban political means of achieving a fair and politically equally apportioned global order could be grown.

What is required is good faith. Good faith counts for a lot; respect for religion, respect for the rights of others to have a good quality of life, respect for the fact that not all social environments have the ability nor reason to live the same way ass another that is traveling at a different social speed. The effort to concentrate wealth, power and politics leads to decay over time as imperial dynasties decay for a variety of reasons and in a number of ways. Building more nuclear power plants, cutting the moon base and populism of manned space exploration--these are elite, global corporate goals without rational cognizance of the implicit dangers of continuing to grow an urban based economic structure. Such structures divide polities into an inside and outsider basis--and everyone knows who is inside the beltway today.

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