
End of Show Trial 2013 - George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

George Zimmerman was acquitted Saturday by a jury of twelve of his peers (Floridians from the county) of second degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Treyvon Martin. The show trial seemed a little biased in favor of the prosecution yet justice was served anyway.


I wonder if the partisan public militant against white-Hispanic on black Florida street conflict would have been satisfied with the verdict of the O.J. Simpson trial?

O.J. was acquitted on very narrow technical grounds of a horrendous crime based mostly on circumstantial evidence. Race was again a factor in that trial, as it is preferred in national politics to judge a candidate these days on the color of their skin and content of their groin instead of  favorite Harvard connections,  hence the facts of the individual show trial case are not weighed terribly well by the partisan public enthralled by and caught up in the interminable media blitz and camp followers of the show trial.

O.J. Simpson was found not guilty because the glove didn't fit that was found outside his home by a trash can. If O.J. wasn't actually guilty then no perpetrator of the Goldman-Nicole Simpson murders was ever found. Alternatively a guilty man walked free though there was convincing D.N.A. blood evidence that of course could have been planted by some covert Jason Bourne style team of covert operatives.

George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer that in a not to heavily trafficked area logically would have regarded anyone entering the neighborhood as a possible suspect until prima facia dismissed as a known resident, service repair guy, postman or whatever. In a crowded shopping mall a security guy couldn't take then same approach and regard everyone as a suspect, instead he or she ought to simply look for unusual suspect behavior. That is a security officer  might profile behavior rather than persons. Alternatively a security officer could stare at the sun or moon until blind or hypnotized by the beauty and listen to Lady Gaga ad infinitum.

Maybe the state should charge big media a fee for covering show trials in order to compensate acquitted defendants harmed by all of the publicity. George Zimmerman may find it challenging to find a regular job or have much security in the years ahead. No one could believe that he believed in some way that shooting anyone would have been a personally beneficial act financially or socially, yet because of the show trial status of the case, almost as if the President was looking like a Clarence Darrow for an opportunity to bring a monkey trial to bring evolution to public schools, Zimmerman may find it difficult to even walk through a crowd without adverse recognition.

One hopes the President will say something to the public about accepting the verdict and rule of law gracefully. President Obama had said that Treyvon Martin was like the son he never had, has the President now forgiven George Zimmerman?

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