
Early Universe, Consciousness, Phase Transitions and Hot Tub Heart Attacks

Reading 'The Cosmic Jackpot’ the idea of variable constants in the low temperature range of physics amidst different pocket universes of an eternal inflaton seems a reasonable enough idea. At the trillion trillion degrees range near the very start of time before a Higgs field extended much with inflation there would be no proximal profusion of fundamental force pluralism. Such a regime would be inhospitable to the being of consciousness of a physically supported sort.

Davies seems to suggest that at lower temperature range more 'fancy' aggregation of matter can form, such as life and consciousness. Complexity in matter forms toward low temperature rather than high. Initial values of ratios such as protons to neutrons were formed early in the high temperature era, there is much fine-tuning of constants.

One of the most interesting is dark energy--if it were slightly more matter would be blown apart by a seeming anti-gravity, and slightly less would create a powerful collapsing force such as ultra-gravity. No one knows what dark energy is or if it exists as a particle of some sort getting power from a Higgs or anti-Higgs field in some way. Interesting stuff to think about--including phase transition of water into an ordered crystal lattice at 0 degrees centigrade. Phase transitions of matter may be somewhat like that of consciousness emerging from matter. At some point through the construction of complexity mass is able to transition into consciousness thank God.

Davies mentioned the very low temperature range at which D.N.A. dissociates. It breaks down entirely at 200 some degrees C and is harmed substantially before that. Obviously I regarded hot tub heart attacks and other problems affected by temperature increase--perhaps global warming will affect consciousness too making some fail to support a substantial extra-terrestrial moon base project or California proposition 8-2010.

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