
Scientist Hypothesizes a New Theory of Gravity and Comments on 'The Cosmic Jackpot'

Recently reading 'The Cosmic Jackpot' by Paul Davies I have found that it is a useful review of elements of multiverse theory. One may get to multiverse theory without superstring theory, yet today most of the work is done with super-string or membrane concepts.

The Planck length may be a variable constant subject to relativistic shrinking it is speculated. That would be equivalent to a variable Speed of Light theory (VSL) with DSR II or double special relativity criteria in at the opposite end of the size scale. The Plank length was named for Max Plank, yet in case it is wrong it would not be his fault since he did not invent it.

The plank length is less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a meter, and supposedly the size of the Universe near the start of the Universe was smaller than that--yet if gravity does not exist as people believe it does, but is only an apparent force produced by some subtle statistical quantum effects reinforcing mass interaction, then all bets are off for using gravity as a plug-in for equations for calculating quantum mechanical theoretical issues.

Davies helpfully explained many issues about the Hartle-Hawking approach to Guth's inflation theory. Time at the earliest point becomes a dimension of space--and I think that's on the right track especially as regards the strangeness of intervals, being and nothingness and so forth.

Philosophically space with four dimensions near Time=0 (that never actually occurs but is instead fogged in through uncertainty) (time is a spatial dimension at the 'start' era) simply existed in very compact condition. That seems really weird.

Imagine a tiny four-dimensional string or brane, hyper-cube or whatever of space just sitting there in the midst of nothing that after forever inflates faster than light to the size of a grapefruit-ha!

How many of thse smaller than a breadbox by far sourdough starter four dimensional space units might exist--an infinite number?

Once an inflationary universe starts because of anti-gravity (if gravity doesn't exist then inflation with anti-gravity probably doesn't exist either) it may go on forever inflating. Because of quantum uncertainty 'pockets' of the inflaton have some mass with enough local gravity to break off and act like a little pocket universe such as ours.


The universe with pocket universe spaced far apart could be really trillions of trillions times larger than the possibly 13.7 billion year old universe time two (light expanding outward away from a ‘center’) that astrophysicists consider the observable universe.

Time hasn't a narrow beginning from a singularity in these vague and uncertain quantum mechanical inflations from Hartle-Hawking field. Instead time is an attribute of the mass energy field that arose from the four-dimensional space hyper-cube. There is no real beginning of time, for before time existed there was no time, and in the initial quantum uncertainty area the precise boundary starting point of time is vague--yet like the turtle in the Eleatic paradox, it does actually start some where we may consider, even if the infinite number of parallel spaces and intervals of small size are not all toeing the line as good units should so they can be rightly counted.

Recently I have been reading opinions against string theory because it isn't provable so far, and in the history of physics good theories usually produce meaningful predictions and results that are not purely theoretical more quickly--string theory has been around about 30 years.

This could be an era of just pure mathematical-cosmological hypothesizing that will pay off down the road. There may be an infinite number of universes, or just one universe of nearly infinite size, or perhaps something entirely else, yet philosophers have considered what the universe is, and what its contained in since at least Parmenides and his deliberations on the plenum or volume in which a sphere is contained (something like the Earth) before Plato. It is worthwhile considering such issues still, along with our reading in neo-Platonism (The Enneads) and in the philosophy of logic, in order to find such truthful knowledge of the universe and of meaning as Our Lord Jesus Christ and the will of God deems feasible, right, proper and useful for human enterprise in comprehension of divine purposes or for execution of the divine will.

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