
General AL-Sisi Boots President Morsi-Suspends Constitution

Declaring the constitution suspended the friendly and benevolent, populist Egyptian Army gave the boot to President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The public grievances with the brief year tenure were evidently insufferable enough to force the drastic step of a populist coup. That is sort of a quid pro quo for President Morsi's giving short shrift to public input to rewriting the constitution of Egypt after the ouster of President Mubarak.


One wonders if Edward Snowden will return home to the U.S.A. for the forth of July and like Socrates just bite-the-bullet for what he believes in. Maybe he believes in wikileaks and Julian Assange more.

I would agree with Mr. Snowden if he had my point of view right off. I think that the U.S. political system is terminally corrupted by the lack of public service as the greatest generation experienced. Generations of spoilt subsequents to the greatest generation are globalists, outsourcers, compilers of public debt, ruled by a corrupt broadcast media owned by powers of concentrated wealth and neither major party is worth a damn at nationalism.

Mr. Snowden might be able to get sanctuary in Egypt while they are between governments and enjoy viewing the pyramids. Its a good time to enlist in the Egyptian army I suppose. Their stock seems to be on the rise.

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