
Mexican Youth Reportedly Used as Drug Mules-Rep Boehner Disagrees

Congressional Speaker Boehner has slammed Rep. Steve King rather soundly for King's statements to the effect that Mexican youth are used as drug smugglers a.k.a. mules. Quick fact checking confirms Congressman King's premise though, at least on the left-leaning Huffington Post.


There were other reports on the topic of young Mexican drug mules. Evidently they are very cheap and readily exploitable. It is also surprising to discover that Mexican youth have numerous methamphetamine users among them. It isn't just marijuana that the nimble legs of illegal alien youth sprint over the border with.

Homeland Security said that San Diego's South Bay youth have been recruited as drug mules in rising numbers since 2009. Some of those youth are probably Mexican citizens or dual citizenship entrepreneurs.


C.N.N. reported that as many as 30,000 Mexican youth may be members of organized crime. The Zeta drug gang employs youth in its drug business, even a look out was paid 800 dollars a month, and the look out was a 13 year old girl.


NPR did a story on youthful Mexican drug mules too in the wave of stories in spring 2012. NPR cited a U.S. Customs official as saying that in the past three years the young MExican drug mule numbers had increased tenfold.


One wonders about the insular ideas of Congresspersons and Senators that view the world through cash colored glasses and politically correct calculations. Maybe Congressman King didn't formulate his statements about youthful illegal alien drug smugglers with sugar coating  or failed to use logical language to accurately quantify who and how many illegal alien mules exist as a percent of illegal alien Mexicans in the U.S.A. yet Speaker Boehner probably owes Steve King an apology for being so wrong himself in seeming to discount the facts of reality altogether in order to get some additional Hispanic votes in 2014.

Youth crime is on the rise in Mexico and the United States of America helps fuel that by buying so many illegal drugs in its decadent and irresponsible phase of unconcern about the poor in America and Mexico. An economy should be made healthy from the bottom up with those out of work longest employed first. When government serves primarily the prosperous and its members are all millionaires a warped idea about reality exists and chronic, long term unemployment is the new normal. Government should instead support first those that need support because the rich already have enough. 

In the 2009 -11 economic recovery 90% of the income went to 10% of the people of the United States. That is no recovery, it is continuing consolidation of wealth. The top 25 hedge Fund managers still earn an average of a billion dollars a year. When Chairman Bernanke replaces Fed Reserve Chief Bernanke this fall I hope he doesn't select Larry Summers to replace him, and picks instead Robert Reich.

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