
How M.B.A.s, Globalism & Networks Kill Life on Earth

The Wall Street transition of the U.S. economy into foreign investment and globalism with speed of light stock trading, tranching, arbitrage and social networking makes for a smaller planet without many idea-firewalls remaining. M.B.A.s are about managing and manipulating existing business structures rather than inventing new material processes. Bankers and M.B.A.s are not inventors or scientists generally. Even the independent start up inventor seems a little anachronistic or quaint when big bucks are made with fast and clever programs and entertainment. The system clearcuts the wild as if it were a practico-inert object-for-profit.

None of this is good for the prospect of democracy leading national economic change to one of hundreds of alternative synthetic forms of capitalism that would reduce mass-consumption of non-renewable resources, conserve biodiversity, cut back on pollution and reverse global warming. The greed-is-good ethos provides a red herring that environmental is a concern of communists or former communists. Those most invested in a particularly virulent and aggressive form of capitalism have blinders on to economic philosophy and the thousand faces of capitalism that are possible with competent political direction in ecological and economic theory and practice.

The United States has evolved a practice of capitalism as a social absolute in-itself in which the ecosphere is an externality. That is myopia of the worst kind. The world is the nasty, rationalized funhouse the animals live upon. Just making it comfortable without concern about using it up won't work very much longer.

Republican failure to lead is understandable. The default of intelligent voters to the dark side of the moral force (Democrat Party) is the only alternative to walking the plank of ecospheric doom of right wing talk radio and oil-soaked Presidential candidates. The President just uses the environmentalists to get elected yet doesn't walk the walk of the radical ecological economist at all. He flies an entourage on Air Force One to Hawaii or a Golf course with the slightest provocation.

Development at all costs is the economic foundation of a nation where only a minority actually makes anything physically. When so many have so much invested in making money off of foreign manufacture and other people's production none have an interest in changing the way things from a disposable economic model to a renewable sustainable economic foundation within a recovering ecosphere.

President just promised to give three African countries seven billion dollars for electricity production doubling that continent's production. It may also support increased resource consumption. The U.N. millennium project cost far less-why wasn't that funded at all? Training African economies to work on an ecological economic basis of high renewability, sustainability and conservation and recovery of wild habitat are vital for the survival of life on Earth including human life. The United State of America' has so far proven itself incapable of being a leader in the right direction however.

America's own economic transition to a post-industrial society with speed-of-light global stock trading has defeated national prospects for creating a sustainable economy with free enterprise, national self-determination, full-employment and a recovering ecosphere. That is the hard fact. 

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