
Egypt Moves Toward Gay New World Order; General Sisi Gives Morsi 48 hours to Toe the Line

Egyptian evolution of a new political order continues with instructions from Army General Sisi to President Morsi to toe the line and set  new elections or new parliamentary elections (I am not sure which). The Muslim Brotherhood h.q. in Cairo was sacked by a crowd of resisters to rule by the Muslim Brotherhood New National Order that has curtailed frills of political opposition opportunities for dissent. Hence the populist neo-intafadah has turned out in the streets seeking to restore the right of women to wear pants and for homosexual marriage I would guess. Maybe the Obama donation of seven billion dollars for African electrical development helped persuade the crowd that the man with the dollar printing press is the true cue to follow and that is the way of Boston Brahmin (Is that singular and plural simultaneously like deer or bear) toward a Gay New World Order.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23133174 The Sisi Ultimatum



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