
Global Plutocratic Pelaton Lapped American Spectators

Rolling through the global countryside is an economic pelaton of elitists on financial steroids of deregulation packed with performance enhancing media and government sycophants. Spectators watch the race on HD-TV when they aren't thinking about themselves as just meat. They should develop their minds even if housed in a meaty clump of atoms as a mind-over-matter kind of resistance to fate. 

Two American competitors in the race have as much wealth as 110 million American citizens (Bill Gates and Warren Buffet). Did Bill Gates do as much work as 55 million men and women to get such a big pile? Is it the comfort he can afford that matters or is it the political power and opportunity costs to the poor to invent and produce because all of that capital is concentrated?

The extremely rich are not necessarily bad though some could be latent Hitler's. I.B.M. provided the N.A.Z.I. death camp computing punch card machine expertise; Prescott Bush was censured for trading with the N.A.Z.I.'s by the U.S. Senate. Who can say what those in pursuit of wealth wouldn't do? The plutonomy today is a phenomenality choking off the American experiment in democracy of the founders.

Large banks and corrupt Wall Street trading methods enabled since the first Clinton administration brought about the 2008 economic collapse and were rewarded by Federal financial resurrection with new performance enhancing financing. The Federal Reserve issued quantitative easing of their financial distress. A separate and extremely unequal Wall Street economy split off from the U.S. economy of the citizens without possibility of renormalization. It joined with the global economy of actors of concentrated wealth, the faces of the rich around the world in a new economic nation loyal unto themselves. They are the Plutonymous riders of the lavender sage.

The plutonomy is the consequence of high tech networking and masses co-opted into a corporatist social environment. The affirmative action era allowed a perfect screening out of egalitarian controls on the distribution of wealth allowing the plutonomy to swell. While traditional values were overturned amidst the social redistribution of political power the political powers themselves were overturned enabling deregulation of financial controls and reduction of taxation entirely in benefit of the nascent American wing of global plutonomy. 

Concerned simply with race and gender class advantages relative to white males the affirmative action classes were weak economic warriors readily giving up economic balances that were formerly the province of traditional American society with middle class and working class white male leadership generally. The affirmative action classes failed to develop any sort of balanced relationship among a new and reformed populist egalitarianism and the rich. Instead they let the entire people of the United States sink to a natural mass inferiority to concentrated wealth as 20% of the people had 85% of the wealth, and 1% of the people had 30%. The affirmative action class just wanted to be in the top government jobs without any idea of what to do when they got their besides flirt with the rich.

The U.S. Congress failure at competence is a kind of economic elephant described by blind men (and women and transgendered) analysts these days as an enigmatic theory. With such an expensive price on winning a Senate seat-about 8 million dollars, how can those guys, gals and transgendered mostly human and only a little cyborg'd preponderantly heterosexual fans of the Plutonomy do such a terrible job at service of the economy of Americans but such a fine job of service for the economy of the plutonomy? The answer is simple. If they don't service the political interests of the plutonomy politicians and media are history.

It isn't just that politicians and media are all bought and paid for tools of the plutonomy, for many the facts are beyond their intellectual pay grade. They are happy in a pile of political manure and don't stick their heads out. A higher rate of taxation on the rich should occur with wholistic planning to reform the U.S. economy to an ecologically sustainable foundation. Limiting the number of people a corporation could employ at 5000 would help break up Wall Street power. So would a cap on the number of corporations and investor to buy in to per decade at three. The tax rate on concentrated wealth should be 90%, and the tax should pay off the public debt ASAP. If wealth flees abroad, good. Americans would be better off reforming the economy and restarting with good political reform directed by competent reformers.

Political reform in America is improbable. The media is owned by plutocrats. Politicians are sycophants of plutonomy. The environment and ecosphere decline under the system of global plutonomy as the Wall Street and global elitists cannot transition to a new ecological economic or nationalist structure. Neither can they allow local political developments independent from the Wall Street hostile takeover of anything unprofitable for the power of plutonomy. 

What I find interesting is the role that godless atheist evolution plays in reinforcing the interests of plutonomy. Scientific elites develop life extension medical goodies for the financial elites that appear not so affordable for the masses. Living forever as a member of an elite plutonomy might be good subjectively-at least for a few hundred years, however with a global population of 7 billion moving quickly upward to 10 billion the prospect of increased consumerism with decreased natural resources seem ominous. Life-extension medical costs if practical demographically for a plutonomy aren't so for ten billion souls.

Medical experimentation with genetics and life extension, cyborgs and abortion have required a developing amoral elitist core one might approximate as based in Boston's Harvard and M.I.T. Like a few other ad hoc unifications of organization uniting wealth, power and research Boston's is brutal to the interests of the out of work without hope of a good lifestyle in the U.S.A.

Concentrated wealth in Plutocracy creates a demand for advanced medical procedures unaffordable to the masses who in turn demand the advanced medical procedures. That drives up the cost of medicine and insurance companies raise the rates to cover it. Supporters of Obamacare may believe that the rich own the companies and can bite the cost, yet corporations are also firewalls insulating the wealth of the rich from that sort of thing. The rich can shift assets to medical supplies and for-profit hospital procedures to keep their profits up. Public debt increase will be used to pay for increasing public medical costs.

A better for better medical coverage than the Obamacare pyramid scheme that defies demographics, and that includes Medicare coverage for aging seniors that will almost all demand the life-extension best medical procedures possible, would be a more egalitarian distribution of wealth whereby all Americans advance together more or less.

With public debt to finance future medical care unsustainable, consider the facts of supply and demand with concentrated wealth and a profusion of expensive advanced medical procedures being developed. For it is possible to follow a different main line of medical development than the current economic line of stimulation just as in chess strategy there are innumerable variations from the main line to follow.

Inventors will develop products if there is a demand. Fewer inventors will develop products that are unaffordable to all so that no demand exists for the product. If wealth is directly capped through reduction of the sized of corporations and a limit is placed on the number of corporations anyone can invest in at three with a progressive taxation then inventors and medical developers will create products affordable to the masses. Systems analysis is probably a factor in directed invention and product development with a basic paradigm for making the product with the best sales and profit potential.

It is worth noting that simple redistribution of wealth is ineffective without also fundamentally reforming the existing economic structure through legislation. Too many have no concept of economic reform of capitalism that remains capitalism and instead advocate for the difficult to defend state ownership of enterprise.

An ad hoc advancement of gross biological technology capable of morphing biological structures infinitely in all directions (imagine experimenting with brain size tweaking pig brains with human genes for xeno transplantation) has applications through the data for life extension of plutocrats and obviously is a back door for class biological war or social controls. Especially if populism is a political tool for mass acquiescence in the concentration of wealth, the masses themselves will continue voting for the interests of plutonomy that may ergonomically require the decline of mass being-for-itself. At a certain stage the plutonomy would be better off without billions of consumers in several theoretical models of dystopia.

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