
Renewal of N.S.A. Phone Surveillance, Panopticon, Plutonomy and Rev. Al Sharpton

Jeremy Bentham as founder of the utilitarian philosophy also developed the design of a panopticon. A panopticon was an institution where all of the inmates could be under the eyes of ubiquitous surbveillance. Ed Snowden's revelations about the National Security Agency's contributions to developing a global panopticon ruled by a manipulative Plutonomy were anticipated by a John Twelvehawk's trilogy ending in 2009 with The Golden City




The .I.S.A. court renewed the N.S.A.'s authority to record phone records of U.S. citizens Saturday in spite of  the recent dust up after the Edward Snowden wikileaks.



One wonders of Ed Snowden has found a Russian ebook publisher yet to provide the inside story on his exfiltration of classified information to the public in some sort of Pentagon Papers style. The Rev. Al Sharpton meanwhile is filling the news cycle with continuing street protest marches to get the Justice Department to charge the Florida neighborhood watch guy with hate crimes or other civil rights violation in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The plutonomy is concentrating national wealth. The real income of white males hasn't risen since 1973 in the U.S.A. The affirmative action classes of the past should upgrade from a 1960s paradigm and recognize that it is the rich and inside Wall Street networks that are the real socio-economic power in the U.S.A. these days. They are the key to populist economic fate rather than white males. The rich have no color for political purposes. They are an invisible empire of egoistic power pragmatically speaking.

The way to improve the standard of living for U.S. blacks isn't through creating a special and different class of race rights, reduction of self-defense right while avoiding demand for increased taxation of the rich and reforming capitalism through law for the benefit of democracy to reduce the gap between rich, poor and middle class. If black youth as well as others were fully employed or good students with a quality culture in a recovering ecosphere with full employment far fewer individuals would be shot in self-defense.

A global panopticon with few individual rights and a disarmed populace fully monitored by a zillion chips and surveillance modes in every aspect of their life might have been an ideal of B.F. Skinner as well as Jeremy Bentham for its greatest good for the greatest number as well as the intensity of happiness by the ruling elite. Yet a prison is still a prison even if its more of a planetary lunatic asylum of meatheads fulfilling their organic impulses benevolently dominated by a Plutonomy. 

Needless to say that is not the American dream. It might lead to mindless consumerism and a networked capitalism that is an economic gambling house redistributing wealth and political power to the 1%. The world ecosphere may continue to decline because none of the businesses can afford to go out of business because of environmental legislation. Neither can large corporations afford to let corporate size be capped at 5000 workers or the number of shares of any corporation an individual could own stock shares in at three. Downsizing capitalism so that it is more competitive, less networked, more human and with alpha local rather than global personality leadership would be anathema to the Plutonomy. 

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