Timeline: Muslims Destroy WTC 9-11, Build 13 Story Mosque Near Ground Zero
This is becoming a factual historical sequence for the city of New York. It is somewhat remarkable yet commensurate with the lax defense attitudes regarding border and national security of the era. With so much Muslim purchases of global corporate influence through profits from oil sales the purchase of expensive and sensitive New York City real estate for development into a Muslim cultural center for missions to godless New Yorkers is easy to understand.
Mohammedans lack a sense or theology of sin. It is easier to comprehend how some fanatics may find it practical to make real world ad hominem attacks on civilians of a politically antipathetic nature if one lacks a sense of sin and the implicit moral wrongness of certain acts. Muslims and atheist homosexuals each lack a sense of sin. It is a paradox that two groups so far apart on fundamental social and political orientation should strive for controlling political influence of the city of New York through the corporate world power center of the East Coast.
For the time being the U.S. military is a target of an Obama Administration policy to make openly homosexual sailors, marines, airpersons and soldiers a new norm. The increasing Eastern urban Muslim fundamentalism may be a reply to such secular insinuations of sin as a government supported policy; one wonders where and when Muslim fundamentalists will reach into the Department of Defense through official advancements to vie for control of a military without a sense of sin.
The President of the United States today B. Hussein Obama nominally represents the Muslim and pro-homosexual union of duplicity of effort. His middle name is that of Muhammad’s uncle and he is also the top homosexual militant in the United States through his effort to end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy on homosexual behavior in favor of the deconstruction of sin.
Will the world’s best Muslim terrorists visit the New York Ground Zero Muslim Culture Center on vacation terror planning junkets? Perhaps future Al Qa’eda missions will be inspired from visits to the unofficially named Oz Bin Ladin Commemorative Victory Mosque. If America today seems to have its head up its as in some respects, perhaps it does, we humble cannot offer our personal opinion on that controversial topic.
Mayor Bloomberg of N.Y. City has supported construction of the mosque as some sort of an expression of tolerance for different religions and cultures. Just a decade after 9-11 that is asking like asking the people of the United States to tolerate construction of a 13 story Japanese Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor in 1951, if the Japanese had not lost the second world war, but had only retreated a little to ‘safe mode’. The defense against illegal alien terrorists and legal visiting Muslim terrorists is not yet over.
We understand Mayor Bloomberg’s Jewishness as a factor in shaping his attitude about Muslims, yet he has got it wrong. To Americans the Jews are not just another middle eastern tribe like those of Muslims that Jews might hide behind in the U.S.A. Americans regard the Jews as a special people because of the shared religious history.
Some Jews may worry about latent Aryan supremist blue eyed blondes waiting to incinerate the remnant of Jews. There is no need to safeguard their own minority religious security in the United States by flooding it with Muslims and rashly supporting a mosque of traumatic insult near ground zero.
How often have liberals protested civil war monuments or confederate flags on state property even after 150 years post-war? How vitrolic are the anti-ten commandments statue protesters to keep religious symbols away from public spaces, yet there is a blindness on the crash power symbolism of construction of a mega-mosque near ground zero. Is New Jersey or Massachusetts really that bad of a spot to build a mosque?
The trauma of World War Two gave some Jews 'the queer eye' for Europeans perhaps, yet Mayor Bloomberg could perhaps alternatively have been pursuing an appeasement policy in view of the nation of Israel's precarious position amidst hundreds of millions of Muslims. Such wrong political judgments have led in history to a record of becoming locally out of touch with political interests. Mayor Bloomberg said that giving in to popular sentiment would be giving in to terrorism; actually it would be giving in to democracy, which is not terrorism.
I do not wish to pick on Mayor Bloomberg. I write about issues rather than individuals unless the political office of the person concerned and their official job performance is the issue. Ad hominem attacks are the common method of homosexual militants these days. They were also the real practice of Hitler's S.A. American Christians will continue to support the nation of Israel--while they can.
The Jewish religion is an exclusive, tribal, non-missionary oriented religion that has a lot of wealthy people and has historically had some troubles in blending in to foreign nations following the Diaspora from their own. The Muslim religion is not however, a demure, worship in minor buildings and make a lot of money and influence politics globally like Trotsky and the Solomon Brothers kind of religion.
Muslims are not a bunch of Pharisees trying not to break any of 2001 religious laws and quietly worship in a Synagogue. Muslims have no concept of sin or atonement. They are expansionary as a matter of jihad upon infidels of the Dar al Harb even if trading with the business week from the strength of crude oil dispensationalists. Tolerating the construction of a Mosque near ground zero is absolute idiocy, and like unto giving the Tiger a large piece of raw meat. The ‘moderate’ Muslims set to build the Mosque near ground zero are at best like placing Hugh Hefner to supervise a nunnery…for perennial enmity of non-Muslims with no guilt about it is just a way of life.
Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘moderate; Jewishness and synagogic ideas of tolerance developed with just 13 million Jews on Earth (one for each year of the Universe) is not the same as the moderation of a billion plus followers of the false prophet of Mecca. Mayor Bloomberg could have been more pragmatic and suggested the Bronx or New Jersey as a place to build the mosque. The ‘Imams’ plan was far less than sensitive, and very pushy. Mayor Bloomberg will be remembered next time large Muslim terrorism occurs in N.Y.C. Jews has a historically recurrent problem of making bad political judgments for others because of their historical conditioning. The one place they are good at making political judgments without surprise, is Israel.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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