
Judge Walker Redefines Language-Meanings & Forces 'Gay Marriages' On Caliifornia

I am not an advocate of Clintonomics. Clintonomics was an ultra-voodoo outsource U.S.productivity abroad and convert the nation to indirect income money skimmers and labor work exploiters. It is the heart of a non-renewable capitalism with an irrational premise. Cristie Whitman's 90 million dollar California Senate primary campaign budget is one expression of the irrationality of the Displacement and Replacement aspects of Democratic and Republican politics in the new era (more about that below). If one has a 1000 cell phone users and consolidates them with one party line efficiency is not increased even with a hierarchy to manage the line. Networks and concentrated wealth decrease rather than decrease economic efficeincy.

The U.S. and global economy is not one micro-economy or one corporation that can have its efficiency increased through allocation of resources. Consolidating and merging corporations decreases inventiveness and competition as well as actualization of new ideas. The post-war transitory phase in the U.S. economy to increase the range and power of U.S. corporations and to transition from a productive economy to a managing economy implicitly is anti-capitalistic if one may consider the reduction of competition and the elimination of the total number of individuals nationally who are significant capital accumulators.

I am for cutting the Department of Defense significantly as it already has 51% OR MORE OF THE DISCRETIONARY BUDGET. While Clintonomics is a globalist policy of irrational displacement based ecoomics that was an ultra-voodoo policy with a balanced federal budget as it parted out the U.S. economy with Glass-Steagle and other invest in China and Wal-Mart the economy techniques developed by Larry Summers, moon base construction is real work and challenging at that. The comfort based U.S. lazy Clintonomics continued by Obama and militarized for redistribution of wealth to the rich purposes by Bush II implicitly concentrates wealth and reduces local ownership of mortgages and business/politics, yet it has no momentum for rational public works project to advance citizen security existentially.

Judge Walker’s decision to end the stay on his decision to veto the California proposition limiting marriage to heterosexuals seems an oddly Satanic judicial political implementation of public policy directions. Federal judicial corruption of democracy has occurred before in order to conform the nation’s progress toward a satanic secular conformity, in this instance the decision by a member of the third branch of elitists corrupting the popular will presents a few interesting facts that resonate with history.

Aristotle believed that a democracy would destroy itself and break down into a tyranny through the popular intemperance and immoderation of the masses. In the case of the defeat by a verdict of one judge of the opinion of a majority vote of seven million citizens, it was an educated elite cadre with an activist agenda who served to advance the destruction of democracy through overturning the popular conservatism of California voters.

Not to be fancy for purposes of obfuscation, marriage is a social support for reproduction and child raising. Marriage cannot be anything other than heterosexual for humans reproduce only heterosexually. Judicial, legal fictions of course can declare otherwise for reasons of political correctness and economic advantage real or apparent. Judge Walker’s decision to overturn several thousand years of historical reason with a legal fiction is such a circumstance.

The United States today is facing many deep challenges resulting from Clintonomics carried on by Bush II and Obama. The nation’s economic foundations were shifted to concentrate wealth and send material production abroad. The majority of American workers became service workers and financial workers, homes and home mortgages were commodified and purchased by global corporatists and local economic autonomy destroyed.

Clintonomics was facilitated by the rise of cheap labor abroad and also imported into the United States from Mexico. Democrat and Republican parties both supported Clintonomics with different styles. Democrats were a displacement and replacement of white straight males party generally, while the Republicans were a CEO support party for corporatism that would also wink at homosexuals as useful consumers.Judge Walker was an appointee of George H.W. Bush(I) who was a ‘moderate’ country club, globalistist, New World Order Republican founder.

The democratic Party through a variety of legal ‘liberalizations’ had sought equal pay for equal work for women, and to eliminate advantaged work areas in construction and elsewhere for white straight men in the U.S.A. Females had no opportunity to avoid being drafted into the workforce of course though they may believe otherwise. American women since Rowe v. Wade and birth control pills have logically moved into the non-physical areas of the economy such as the financial and service sector, government bureaucracy and offices provide steadily while reducing the independent U.S. construction phenomena to a dependent, phenomenal tool of mass commodified housing regulated by legions of businesses sometime employing illegal alien sub-sub contractors phenomenally to put together mass produced packaged homes at high prices.

Neither the Displacement Party nor the C.E.O. Party seeks the advantage of American workers or small business though they give lip service to the latter commonly. Clintonomics has no interest in creating a more organic locally owned home construction industry or reversing Glass-Steagle. With so much of the nation centered on collecting large checks to buy imported cars and fuel, buying goods made in China and globally sending their cash out of the nation to destinations unknown, the likelihood of the U.S. economy improving much is improbable.

Clintonomics reinforced a networked concentration of wealth and global totalized exploitation of natural and economic resources. As the destruction of boundaries proceeds and local security declines so does the independence of free enterprise becomes subsumed by concentrated capital and decreased local initiative arises. Paradoxically the problems associated with Soviet Communist ‘business’ also arise in a totalized global corporate environment as personal autonomy is sapped or killed, individual freedom to find work ad creative land and construction opportunities eliminated and the solely important economic issues are found in vast networked political questions of control and balance with government largely an irrational cheerleader of an irrational corporatist ad hoc collection of controllers seeking to extract profits for concentrated wealth.

Judge Walker’s choice to sew the infective social leavening of homosexual sin into California and the nation merely accelerates the perversion of mass networked power and its attack on personal and local political and social self-determination. The judiciary too is caught up in the corporatist government trend of neo-liberalism with its irrational Soviet business bureaucracy corrupting the political and actual economic environment through the power of technology and destruction of classical reason.

Stephen Hawking said that humanity must leave Earth in order to survive. Jacque Cousteau gave humanity about 200 years to live. James Lovelock said that in a few hundred years North America will be a desert.judge Walker has perhaps advanced the time for the end of life on Earth with his decision. The effort to create a rational, sustainable, non-evil society is never helped when depravity becomes the judicial norm.

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