
Progress On McGinnis' Book on Sarah Palin Written Next Door?

When Joe McGinniss, an author, rented the house next door to former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family in May 2010 we thought that was 'going to extremes'. This is the United States though so stalking celebrities and politicians by the media and extended political writers isn't too unusual. We wonder if his book on the Palins is making progress?


The Palins built a very large fence between the tow yards at the Lake to reduce McGinnis' voyeuristic opportunities a little, yet its the creativity that counts and scuba diving or ultra-light over flights are still good prospects for surveillance.

There are many spy devices; motion censors, bugging implements and cameras also available for media and extended data gathering associates available on-line and in local spy ware shops in select neighborhoods. Evidently people will pay serious money to provisioners of inside 'scoops' on famous political people for the listeners need something to talk about. Every time another Mel Gibson recording is released the local media go over it mining for insights into the lifestyles of the person of interest. If there were intelligent things broadcast besides, it wouldn't be so objectionable to occasionally here bleeping statement analysis as one channel surfs in vain for the big wave of intellectual broadcast talk.

Sarah Palin and Mel Gibson at least have some northern things in common; Mel Gibson made a film about a Scottish rebellion and Sarah Palin has Moose living near here property as well as a writer with a Scottish name or alternatively an Irish beer made in cork. I doubt if the final story on the Palins will be corked by McGinnis this year. In fact it’s possible that if a Republican administration is elected in 2010 Sarah Palin may become the next Secretary of the Interior, a job for which she is reasonably well suited.

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