
Quantum Cosmology in the Platonic Realm of Forms

This is a continuing development of a philosophical line renormalizing contemporary quantum cosmology within the Platonic realm of forms. In a philosophical science fiction context a Universal widget discusses the context of the reality of two individuals standing before it. Patrick Voevoda and Yvonne have been translated into a reality produced by the Universal widget after being extracted from a Planet of Insignificant Kingdoms in Perennial eco-and social conflict. Voevoda discusses his thoughts with the W.W. (wonderful widget).


"The cyborgs are godless enforcers of atheism made with computer aided design and manufactured to consumer specifications with partial human brains operating the most wicked relevant machinery bodies necessary to keep the leavening mass of choose-for-you in power. Beyond a slash in the rodina, a deep chasm that is a tear in the fabric of reality, Cyborg Massachoose are produced in the blood shining city on a hill we see through a cloud of dust darkly if at all. When Massachoose programmers iterated corrupting control alogorithms winning the last battle of the final four world brawls the Eastern Evil Empire of Insignificance swoll like no other before."
'Next millennium will the insignificant Eastern Evil Empire select a new Massachoose ruling clan clique"?
"They always promise so I would suppose. They have been talking about power sharing for the last few hundred years at least."
And with that final piece of insignificant information uttered Bull Querdo expired to begin the process of becoming one with the dust of the moat of death.
The ground dissolved under us though we didn't sink. It became more transparent with myriad firefly like atom-sized widgets replacing the minerals of a planet. Fewer widgets replaced the atmosphere as well, then the city itself faded away to transform into trillions of little widgets resembling the appearance of the Universal widget we encountered in the planet Spud. We were still able to breathe.
"What is this widget transformation Pat?"
It seems that the widget can boot up into reality at whatever scale converting mass energy into little widgets directly. Apparently the widget is more fundamental than the Higgs Field. You notice that gravity has stopped and time has quit. Relativity coheres with mass and energy so with the widget replacing mass and energy time has become relativistic, discrete and stationary as an attribute of the widget field following whatever way the widget sentience or directions-from whatever source that might be, wills.
"So that means that besides no gravity there is no time either?"
Evidently Yvonne. We seem sustained by some personal field developed concurrently with the widget field. The widgets haven't yet consumed our mass energy. The space-time energy for-ourselves coincides with experience of being.
"Your spacetime is one of my memories" the sky replied.
"I think that was the widget Patrick"
Yes of course it is Yvonne.
I asked the widget 'So how's life?'
"Same old, same old" spake the widget.
Though we are a memory widget, I think we are real even so. We exist as real independent beings within your present memory.
"How thoughtful you are Patrick Voevoda. Think about this; as all widgets that exist in widget reality are of my sentient design, and since all things that I made to exist could be constructed in any time order it follows that everything I think is pre-determined to exist phenomenally."
The widget evidently created its form as a local infinity of discrete widgets without any content from the standard model of quantum physics. It could build its own content and scale up or down with relativistic mass. Its own mass was relativity to its intention with variables of composition forming unique steady state of fundamental energy. Energy without space-time mass needed to exist in quantum packets that weren't of infinite values themselves. Time could be reassembled into whatever structure the widget configured. 
Yvonne asked, "Widget of widgets have you a name?"
 "No one ever asked. Of course I have a name."
Well that settles that Yvonne.
I asked the widget, "No time is passing now for us. You must replace our standard mass quanta with your own steady state quanta as we speak, continuously?"
"Patrick Voevoda, for now you are one of my memories as is Yvonne. When I return you to a Universe 1 context you will resume normal local independence. Everything I encounter physically becomes one of my memories. You have a spiritual identity-a name known only to the One who is Three persons of course. I haven't data on where or how that exists. I am concerned with widget works generally. Pure spirit is of a finer nature than my own."
"That's all right widget. I think you must have spirit too in order to be given such a prominent role,"
"Nice of you to say so Yvonne."
You may know that some refer to you as The Wonderful Widget.
"It's nice to have fans."
Well W. W., I think we do exist as beings for ourselves and not simply as echoes of solipsistic ideas of your.
A human beings converted to ash weighs about six pounds. The rest that was burned off was mostly hydrogen and oxygen as water made into vapor. That six pounds of disorganized chemical residue with water added was a human being because of its structure. Structure and the abstract form of structure, one might call it order to organizing principle is the essence of existence. I think the fundamental organizing principle is the Intellect of God.
Let me say something about what was commonly said about quantum cosmology in the 21st century...
Fields were the fundamental element of being known to physics. Particles get mass from fields. Field symmetry breaking let local forces arise such as the strong force and the electroweak force. Massless particles (bosons) exist as vibrations traveling through a non-local field such as the electro-magnetic with bosons such as photons and gravitons. Particles with mass occur in gauge fields a.k.a. local fields. Mass is comprised of Fermions, although heavy bosons with mass (i.e. Higgs boson) can exist virtually (temporarily) before breaking down into other particles.
Are dimensions micro-gauge fields bound in place? Massless particles are emergent vibrations in a field. Imagine a straight rope laying on the ground. One takes an end of the rope and may give it a flipt sending a wave down its length. That is like a photon in an electromagnetic field or a graviton in a gravity field in fewer dimensions. It is a phenomenal particle at any given place or time where it is moving through yet it is really just the rope-field as three dimensional field fluctuating.
Imagines a Higgs field in three dimensions in a shape more like a sphere than a rope, and that field is where the Universe occurs. Particles with mass develop through contingent local fields arising within the primary field. Symmetry breaking is the usual suspect for the development of local fields and particles with mass.
Mass seems to be particles that are hierarchically bound within local fields. Massless particles can pass through local fields yet not vice versa. Mass is a hierarchy of standing waves in local fields within the non-local Higgs field.
Consider the nature of fields-what determines the scale and quality of a primordial field like the Higgs field, what delimits it, and what its dynamic values are? Ought a field be expected to have harmonic or to lose energy? Is a field inevitably a collection of quanta emerging from some deeper field?
Did Einstein's ten-value metric tensor of General Relativity describing the curvature of space-time actually describe change in quantity and quantity for local Higgs field values (or relationships to condensed mass or gauge fields within)? Is vacuum energy a metric for change in the Higgs field over time?
W.W., I believe our structure as human beings is structured, determined being by the Creator of Being especially as our lives are meta-temporal virtual lives that can be transformed through compatible fields retaining coherent form. Pre-determined by the Creator contingent beings in virtual form within virtual fields adapted by virtual beings to host forms appearing from a Library of Forms of the will of God.
"Yes Voevoda-one, that you may have a mapped structure existing in The Library of Forms of God is a sweet premise for existential independence from my memory for Yvonne and yourself. Even if I locate the contingent form-structure you were in Universe 1 and expropriate that for my own meta-structural idea widget thought processing unit the form itself is a reflection of the Universal, non-local form each of you have in The Library of Forms."

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