Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker in his attack on Proposition 8 offers reasoning that the people of California who passed the measure to change the definition of marriage from heterosexual have no standing to appeal his veto to the 9th circuit court since they aren't homos affected by his ruling.
The Judge seems to believe that the citizens of a state have no interest implicitly in how their social institutions exist or what they are, and that a Judge can expropriate their fundamental rights and design society, language and truth in accord with their personal will, whims, Lewis Carrolian fantasies of reality and what is good for the gays of San Francisco.
Judge Walker is becoming something of a legendary farce for judicial activism in the U.S.A.
The entire human social history of heterosexual marriage joining families together with new births, of exchanging family members of blood to tie together royal dynasties, the value of marriage as a way of tracing bloodlines and ancestry is all at stake as the judge seeks to change the core meaning of marriage to cohabitation with non-reproductive sex of any sorts of beings in whatever numbers. Judge Walker is simply bent and should not try to substitute for social will and legislative action with judicial corruption of law and language. He is perhaps a deep-water Bush-Bohemian Grove Gay putcher himself who does substantial harm to the integrity of the United States.
There are innumerable legal remedies for the things homosexuals desire in seeking a cargo cultists approach to being like heterosexuals. If they want health care benefits or special tax breaks available to heterosexual couples that are married, or inheritance rights there are other means to make such things available for those not heterosexual and married. If is an unfortunate fact that homosexuals seem to wish to attack and destroy heterosexual social norms and institutions because they dissent with heterosexuality. It is a sad fact that Judge Walker as a homosexual advocate in California makes a globalist, corporatist, atheistic perverted putsch to annihilate human decency at its most cherished core values such as the social institution of marriage and a joke of the prose-poem Footprints simultaneously. The corrupting power of the U.S. Judiciary and the California Federal Judiciary in particular is threatening to the security of the United States at times, and definitely not a friend of democracy on this occasion.
There is no need for homosexuals to directly attack and annihilate the heterosexual historical institution of marriage of society in order to secure whatever interests they seek socially as equal citizens. Forcing through Judicial activism the end of marriage as a heterosexual institution upon society would traditionally open the door to destabilizing social remedies through other means than government, when government is corrupted. That has happened more than once in history, and in this challenging era the need for society to defend itself from an attack from within by foreign and domestic homosexual activists is distracting.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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