
Obamanomic Downsizing of the American Majority

A majority of Americans, about 230 million, take home just 15% of the income of the U.S.A. The top 20% take 85% of the income and the ultra-rich take 3/4s of income growth. In other words a growing economy primarily benefits an oligarchy and counter-cyclically degrades the political effectiveness of democracy.  As the economy recovers and expands the poor and middle class become politically and economically poorer. The top .01% for-themselves take ten percent of the income in the U.S.A. today. As global economies rise and consume more non-sustainable economic product the cost to U.S. consumers may well rise.

The capital gains rate is just 15%. The ultra rich only pay only about 20% income tax. With Wall Street and bank networking raking in profits everywhere-since the 2009 recovery began the rich have taken in 90% of the wealth. Outsourcing of jobs continues with better investment opportunities abroad for the international class of the ultra-rich. Obama economic planning does little or nothing to address economic reality. The President's Harvard-Wall Street advising crew seems to have him dancing and golfing on strings.

It is the majority with just 15% of national income that will pay proportionally more for Obamacare because of the increasingly regressive tax structure. If illegal aliens were made legal they would just be added to the majority dividing up just 15% of the national income. New citizens in the impoverished majority would require government assistance from that themselves in new schools, policing, training and social welfare payments. There seems to be a financial firewall between the rich and the majority such that federal legislation gets increasingly financed and/or programs cut from within the 15% tax base income portion. Maybe the 15% portion of national income consumed by the majority can be viewed as a distasteful allowance the ultra-rich must concede in order to keep the majority compliant with their program though it would of course be better consumed by the ultra-rich 1400 billionaires of the world and their lackey millionaire juniors.

Democrat politicians may argue that increasing the tax base with new citizens will help pay for the social welfare system, yet the only way to actually increase the tax base is to tax those with the money and that isn't illegal aliens or youth. President Obama twice was the cheerleader against ending Bush II tax cuts. The ultra-rich couldn't have a better lawyer-actor front man to occupy the time of the somnolent masses satisfied with a non-financial political agenda the ultra-rich tolerate.

Those with the money are the 1% global corporatists. As the demographic numbers of the poor and middle class increase their incomes remain the same or stagnate. Government just redistributes middle class and poor income to new members of the middle class or poor.

The demographic theory of increasing the insurance pool to pay health costs with young people required to buy insurance will just take more from the majority with only 15% of national income and redistribute earnings to the ultra-rich. A substantial tax increase on the rich is the only way to move outside the small income cluster of the majority and move into the preponderant, dominating income cluster of the teeny tiny minority with the money/

The majority are sold a bill of political goods concerning the majority's 15% of U.S. income while the vast pile of concentrating wealth income of the 1% and the.01% are regarded as sacred ground in the Church of Adam Smith's Libertarian Deregulated Capitalism. Owning the broadcast media helps control public opinion in favor of the lobbyists working for the rich like the politicians except for Bernie Sanders who unfortunately is a socialist instead of a reform of capitalism through downsizing.

Democracy requires egalitarianism of income distribution because money loosely converts to political power. It can be expressed in terms of Einstein's famous formula of E=MC2. Transformed to explain political economy it reads P=MLA2 (political power equals money times lobbying and advertising squared).

It is necessary to reform capitalism and free enterprise in the United States today to keep it at a pragmatic human scale rather than in inhuman, abstract, Satanic globalism of oligarchs. Plutocracy even if perpetrated by benevolent oligarchs develops the same inhuman characteristics as communism in nullifying the opportunity for individual free political expression and free enterprise although through different means of suppression.

It would be good to create an ecological economic shadow infrastructure in the U.S.A. through federal leadership that would favor local development of ecospherically sustainable jobs. The national ecospheric business infrastructure would be regulated by the state but not owned by the state. Businesses compliant with sustainability and employee number caps (fewer than 5000 workers) would receive tax breaks and be eligible for available contracts from the state. No American should be allowed to own stock in more than three corporations.

While business is global and taxes are avoided by Plutocrats leaving the vast majority of American income under taxed and over-concentrated national debt builds up. The President can talk about education for youth and spending on select obsolete physical infrastructure renewal all he wants as a way to create jobs for the middle class, yet he is appears to be entirely wrong about the prospects for the middle class.

If tax rates on the rich and capital gains tax rates were progressive, if the Bush II era tax cuts had been allowed to expire the U.S. economy might have had a chance to improve. Cutting federal spending and improving existing federal programs if not entirely reforming them to syntigrate more effectively in the economy were good objectives for the first and second Obama administration terms too, and neither was attempted.

National income should be such that the majority of the people take at least 50%.  Government policy should set that number as a prime directive. Money equals power. Democracy is about majority power. The majority should take the majority of income to conserve the majority of political power.

Income should be produced through sustainable ecospheric means. Maybe a full-employment economy can provide enough of a natural social welfare to negate the need for excessive government welfare. 

The transition to a high-income sustainable ecospheric base for the national majority can serve as an example for other nations. America should be a laboratory of democracy successfully adapting to the challenges put by the existential, and phenomenal physical and social environment.

Freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of speech and free enterprise are necessary, vital elements of a healthy democratic society able to adapt to heterodox challenges of empirical existence. Democracy is about necessary regulation that benefits equally well the majority of the citizens of a nation. The golden mean of deregulation is selected to conserve the real individual interests of the majority within then meta-regulations of democratic governance.

Taxing the economic extreme corrupting democracy by concentrating wealth in the .01% may drive globalists farther offshore, perhaps to the moon, yet it would help restore a democratic health to the U.S.A. and pay off national public debt. A basic plan for ecospheric economic syntigration should be ready to phase in as rich globalists paying low taxes find foreign fruits more to their liking than a democratic social environment. Economic liberty and economic justice for all does not come cheap.  An ecological economy of full employment could gradually phases in as plutocracy fades out if people are educated well enough to become pragmatic business activists.

A healthy democracy with limited size corporations and full employment within a sustainable ecosphere that supports individual free thought and free enterprise is a better direction to trod than an anarchic oligarchy of Plutonomy oppressing individual development using a soft networking corporate power to snuff out meaningful democratic dissent.

On The Existential Analysis of Jean Paul Sartre

The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre developed a method called existential analysis derived from Freud's innovative psychoanalysis. Existential analysis is probably under-utilized today. I read about it in his book written during the Second World War 'being and Nothingness'. I haven't read anything about it elsewhere.

Existential analysis can be used at several levels. It can be applied to collective social behavior such as government or plutocratic finance de facto nation formation with exclusive franchise or just individual psychology. Existential analysts should be part of U.S. Government V.A. counseling opportunity as well as for soldiers on active duty. Existential counseling could be of value to the population generally as a way to consider pomp, circumstance and phenomenality of being-for-itself as a thing-in-itself as if it were a mirage selected from an infinite realm of possibly better social mirages. For a democracy the population should take control of its own destiny and raise taxes on an oppressive minority concentrating wealth. Media archetypes programming collective unconsciousness would work against that suggesting the dreamers acquiesce in political economic myths. Existential analysis might consider objectively deeper structures an individual experiences that affect his or her subjective psychology.

Freud's analysis of repressed childhood memories is obviously a limited approach to solving adult psychological issues. Some or much adult behavior is the result of adult trauma, the Iraq war for example, instead of early childhood experience. Existential analysis might work better than a pharmacopoeia approach or even a Christian counseling approach to select psychological adjustment problems in secular reality. So what is existential analysis and what sort of things would it address?

Consider the military veteran traumatized by events in Iraq. A very hot dry place itself with a populace traumatized by shock and awe hyper detonations, heavy initial war casualties in bunkers bombed by B-52's, decades of state police terrorism, the anomie of a destroyed government followed by sectarian strife, economic privations, terrorism and foreign occupation with global mercenary contractors, the American soldier encounters a place with lower value of human life de facto, sustained disillusionment about the role of the U.S. Government and foreign policy implementation, meaning and value of life for-oneself and for-others and experiences first-hand sustained immanent death stresses, encounters with casualties and hate from some, duplicity and exploitation from others. Existential analysis might examine and reveal these things, while pharmacopoeia, Christian and Psychoanalysis might not.

Existential analysis might consider the objective experiences that stimulated adverse behavioral response for an individual. In The Critique of Dialectical Reason, Sartre's other major philosophical work, the social environment built up collectively from individual existential experience is described, analyzed and effectively encapsulated well enough even at a political level that it can serve as a procedural example of existential analysis even if not a complete repertoire of existential analysis.

It is possible to consider childhood experience as a character formation phenomenon that effects the responses of a soldier to war, trauma and recovery, yet the adult existential content is what needs analysis for the individual is not simply a machine that ought to have processed any trauma flawlessly except for manufacturer or assembly errors of youth. Existential analysis would consider objectively myths of political correctness as well as archetypes of the collective unconscious; it would develop an intellectual cache for the individual's mind allowing detached examination of subjective behavior and response to external, existential experience and memory.

Existential analysis might exploit some pharmaceutical tools when helpful, yet treating the actual existential history of an individual analytically so the individual objectively considers memory and reality as an existential phenomenality he can determine his or her own response to is requisite for restoration of individual determinism in the pursuit of happiness.


Introducing 3rdMilleniumblog.blogspot.com

I have developed another blog. It seems like a good idea to use a different blog for some posts in order to present less of a target to political opposition that feel its useful to slow down writers. That trend if successful would tend to negate the point of free speech and a free society, free enterprise and democracy obviously.

It may be that  Plutocracy and the post-cold war era transformation of  the U.S. economy into an in-the-bag globalized backstop for the ultra-rich has gone so far as to make politics in America something of a Potemkin village, I can't  be sure. When the vast majority of Americans-230 million have just 15% of the national income the political issues that people encounter tend to be irrelevant to their economic well being. Democracy works best with something of an egalitarian income distribution without which the rich just pull the strings on everything through networking and dissent is marginalized.

A politician in the nation today that would change things would need to let the rich take care of themselves and their global interests and dedicate the government to the end of creating a new green, renewable full economy in theory and practice that would be ready to phase in with full employment after the rich flee abroad when their taxes are progressively raised to 90%.

Private enterprise can provide all of the thing that citizens need for a good life in a more egalitarian and downsized enterprise context in the presence of a comprehensive social welfare safety net within a realist social environment motivated to regreen the ecosphere.

Life and living things; nature, is the basic content of human thought and development of inventions and manufactures. To reduce ecospheric diversity is to reduce the general human intellectual quotient. The artificial indoor environment is a poor and muttly thing for humanity to  be content with if the real ecosphere is dismissed as auxiliary and only to be tolerated. The mind and its place in nature is full of the abstracts of existence compound and synthetically integrated into a cornucopia of products. Mass conformed social existence tends to diminish the complexity and usefulness of nature. Remember that a human brain and body is the most complex biological fact in existence and is a product of the most rich and complex environment in the solar system-one that the up-from-the-mud humanity is degrading rapidly in order to make their planetary pen more creature comfortable.

The beauty of life is the simplicity of its complexity fully put together. God is like that maybe-One Being in Three Persons letting plurality arise from monism in some mysterious way.


Mexican Youth Reportedly Used as Drug Mules-Rep Boehner Disagrees

Congressional Speaker Boehner has slammed Rep. Steve King rather soundly for King's statements to the effect that Mexican youth are used as drug smugglers a.k.a. mules. Quick fact checking confirms Congressman King's premise though, at least on the left-leaning Huffington Post.


There were other reports on the topic of young Mexican drug mules. Evidently they are very cheap and readily exploitable. It is also surprising to discover that Mexican youth have numerous methamphetamine users among them. It isn't just marijuana that the nimble legs of illegal alien youth sprint over the border with.

Homeland Security said that San Diego's South Bay youth have been recruited as drug mules in rising numbers since 2009. Some of those youth are probably Mexican citizens or dual citizenship entrepreneurs.


C.N.N. reported that as many as 30,000 Mexican youth may be members of organized crime. The Zeta drug gang employs youth in its drug business, even a look out was paid 800 dollars a month, and the look out was a 13 year old girl.


NPR did a story on youthful Mexican drug mules too in the wave of stories in spring 2012. NPR cited a U.S. Customs official as saying that in the past three years the young MExican drug mule numbers had increased tenfold.


One wonders about the insular ideas of Congresspersons and Senators that view the world through cash colored glasses and politically correct calculations. Maybe Congressman King didn't formulate his statements about youthful illegal alien drug smugglers with sugar coating  or failed to use logical language to accurately quantify who and how many illegal alien mules exist as a percent of illegal alien Mexicans in the U.S.A. yet Speaker Boehner probably owes Steve King an apology for being so wrong himself in seeming to discount the facts of reality altogether in order to get some additional Hispanic votes in 2014.

Youth crime is on the rise in Mexico and the United States of America helps fuel that by buying so many illegal drugs in its decadent and irresponsible phase of unconcern about the poor in America and Mexico. An economy should be made healthy from the bottom up with those out of work longest employed first. When government serves primarily the prosperous and its members are all millionaires a warped idea about reality exists and chronic, long term unemployment is the new normal. Government should instead support first those that need support because the rich already have enough. 

In the 2009 -11 economic recovery 90% of the income went to 10% of the people of the United States. That is no recovery, it is continuing consolidation of wealth. The top 25 hedge Fund managers still earn an average of a billion dollars a year. When Chairman Bernanke replaces Fed Reserve Chief Bernanke this fall I hope he doesn't select Larry Summers to replace him, and picks instead Robert Reich.


Rage Against the Meatheads v. 2.0

Rage against the meatheads
do not go gently into a godless chasm of doom
pushed by those declaring mind an illusion
and the body of meat a reality for whom
the world is a singing bell pride

Godless sophists of immoral despair
forcing descent into existential pits of oblivion where
full of clutched sharp shadows of false hopes tethered
for flight of mind from body as spoilt meat weathered

Nietzche and Schopenhauer's dualist dreams of subjective negations
metaphysics finding world morals illusions on vacations
Brahma kama sutured over Zoroaster's ideas treasured
transcending even so pungent meaninglessness of meatheads mysteries

Rage against the meatheads
commandeering politics in programmatic self-futility
where works extract self from eternal salvation
recommending failure as pragmatic utility

Rage against the phenomenalism of oblivion
minds existing for a moment transcending nothingness
the for-itself and others contradicting the meaningless of non-sentience
seeking the eternal Spirit of God.

Anthony's Weiner, The N.S.A, Gun Control, Green Weenies and Red Herrings

The sext messages of former U.S. Representative Anthony (Carlos Danger) Weiner have become a national news item again in the race for Mayor of New York. Anthony's Weiner has taken a dimension larger than that of porn stars and is somewhat legendary now, regardless of the facts of Vienna sausage or foot-long and other red herrings. Hot dogs of technology, the N.S.A. probably intercepted and recorded the sext messages of Anthony Weiner like those of the more discrete officials presently in the U.S. Government.

A majority in the U.S. house of Representatives voted recently to extend the right of the N.S.A. to record the phone calls of everyone in America and the rest of the world so far as possible. That will enable Big Brother to pan for the gold of all the hidden conspiracies of the world and keep Americans safe. Cynics compare the policy unfavorably to the national issue of gun control. The N.R.A. did not defend the right of Americans to have private phone calls free from federal surveillance, and so the effort to repeal the power of the N.S.A. to make a record of every phone call possible failed.

Two hundred seventeen congresspersons against ending the N.S.A.'s phone record making power. Without the N.R.A. probably the same congresspersons would vote to end the right of Americans to keep and bare arms. The arguments for and against keeping the second amendment unrestricted and the N.R.A. phone record program restricted are virtually the same. The price of civil liberty is a little violence and risk of violence.

The power of a government to know whom its citizens talk to every moment of their lives is extreme. Sure Al Qaeda would find it easier to organize the deaths of some rich people in lofty Wall Street towers where dark pools trade under the radar with cash at zero interest provided by the federal government, yet some Americans are willing to risk the danger to the rich in order to have private phone calls to people without the government knowing about it.

At least the N.S.A. should share its data in the abstract with the people of the United States so they can learn the quantity information on what countries people from blue states are calling most in order to find out what states are the most globalist and un-American. How many Californians are on the phone to Mexico every day and how many Bostonians are hanging on the phone to London? It would be useful to learn what rich people are calling Zurich a lot in order to better calculate appropriate tax policy. One of the main problems with the N.S.A. phone record policy is that it is of benefit primarily to the rich and to government contractors and of little practical value to telemarketers wanting to better design products to sell to Anglophile, Mexicophiles and Islamo-chatists.

The Congress should direct the N.S.A. director to prepare a monthly abstract statistical study of who and where Americans are talking to overseas state by state and nation by nation and post it on a government web site. It would be good to have hard data to show who the most un-American globalists are and where they live to pin responsibility on some politicians for failing to create jobs in the U.S.A. for everyone that wants one.

Anthony Weiner's sext messages like that of others with personal pornographic content should be called something else that isn't deprecatory to texting. It wasn't sex-texting that is at issue in the personal porn pics of Mayoral Candidate Weiner.


Evolving Dualism and Dialectics of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche

A few words about the philosophers Arthur Schopenhauer and Fredrick Nietzsche. Each was a philosophical pessimist of a sort. Their pessimism resulted not only from the tough social times of the late 19th century-an era for individuals quite a lot more painful than first world living today, it was a consequence of the lack of faith of a time with the rise of evolution as a populist theory and liberation movements that required a revolt against the power of a property owning church hierarchy over-associated internationally with royalty and royal land grants. That history from Imperial Russia to Maryland of the American colonies prompted even Immanuel Kant toward the concept of sapere aude-'dare to know (to be wise). He wrote an essay criticizing social reliance upon authorities for their thinking such that people were in never ending tutelage.
Many avenues of ingress to wisdom and egress from folly can be developed by any individual or social elite obviously. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche choose philosophical-religious dualism of different varieties in order to develop a personal worldview explaining reality physically and socially. Each philosopher combined ideas from ancient Persian religions such as Zoroastrianism and the sky religions of the Vedas of India that initially arose in Afghanistan/Iran/Arya. The synthesis of old and newer ideas aloud a metaphysics and morality to exist in one wrong dualistic belief system for each.
Schopenhauer believed something like Buddhists that the existence of the Universe is basically wrong, or an error of some sort. One might think that it is an emanation from God perhaps that emerged through error. I tend too think that God doesn't make metaphysical errors though and would not credit the idea much. 
With the belief that the Universe is a mistake it is easy to find the concept that humanity is fundamentally wicked. Schopenhauer was readily able to derive some kind of idea of a misogynist character of course and thought like many of the ancients that the X chromosome half of the human organic system is an inferior or wicked evolution as a punishment for prior sin perhaps. There are a variety of reasons why the ancients believed that women needed to be regarded as a problem. Perhaps the Muslim ideas about women are derived from that ancient concept.
Original sin might have inspired Schopenhauer too. I believe with Augustine about original sin, yet place the context not only as manifest because of the divine insight of the Bible. Original sin may be the context of organic existence in a Higgs Field with entropy in the solid-state phase with a time arrow. People naturally consume instead of living forever in the Garden of non-temporal existence without any need to eat apples or anything else. In a realm of forms the tree of knowledge and the tree of life are not necessary. Time also is an element of temporality and solid-state changes.
Nietzsche was a dualist too. With a Christian heritage he lost faith when his father died at an early age. The eternal recurrence of the Universe was his idea, and he named his philosopher alter ego in his books Zarathustra. In 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' a philosopher living as a hermit on a hill looking down on a village chews a philosophical cud about the meaningless morals of the people living there that aren't aware that everything in the Universe recurs exactly as it is infinitely. There is a good science fiction book with that kind of experience being an extra-dimensional account of hell. Everyone is wicked in that place though it starts out nice, and it becomes an amoral killing field of criminals that gets run down and eventually burned down and then it starts all over again new.
Nietzsche obviously had a little of Kant's sapere aude spirit about him, and Schopenhauer's 'The Fourfold Roots of Reason' is about as good of a follow up to Kant's 'Prolegumena to Any Future Metaphysics' as might have been written. Schopenhauer though is such an egoist, and ultimately a pessimist because of his ideas about the nature of the world-Universe that the analysis about reason seems meaningless. Both philosophers were 19th century Germans in a tradition of great German philosophers such as Hegel and Kant. It wasn't easy to produce works of equal gravity as those of Kant and Hegel, and neither did though each made quite an effort.
Nietzsche is more of a romantic and irrationalist by default because his work lacks interest in technical logic. Schopenhauer could have been a good logician, yet he writes as technically as did Sartre in 'Being and Nothingness' later with the difference that Schopenhauer appends his dualist metaphysics on to his analysis and of course Sartre didn't append anything on to his analysis of subjective experience.
I suppose there are several varieties of dualism possible. One can construct a two-part metaphysics or a two part temporal description of reality. If physical reality in solid-state entangled quanta is what is experienced one can always say that a different, deeper level underlies that. Even the Higgs field content could be said to be an idea developed from the will of God. Dualism in philosophy is possible in many explanations of why the world is the way it is.
Marxist dialectical material is a kind of dualism. The thesis and anti-thesis might be applied to Republican and Democrat politics in Congress today. Like Marxism we might think that leads to economic nihilism and vast public debt rather than utopia. It is easy to be pessimist within any dualist progression dialectically leading nowhere good.
If evolution is a proximal way of describing a particular indeterminist view of biological life rather than of the determinism of phase changes of quanta in a Higgs or other field following various inevitable patterns, it is within a select reduced range of regard for biological change within the greater Higgs field and its properties described with a field theory. Change occurs within determined, quantifiable order at a given level in a hierarchy of scale instead of within a unified system breaking from monism to pluralism and back again.
A monistic system tends to become pluralist because of change and entropy rather than vice versa. The reversibility in theory of the physical contents of time would seemingly require more energy to reorder in a reverse direction than in the naturally breaking down direction. Even biological life converting energy into order does so with a determined level of direction and inertial progress difficult to change. It is an interesting paradox that rational thought is the better tool for altering the physical determined content of a given physical system. That is also a danger environmentally speaking. 
Human thought and creativity have changed the natural evolution of the Earth ecosphere in order to provide a more comfortable existence. Disrupting the natural evolution requires rational response and correction if human life is to continue for long. That sort of creativity and applied physics through economic change needs a somewhat monistic outlook of education tolerant of individualism yet instructive in the effect of intelligent thought and artifice on an ecosphere of natural, deterministic evolution.
When God booted Adam and Eve out of the Garden toward a world where through a light switch would change night in to day the problems of changing the natural evolution with intelligent thought in pursuit of the tree of knowledge and the tree of life were bound to occur. Maybe it's an I.Q. and faith test simultaneously presented to determine if reason can be reasonable enough to overcome the natural destruction of the natural ecosphere. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer did the best they could at considering the deeper meaning of life. All they found though was the easy to arrive at position of pessimism.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...