
On Quantum Uncertainty and Backward Causality

I thought I should write something about the quantum multiverse and backward causality since it is all the rage amongst those entering data into philosophy encyclopedias these days. What about quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle--how does the determination of either the location or speed of particles affect the temporal order--for which there is little passage of time at any rate?

Time seems to be more of a feature of mass and slower moving particles than of energy. Light quanta with little or no mas are said to have little or no experience of time passing objectively either.At the smallest, most basic level things exist fundamentally without much time--just orders of protocol and events occur that form everything else in the universe we consider meaningful--items of the stelliferous era such as stars and galaxies, planets and moons.

When human beings try to get beyond the apparent level of mass to the underlying strata of energetic particle-quanta we selectively determine one of two primary states of the quanta as we bring its knowledge deterministically into our own realm of experience. If that causal sequence has a time value sequence from past-present to future it is seemingly violated by the effects of apparent quantum entanglement and exchanges of information seemingly required between physically distant particles.

The phenomena of backward causality may be something to consider in the phenomenalities of quantum uncertainty and all possible world-lines at positions of particles regarding the quantum world.We may give quantum particles nominal values of all possible worldlines yet they may be entirely deterministic so far as we really know.

The change of position or speed from the freedom of extra-dimensional realms unknown to human observers, creates an appearance in the slower mass protocol realms of the apparent universe when quantum positions and speeds are sampled of super-luminal information exchange. The realm of mass energy is slower and has farther dimensional transition requisites perhaps than the pre-selection environment in which quanta are grounded.

Well, that was all that I have to write in this note about backward causality.

..well nearly

What if the entire universe were actually cyclical--what does that mean to the idea of backward causality? If the Universe were cyclical and deterministic it would need to have zero-leakage of information, mass or energy in order to continue a perfectly determined cycle. The idea of a multi-verse generating infinite more and variegated kinds of universes seems inconsistent with determinism and quantum uncertainty a little.

What about a pre-big bang universe of virtual particles emanating from some unknown location (and don't say its just because of effects of quantum uncertainty for that seems like a circular explanation)--if they are simply extrusions or 'silk screened' loops/branes, strings from an infinite one, and the Universe is a reduced a tightly pressurized apparent creation then the time orders are contingent upon the intension of the Creator. While a determined Universe and a free universe could exist simultaneously within such an environment, the reason for that is simple enough-it is determined for humans so long as the Creator wills it to be so, and h=He can yet change it any time (it is a subjectively funny juxtaposition) He likes. Time is a temporal feature of the island-universe amidst the Unknown containment phenomenality of The One.

I think I prefer the idea of backward causality as an extra-dimensional device for explaining quantum uncertainty within an environmental boundary condition of a Universe with more than four dimensions that are just unknown to most of us presently.

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