
Political Party of Plutocracy vs. Party of Depravity- Election Menu; Good and Evil

Some would justify evil with evil, or deny an objective difference between good and evil--yet that won't work with God. Religious traditions of all sorts have ideas about good and evil, and the Bible too sets forth ideas about good and evil.

Remember the Garden? Eve ate of the tree of knowledge and learned the difference between good and evil. It is an ancient topic.

Of course we do not judge God when we follow God's instructions. From Cicero to Paul we have an idea of good and of evil. We are not of a disposition such as Nietzsche to move /Beyond Good and Evil'. Nietzsche was quite influenced by Zoroastrianism and the division of the world into a battle between good and evil.

God is perfect. Those that argue the God is less than perfect do some perhaps from disingenuous grounds.

In the United States today we have two imperfect political parties; one is a party of plutocracy and the other a party of depravity. We can say quite readily that within the limits of our humble concepts God is better than anything such as is merely temporal and imperfect. We do not imply thereby that God is merely a perfected realization of a temporal vision.

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