
Change Fluid Dynamics of Geo-Thermal Power

Some oppose creating fracturous networks of petite earthquqakes with geothermal power gathering processses. Instead of injectiung water to create steam to power turbines the 10,000 foot deep drill shafts to a 500 degree f Earth temperature realm should be exploited with a differrent heat transfer medium. I like the idea of an encased fluid of a differerent sort.

Oil drilling mud is quite a specialized mixture. There isn't any engineering reason why a new comppound fluid designed for optimal heat gathering could not be nmade and forced into encased drill shafts of a better design to circulate and gather heat to transfer toward the surface for convection and rotation of magnet electricity producing event cycles.

Perhaps the oil industry in the United States could be encouraged to substantially research and upgrade deep heat transfer fluid technology and create an industry that the olil drilling industry perrsonnel would find suitable employment adaptability in. The technology oof geothermal empowerment could create quite a few jobs and power safely if optimally exploited.


Greed as the stimulus to create technological progress is important. I think its possible to create a national geo-thermal industry with some substantial advantage for smaller domestic companies through auction construction for federal lands access and legislation for power sales or purchases by municipalities.

The first CEO of what would become Brown and Root got started inventing a new drilling technology early in the 20th century.Later it became the infamous through political cronyism partner of L.B.J. and through Halliburton Cheyney-Bush. One must start somewhere and move the entire fieldof players to less harmful energy toys if possible. Pol,itical corruption will always be a human norm to combat through cleverness.

Race To The Top Second Round Results; States Voting for Obama in 2008 Winners

In geographically unbalanced results for reinforcement of public education, the President's Race to the Top (the N.A.A.C.P. hasn't protested the name) has awarded all the prizes to states voting for Obama in 2008 with the only exceptions being Georgia that went for McCain. The billions go to the haves, while Mississippi can just sing the blues



Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, New York, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida were winners in the second round. These states could ha been selected as places to invest pac money for Democratic elections as readily as for a public education contest. In the first round Tennessee-a McCain state, was the exceptional winner that wasn't in the Obama corner.

I don't know how to interpret this result, except that it seems prima facia politically biased. Public education in the U.S.A. is far too influenced as might a giant commune be, and yet the alternatives to public educations mediocre race to conformity and political correctness is challenging to upgrade.

It education were substantially privatized the corporate world would come to dominate and we would end up with indoctrinated corporatists pledging allegiance to Chairman Mao Fung Ceo. If public education is to have actual rather than statistical excellence a myriad flowers blooming program should replace the race to conformity at the top program.

Public supported private education corporations (receiving vouchers) should be limited to schools with less than 2000 employees in order that independence, and national business rather than globalists corporate schools, should increase. Excellence in education through small class loads and high quality facilities and educators non too conforming yet able to pass objective quality standards should be the goal of the U.S. Gvernment rather than collectivism as a national norm.

We are disappointed with the extremely politically biased results of the President's race to the top of the public sector indoctrination heap program. If anything, the dumb states need the money more than the rich--concentrating intellectual wealth seems a bad public policy yet one apposite to a member of a Harvard alumni association.

Invent a New Class of Eco-Housing to Build & Sell/Housing Classification Standards

Smaller, better homes-geo domes and concrete monlithic domes with less than 1500 square feet and costing less than 50,000 dollars coould be a new source of employment given special federal zoning and taxation support. Creating a new class of homes in a way similar to creating a new class of war ships could drive energy self-reliance in American homes.

Instead of suporting the construction of any possible kind of war ship from punt size to aircraft carrier, the government should reign in its existential housing support approach and concentrate on the production of small, low cost, low maint, homes with space for garden growing that are ecologically friendly on building materials. Those with lots of cash can build larger things for-themselves.

These newer energy efficient homes should ncollect rainwater, produce electricity wiith wind, solar and fuel cells and ought to be 100% super-insulated. The new eco-class of housing should not have mortgages that can be sold outside the United States alienating economic proximity values. The Government needs some legislation for packaged eco-efficient housing production and probably needs to spend little taxpayer money to encourage conservation of biosphere in home lots and reduction of contemporary housing materials inefficiency standards.

Political Party of Plutocracy vs. Party of Depravity- Election Menu; Good and Evil

Some would justify evil with evil, or deny an objective difference between good and evil--yet that won't work with God. Religious traditions of all sorts have ideas about good and evil, and the Bible too sets forth ideas about good and evil.

Remember the Garden? Eve ate of the tree of knowledge and learned the difference between good and evil. It is an ancient topic.

Of course we do not judge God when we follow God's instructions. From Cicero to Paul we have an idea of good and of evil. We are not of a disposition such as Nietzsche to move /Beyond Good and Evil'. Nietzsche was quite influenced by Zoroastrianism and the division of the world into a battle between good and evil.

God is perfect. Those that argue the God is less than perfect do some perhaps from disingenuous grounds.

In the United States today we have two imperfect political parties; one is a party of plutocracy and the other a party of depravity. We can say quite readily that within the limits of our humble concepts God is better than anything such as is merely temporal and imperfect. We do not imply thereby that God is merely a perfected realization of a temporal vision.


WTC & The Twelver's Progression; Ali, Hosein and the Twelth Emam

A word about the myopia of U.S. foreign policy is in order. For some of us have not invested sufficient time in learning about waves of current affairs overtaking our time like waves of nomads from the high Eurasian steppe of yore annihilating resistance.

Our President’s middle name, Hussein, is that of the grandson of Muhammad of Mecca. Hosein was a grandson of the false prophet Muhammad. He was killed by thousands of warriors outside Baghdad along with his son and retinue at the order of the Caliph. Caliph means successor in Arabic. Sunni means the orthodox way. The successor to Muhammad was Sunni and the killing of Hosein began the alternative Mohammedan sect of Shi’ism.

The problem of the construction of a twelve-story mega mosque near ground zero—an egregious appearance of conflict of political ethical interest that creates substantial strain amongst New Yorkers and concerns across the United States, brings us to wonder about any symbolism in this profit upon the World Trade Center destruction by Mohammedan fundamentalists nine years ago.

Some have said that the mega-mosque is a project of a Shi’a sect rather than the Sunni sect of the Al Qa’eda suicide hijackers. Some have said that they reflect a more quietist brand of Mohammadanism.

What is the Shi’a? Shi means party. The ‘a’ is an abbreviation for Ali-a cousin of Muhammad and the fourth Caliph who was murdered. The Shi’a is the party of Ali.

One historically significant Shi’a sect was known as The Twelver’s after the legendary Twelfth Imam. One group of Sufi Twelver’s roasted captured rivals as shish kabobs in the 1500s. Some Sunni are also Sufi.

The Shi’a believe that the rightful rule of Muhamadanism is through the false prophet and Ali his cousin who married a daughter of Mohammad who bore a son named Hosein-also murdered. The Ummayad were the non-relatives of Muhammad who ruled Mohammadanism instead of the blood line that the Party of Ali-the Shi’a, followed as a separate branch of Mohammadanism. It was a large Shi'a mosque of the eleventh Imam that was bombed in Samara Iraq in 2006 by Al Qa'eda bombers. Politics for Mohammadans may be religion through other means. Establishing internicine targets and boones of contention in N.Y.C. near ground zero may increase the challenges for security if not political self-determination

The Shi’a began their own tradition of heads of Mohammadanism called Emams. The eleventh Imam was the last-he had no son, except perhaps for a hidden son that was set to return one day. The mysterious 12th Imam of the Shi’a gives us pause to wonder about the 12 story mega-mosque planned for construction near ground zero. Is this an end of time symbolism?

The Shi’a developed a policy of lying to deceive enemies and avoid persecution during the time of the sixth Emam. Ja’far al Sadiq called this political and social innovation of dissimulation taqiyeh. With President Obama bearing a name of that of the grandson of the false prophet, we are given more reason to wonder if the quietist policy of political lying has served to conceal the actual motives for building a twelve story mega-mosque near ground zero? In reading a History of Iran (Empire of the Mind) by the British writer Michael Axworthy I encountered several ideas (ref. page 127-128) to add to the mix of confusion regarding foreign policy of the United States in the globalist era. There is a reverse indoctrination and control phenomena in which the interests of actual U.S. citizens at home are significantly degraded and those of foreign interests preferred.

Shi’ists believe that Mohammedans ought to be led by a blood descendent of Muhammad. I protest the use of the phrase ‘submission to God’ or Islam to describe followers of Muhammad. I believe they submit in error to Satan and the powers of worldliness—so I would hardly call them Islamic. That aside, we might wonder if our President being named after Hosein is a change for America’s destiny drawing us further into the middle Eurasian snares set for us by Bin Ladin—the wizard of Os.

Iran is a cognate of Aryan. Long ago the Aryan nation was in Iran. Eventually it became Persia. Persia sprawled down-slope into Mesopotamia and shared a common history with the people of the Tigris and Euphrates for the past three or four thousand years. Before that there was also wandering contact along the high plateau of Iran as it was a crossroads for all points. That makes Iran today and important locale in the junction between India, Russia, China and the Middle East. The United States wants to be careful about bungling over-much into the midst of these peoples.

A kind of romanticism exists based upon ecstatic experience. From the Cult of Dionysious to the Sufism of the 12th century and mystics such as Rumi there are those that have sought a kind of unification with god through love or wine. Sometimes that romanticism is opposed to the insiders ruling in orthodoxy at court or in religious priestly classes sharing social power with nobles. Occasionally the transcending power of liberation existentially through worship of love is a revolutionary political expression. Sometimes romanticism inspires movements such as German fascism to return to the noble spirit of the heart. Romanticism as an irrational movement may produce math death, yet so does the orderly beheadings of the swords of men like Tamarlane who made piles of hundreds of thousands of skulls as a warning to those contemplating civil disobedience.

Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as fully man and fully God is the only direct way to God. Worldly approaches to God intentionally though ecstatic mysticism such as Sufism or the heyschasm of neo-Platonism would bring one to experience a fervor without grace. Faith in Jesus Christ is a coincidentally rationally supportable way to the non-contingent Being of God.

The underlying worldliness of scientific theory and personal experience may be interpreted as evil, or as fallen and changed into temporality from timeless eternal forms yet one cannot transcend it through bowing to Mecca, calling it illusory, searching for a multi-verse to neutralizing anthropic principle constants fine-tuned to support the existence of life or a search for the spiritual within the worldly. We may find sham (sun) men leaders of orthodoxy that mislead in order to avoid the errors of romanticism or to liberate, yet the only way to avoid moksha, sin, and bondage to a world of sorrows is the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is a popular trend toward belief in a Hegelian kind of secularized god as the Universe evolving to realize itself that might be acceptable to evolutionary atheists for a natural explanation. Ancient Sufi mystics of the 13th century personify some of that intellectual effort in effete U.S. circles to renormalize religious beliefs with the natural world of experience; at the heart of physical being is a transcending spiritual encounter with god. Without approaching God through the narrow gate of faith in Jesus Christ, the broad road leading to destruction lay in the choice to sample a sector of the Universe of experience in a mystical way and call that god.

The United States finds itself heavily invested in Iraq and Afghanistan attempting to transfer an ideal democratic reformation upon those nations while simultaneously running vast current accounts deficits at home with a great divide between the visions of the two major political parties for the right course for the nation to take on economic development and taxation. Each party has a wrong idea for macro-economic policy yet that is outside the scope of this essay. In Iraq and Afghanistan we face a disconformity between our ideas for development of those nations and the actual historical and political forces that exist within and without those nations. Such an inconsistent appraisal doesn’t add up to likelihood for successful actualization of policy.

Abu Abbas started the Abbasid Caliphate. The President of the P.L.O. Mahmoud Abbas was invited to talks with Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu by the Obama administration. Since we have withdrawn all but 50,000 troops from Iraq and a zillion contractors spending billions and billions, this seems like a propitious time to move toward establishing a peace without cooperation of Hamas (means violence) in the Palestinian areas of former Israeli possessions on the West Bank and the Gaza. Is this a meaningful movement toward substantial stabilization with security for Israel and a deescalation of Palestinian violence?

In Iraq the two major parties cannot agree on who the Prime Minister should be. Maliki was one of the major schools of Mohammedanism. Prime Minister Maliki is a Shi’a unwilling to leave office for a rival with more votes but not enough to form a majority. After six months the Presidential election is still unsettled and so is the course of Iraqi history sort of balanced before a phase transition.

We cannot foresee what such a phase transition will bring. U.S. interests there complicate things as the oil contracts for Exxon-Mobil require our presence to reinforce whatever government guarantees the oil. Oil in the U.S.A. perpetuates an anachronistic transportation mode of fossil fuel engines and a misfiring economic engine replete with import deficits. Because of our enmity with Iran we do not want to see the natural rapprochement between the Persian peoples of Iran and the Shia of Iraq develop, and neither would several Arabic elements including Al Qa’eda a radical Sunni reform party opposed to royal Saudi rule perhaps.

The millennial old problem of Shi’a and Sunni fighting over Baghdad or control of a Caliphate will not be solved in a week or two. Some advocate that the Sunni demolition of the World Trade Center should be followed up with construction of a Shi’a mega mosque near ground zero in New York. A more romanticist version of Mohammedanism (Tamarlane was a Mohammadanist) such as Sufi and the popular ancient poet Rumi aka Mawlani (from the 13th century-not Donald Rumsfeld) may connote is more palatable for those lay atheists waiting succor from a religious expression of Darwinianism or at least an organic evolutionary political ethic. A procreative urge of explosive organic union in politics in which salvation may develop through a direct worldliness without concern for an anthropic principle with metaphysical implications seems to be a driving desire of actualizing sublimation in U.S. politics. If only natural impulses worked effectively for political utopia today, such as might exist in a happy bee hive, the troubles requiring constructions of intelligent abstract thought would not be required to overcome immanent environmental and behavioral challenges.

If we believe the lost are leading the lost, perhaps that is so. Like a centipede or Chinese dragon the political evolution of investment abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan occurs in variegated advances and withdrawals turning and twisting with borrowed money and levered funds. Patriotism sparks the engines of military industrial investment now and then though many citizens find it difficult to determine how American interests are secured with the ‘fighting’ over there. Occasional terrorist plots narrowly thwarted by intelligence or dumb luck like when the guys underwear failed to detonate in a plane over Detroit remind us that more should be spent on intelligence and secure and fewer billions on war abroad.

What to do with Iran and Afghanistan and the other stans of Central Asia? We learn that historically invaders tended to take the entire region at once from Ctesiphon and Baghdad to Persepolis and Merv. The United States is rather modest in its invasion plans, yet we spend a lot more than the generations of invaders of the past. We seek security yet haven’t a clue about how to establish peaceful and prosperous societies in the Middle East and on the High Plains of Central Asia. What is worse; our state Department is worth a damn as an ecological economic planner in a hard political environment so they must pursue the econo-phenomenalism of baksheesh or bribery and intimidation to try to put puppets in power.

So in the absence of a known public plan for either Afghanistan or Iraq we have relied upon military and counter-insurgency strengths that would allow a default democratic society to coalesce with our reinforcement. That abstraction is supposed to become so desirable that it will continue after America withdraws its military forces having squandered as many trillions as the public is willing to relinquish to those earning a living spending the trillions. We are skeptical that the entire mission is planned better than the Bush Ii administrations plan for reconstructing Iraq for 5 billion dollars.


Speaker Pelosi Returned from Cygma Galaxy Wants Investigation of Critics of Mosque Near Ground Zero

Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants investigation of funding of critics of the mosque 'build it and they will come' strategy near ground zero.

The Democrat Speaker of the House is so completely aloof that she has no concept why the mosque is a political issue or concerns Americans all over the United States.


She also doesn't recognize that its not 'just Republicans' and pros criticizing the onerous plan to build a mega-mosque near ground zero. Some of us are broke and homeless people hoping for a new congress and new President that know how to create jobs right away rather than 'step by step, inch by inch, slowly' until halted by the next crisis and economic crash. We don't want politicians that kow tow to Mecca whenever oil goes up in price.

We have no faith in the Democrat economic plan for jobless recovery, as the approach of freezing weather is over the edge of space-time a month or two. Some believe that the Democrat sucking up to a victorious encroachment of a Muslim presentation of power near ground zero--the swollen bully's temple of doom is more of a silk-stocking kind of bureaucracy and corporate security with its head up the direction of national decline.

This is not an issue about religious freedom Speaker Pelosi. Muslims are free to build Mosques in New Jersey with the Giants and other sports franchises. This is simply an issue about political and economic power, war and peace, decency and justice, respect for those devastated by Muslim killers from abroad and even future security of New York and the United States.

This is not a local issue only as you have offered as you opinion. New York is not just local. Many Americans have interests in N.Y.C. The three trillion dollars spent to invest in two protracted wars to hunt Muslim terrorists that destroyed the WTC has cascaded poverty for many of us American self-employed house repainters. We wonder what planet you really are from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. An investigation should be made on your source funding for transportation to Earth from that distant galaxy so far away.

Some of us would criticize the construction of a mosque so long as we had internet access of wireless providers or public libraries even if we avoided starvation living on bannock bread. One can get recurrent food poisoning from eating unrefrigerated baloney, yet that is not more sickening that the House Speaker's blatant ignorance of the sentiments of the people of the United States on building a mosque near ground zero.

What You See is What You Get in Presidential Candidates

U.S.A. Electing Underqualified Presidents Deserves What it Gets (Debt, Crisis, Eco-Decline etc.)

Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan were the last two fully qualified nationally integrated Presidents. Each was well known and their political ideas published before taking office. The nation knew what to expect from each individual. In recent years the nation has elected local governors or state politicians promoted too rapidly.

Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton or Carter hadn't a well-developed public economic and environmental platform in which they worked for several years before running for office. If the public simply elects any modestly articulate candidate able to read a teleprompter, a candidate that has not given serious though to development of actual economic and ecological policy that works for many years—they get an unknown untested President happy just to be President. Such Presidents may not really be up to the task of national leadership.

George H.W. Bush was a phi beta kappa in economics and famous for calling Reaganomics 'voodoo economics'. We find other flaws in President Bush I besides economics, that might have faded in to history without too much problem if not followed up with Clintonomics as the actualizer of 'The New World Order'. The protracted rush to concentrate wealth for global financial elites and to liquidate U.S. nationalism and home owning security led down disastrous courses that have yet to play out.

Richard Nixon was brilliant yet flawed—and could not get elected to the U.S. Senate in California. Though he levered his way onto the Eisenhower administration with that Checker’s speech, he was far less public and known over time before taking office Ronald Regan who as a Democrat supported Eisenhower in the 1952 and 1956 Presidential campaigns.

The nation knew much about Ronald Reagan before he took office, and his job performance was basically as expected. Even the Ayatollah Khomeini had an idea what to expect and released the U.S. hostages inauguration day.

I write this article to point out that in the 2012 election the nation is again likely to elect an underqualified candidate without a history of experience in ecological economic affairs of a national and global level, nor of military experience. The next President at best will be another under qualified MBA or governor seeking to promote themselves to the top job—while the nation expects nothing new from their next President except vaguely that he or she would do better in economics. We the people would expect pompous speeches about taxation levels and various kinds of spending, lots of blame and nothing in the way of proven macro-economic competence by the candidate.

It would be a fine thing if several PhDs in economics and ecology with a background as an LT or Captain in the military fought for the nomination every four years. We would like to see candidates run that aren’t simply maximally over-promoted as examples of the American way of perpetual revolution against the citizens that have lived here for a generation or three as if they all were old money and inertially supporters of globalism. Americans expect little and get little from its Presidents. Like the military, a President will perform as they train. If a candidate hasn’t got a real competent plan for reforming and correcting the economy before the campaign, it isn’t likely to be effective if actualized.

As in testing scientific theories, political theories of how to reconstruct or change the economy should be tested substantially before being implemented. That was a major flaw of the Bush II plan to reconstruct Iraq post war for approximately 5 billion dollars. President Obama is confident that his Frankenstinean resuscitation of the Clinton era economy policy with reforms will get the economy going in the right direction under supervision of Clintonista economic advisers, yet some of us believe that a non-sustainable, ad hoc globalist based economic policy is implicitly harmful and likely to crash the economy worse that presently at some point in the future.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...