Some oppose creating fracturous networks of petite earthquqakes with geothermal power gathering processses. Instead of injectiung water to create steam to power turbines the 10,000 foot deep drill shafts to a 500 degree f Earth temperature realm should be exploited with a differrent heat transfer medium. I like the idea of an encased fluid of a differerent sort.
Oil drilling mud is quite a specialized mixture. There isn't any engineering reason why a new comppound fluid designed for optimal heat gathering could not be nmade and forced into encased drill shafts of a better design to circulate and gather heat to transfer toward the surface for convection and rotation of magnet electricity producing event cycles.
Perhaps the oil industry in the United States could be encouraged to substantially research and upgrade deep heat transfer fluid technology and create an industry that the olil drilling industry perrsonnel would find suitable employment adaptability in. The technology oof geothermal empowerment could create quite a few jobs and power safely if optimally exploited.
Greed as the stimulus to create technological progress is important. I think its possible to create a national geo-thermal industry with some substantial advantage for smaller domestic companies through auction construction for federal lands access and legislation for power sales or purchases by municipalities.
The first CEO of what would become Brown and Root got started inventing a new drilling technology early in the 20th century.Later it became the infamous through political cronyism partner of L.B.J. and through Halliburton Cheyney-Bush. One must start somewhere and move the entire fieldof players to less harmful energy toys if possible. Pol,itical corruption will always be a human norm to combat through cleverness.
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