
Sticky Fingers of the Hierarchical Priesthood

Sticky fingers of hierarchical priesthoods are a sociological fact of history. From Iran and the mullahs of the ulema to the American protestant priestly hierarchy of the airwaves giving over much support to President George W. Bush and protracted foreign wars that employed specific contractors hierarchical priesthoods have tended to advantage their own family interests and cut off any establishment of Christian social credit banks and networks in a priesthood of believers form.

The hierarchical priesthoods are the only game in town though-even the Catholic and Orthodox versions have over associated priestly hierarchies with power politics and politicians. Iran's ulema class of Mohammedan priests exercise and obvious political power--yet that is a sociological trait of priesthoods everywhere that have sought after their own power and financial security first and placed the work of Christ second.

This is not a denouncement of the hierarchical priesthoods though it may seem so--they are the only game in town. One must gather rather than scatter, and they have the ears and wallets of the flock. I simply wish to admonish them to change their ways and seek after the work of The Lord. A Temple priesthood seeking to protect their sociological position of power fundamentally crucified Jesus; to days hierarchical priesthoods have as little interest in power sharing as the Levitical priesthood of the day of our Lord.

If a Christian in America is persecuted socially he basically has nowhere to go. Christian churches are structured as adjuncts of the established economic powers and the priesthoods meet with accepted social, worldly principles for promotion; that is all wrong, for the work of the Lord often requires those that seek after God's will rater than that of social promotion.
Christian church organizations ought to have a vast network of social credit banks that any Christian could contribute too and draw on as needed in actual financial emergencies. Depositing during good times it would be a donation he could never withdraw except in given emergencies. A maximum amount could be deposited such as 2500 dollars, and excess deposits would be considered tithing of the organization for use of others that cannot meet the account limits.

With modern computing power and networking a priesthood of egalitarian Christian believers should be simple to establish, yet the sticky fingers of the hierarchical priesthood is unwilling to relinquish and control of money flow through the churches in which they are already radically over-tithed by 90% according to Biblical precepts. Pervasively vague, amorphous use of church donations commonly leave the faithful with nothing to draw on should they experience financial emergency themselves or move away from a particular church of attendance area. In this era of social mobility and movement the churches are rather stationary with preferred locations catching money from those that attend before moving on. The Christians outside the hierarchical priesthood are thus sheared of any security or investment they may have made ii a worldly sense.

It could be that there is an element of truth to the Mohammedan charges of crusading by our Baptist President George W. Bush. As with the military industrial complex and Halliburton we discern a certain conflict of interest between our Baptist and Protest and select Catholic clergy and foreign war on a rival hierarchical priesthood structure of Taliban or Ulema (in Iran). The desire for hierarchical priesthoods to attain increased political and financial power is obvious.

Hierarchical Priesthoods may be taken over by the state on occasion. The Roman Emperor Constantine made himself head of the church and Christianity a state religion. Peter the Great, the Tsar of All Russians, appointed his own Metropolitan or head of the Orthodox Church, and of course the Ayatollah Khomeini established rule of the Mullahs in Iran as regency for the Twelfth Imam.

There are political evolutions and turmoil in history. Various battles have been waged by church and state to purge society of common heresies that attacked individualism in social conduct and made a commonality of sex and material goods. Yet the desire to increase the political and social individual rights of individuals is another course through the political evolution of pluralism that the founders of the United States supported as well as others through history.

Christian social credit networks that would enable Christians persecuted by corporate networks, radio terror designators, state terror, church terror or challenged by entrees of the menu of existential adversity to have some assurance of relief. The hierarchical priesthoods irregular and variegated, amorphous control of finance and social relief networks quickly reduces challenged Christian in America to begging for help or miracles. Miracles are good things for sure, yet one should not neglect to construct a house for oneself instead of expecting a miracle motel to appear wherever one might need one.

Hierarchical priesthoods could easily adapt to lead the creation of numerous Christian social credit bank networks for money, work, services and other needs perhaps including medical available on a nationwide, interdenominational basis. That they do not and have not made such things exist is a consequence of the sticky fingers of power phenomenon if I am not mistaken. Apologists for the hierarchical priesthood may say that these things already exist, or that the priesthood of believers already exists in some way yet really--where are they? If one was a genius and have a google maps enabled g.p.s. device and a good search engine it would still be difficult to find such structures, networks or establishments.

If one is a tired, hungry, broke Christian in America without an ability to afford to launder clothes just keep walking past those parking lots full of SUV's and talcum powdered employed Christian hierarchical churches on Sunday. They are working to extract donations from the faithful and you won't optimally fit in. Much of the flock is seeking after being the righteous establishment without problems. We sympathize in this quest for worldly security and good places to raise kids. It is our role to look beyond though to the heavenly things that promise more, on Earth we hope to move toward a better ecclesiastical organization that isn't so exclusive. Society often becomes stupid and led by the philosophically retarded though political ambitious-it can't hurt to try to break free the grip of the sticky fingers of politics, establishment economics and hierarchical priesthoods strangling the Christian Church.

In some country Christianity is a thriving thing with a priesthood of egalitarian believers and besides worldly work there is church work for all members as beginners, intermediates or Christians. There are Christian credit banks and in small groups all share a liturgy, sermonizing and doing their share of the work as equal adult Christians. If they want to do more they can tithe or provide extra services to other Christians--and this country's Christians make great ambassadors and missionaries for Christ. I may visit it one day too.

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