
President Obama Identifies Himself With Trayvon Martin All Over Again

President Obama identified himself once again with the late Trayvon Martin In what was an emotional expression of  sympathy for the 17 year old because of his race, the strain of years in office was beginning to show on the Presidential judgment.In the hot July sunshine political I.Q. can decrease a little.  He evidently hasn't  concern for the other young man who must get on with his life as best as he can.

Some might say that having Fed Reserve Chief Bernanke give 85 billion dollars of month of zero interest loans to big banks is a kind of looting of the economy along with the trillions of Federal deficit spending swag, yet that doesn't make the President a potential burglar attacking a neighborhood watch guy. Maybe Ronald Reagan's sacking of David Stockman was more like that.

Florida is a dangerous place with hundreds or thousands of criminal gangs. Youth according to Federal statistics perpetrate the vast majority of crimes in that state.  Sometimes people aggressive enough to burgle can assault hapless watchmen. The President has made a stand your ground law of Florida an issue though that wasn't the defense line. Follow enough possible burglars and one might attack the watcher is the lesson to take home. Being a volunteer defender an be dangerous.

In exploiting  George Zimmerman as a representative of blacks being shot by policemen or white people the President attacks the civil rights of Americans to defend their life against felony assault - Zimmerman probably was attacked  in the engagement by Martin, and in making the issue preponderantly a race issue the President is hoisting a race flag. American society may be more competitive and filthy lucre oriented than it should be, but the left also failed to move it toward egalitarianism by ending the Bush -Obama tax cuts. A non-violent, non-homosexual, non-corrupt and highly educated black social environment is the better direction to take. It would be helpful is the President took positive steps to make society better for all of the poor and middle class instead of following a divide and impoverish line.


Some Americans are concerned about the President's attack on American civil rights through the shills of homosexuals hegemony, N.S.A. interception of all American phone calls and Internet service, help in concentrating wealth for the rich, failure to veto the Bush era tax cuts on the rich twice that seem to diminish the middle class and poor in America in favor of a global Plutonomy. There are valid F.B.I. crime statistics available that show the number of Americans killed by guns annually is very moderate considering the population is over 300 million. Moving the U.S.A. toward a communist Chinese bureaucratic social order where the elites have more rights than the masses is unacceptable. How many mass broadcast network stations are owned by the poor or a middle class family? All one gets is the propaganda of the rich, and of course the shills of the rich.

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