
Introducing 3rdMilleniumblog.blogspot.com

I have developed another blog. It seems like a good idea to use a different blog for some posts in order to present less of a target to political opposition that feel its useful to slow down writers. That trend if successful would tend to negate the point of free speech and a free society, free enterprise and democracy obviously.

It may be that  Plutocracy and the post-cold war era transformation of  the U.S. economy into an in-the-bag globalized backstop for the ultra-rich has gone so far as to make politics in America something of a Potemkin village, I can't  be sure. When the vast majority of Americans-230 million have just 15% of the national income the political issues that people encounter tend to be irrelevant to their economic well being. Democracy works best with something of an egalitarian income distribution without which the rich just pull the strings on everything through networking and dissent is marginalized.

A politician in the nation today that would change things would need to let the rich take care of themselves and their global interests and dedicate the government to the end of creating a new green, renewable full economy in theory and practice that would be ready to phase in with full employment after the rich flee abroad when their taxes are progressively raised to 90%.

Private enterprise can provide all of the thing that citizens need for a good life in a more egalitarian and downsized enterprise context in the presence of a comprehensive social welfare safety net within a realist social environment motivated to regreen the ecosphere.

Life and living things; nature, is the basic content of human thought and development of inventions and manufactures. To reduce ecospheric diversity is to reduce the general human intellectual quotient. The artificial indoor environment is a poor and muttly thing for humanity to  be content with if the real ecosphere is dismissed as auxiliary and only to be tolerated. The mind and its place in nature is full of the abstracts of existence compound and synthetically integrated into a cornucopia of products. Mass conformed social existence tends to diminish the complexity and usefulness of nature. Remember that a human brain and body is the most complex biological fact in existence and is a product of the most rich and complex environment in the solar system-one that the up-from-the-mud humanity is degrading rapidly in order to make their planetary pen more creature comfortable.

The beauty of life is the simplicity of its complexity fully put together. God is like that maybe-One Being in Three Persons letting plurality arise from monism in some mysterious way.

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