
Fullness in God (poem)

Half theories of half lives-
why aren't half lives better than none
whild radioactive decays
sink authoritarian royces to silence
and faith looks beyond

half of the distance and half of the strength
gravity exemplifies the four forces in time
diminishing like garnished wages of death
fullflinging soured grapes of wrath

a strong force shell energizing one dimensional bells
forkin infinite kantian quanta staying within
space-time where energy and mass are dimensional fluff

black holes of gravity collapse to boundaries
like an inverse nuclear force binding event horizons
against which infinities attract mass bits of remainders
adding onto a larger singularity-exchanging scale

reciprocals of spatial volume, mass and light
dimensions of membranes still quiet and bright
before half lives return to the One
where the Lord overcomes
errors against one in three
pre-determined waves

dreampt into the silence of night.

What Travels at 2 million M.P.H. & is 12-25 A.U. Away?

Astronomers have detected a large fast moving object or two a distance of 12-25 astronomical units away from Earth that is headed toward the inner solar system at a speed in excess of two million miles per hour. What it could be isn't known presently, although if it is a comet on steroids it could eventually put on a show.

Of course it could be an extraterrestrial space ship on the way to collect rent, a large bowling ball of a different color or something to do with the force awakening . News of further research on the object or objects (there is another 4000 A.U. distant from Earth) will be interesting to see.


Self-Driving Electric Cars Extrapolation Two

Economic changes brought on with profusion of self-driving electric cars owned in time-shares, co-opts, collective and corporate configurations should radically change China more so even than the U.S.A. With a vast market for use and unburdened by as much pre-existing fossil fuel establishment as the U.S.A. China likely will evolve a great leap forward picking up speed like an ion engine space ship drive enroute to distant points.

India too will benefit from self-driving electric cars, not only with the decrease of drunk driving or asleep at the wheel accidents that plague human driving, China and India will experience computer allocation of optimal route of travel for on-line, network integrated users. Privately owned vehicles as well as co-op, collective and corporate owned vehicles will network with optimal travel time itinerary scheduling.

The way business is done nationally will change anywhere there are many self-driving electric vehicles recharging continuously on-line and at quick power recharging drive-through stations. Delivery of business products will increase and some costs decrease without the price of human driver wages involved. Displaced transportation workers probably should be encouraged to transition directly into infrastructure installation and maint positions for artificial intelligence driven mobility packages that will be fundamental and ubiquitous in a decade or two.

It is easy to imagine theme parks with artificial intelligence driven vehicles that can go new places, as well of course as lunar landing modules that can land supplies and depart from a lunar greenhouse experimental agriculture foundation. It is simple to imagine mountain range shaped office buildings and dwelling with exterior pathways whereupon self driving mini-vehicles delivery pizzas and condo time-sharers walk their dogs.

Shadow Facts; Obama-Clinton-Bush Policy Draft of ISIS

American Presidential leadership nurtured the rise of ISIS. In a real sense President Obama is the de facto leader of ISIS. U.S. policy reinforces its increase drafting the latent populist Islamic forces along. ISUL could not have reached its present scale it does without his acts to develop the Syrian conflict, destroy Qaddafi in Libya , withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and failure to support creation of a Kurdish state in part of Turkey and Syria. The rise of ISIS as a populist movement required U.S. military intervention in the Middle East for growth. ISIS exists in the shadows of large scale political destabilization and nullification of existing lawful governments in the region. Wars send refugees to Europe, the United States and other prosperous nations where intervening powers reside providing in turn the kernels of terrorist potential. President Obama's policy of removing the Syrian government is the catalyst for the transition of Sunni populist anti-state, anti-Zionism and anti-western civilization sentiments latent in the Muslim demographics of the Middle East formerly common in the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

Supporters of mass Muslim migration to the United States and Europe have broadcast opinions that the refugees are vetted. One must wonder if the intelligence of the immigration advocates was vetted. Large new foreign Muslim. Creating an internal proletariat of Middle Eastern Muslims in the United States, Europe and Canada provides a swamp in which ISIS crocs may grow to swim and design future attacks on the plump targets of enfeofed financial service sector office workers of the west. Expansion of the Dar al Harb to the west requires large numbers of potential support troops before the fighters arrive; before Muslim spooks of the Saudi Wahhabist world flow through the masses taking what support they require from the tens of thousands of masses that may intentionally or through coercion provide support to war actions in the United States.

Administration policy support critics of critics of administration policy refer to American extremists that might oppose Muslim immigration. One might wonder if any of the founders of the United States would not be regarded as extremists if they lived today and exercised common sense to oppose relocation of imperialists or theocrats and their supporters to the U.S.A. It is unimaginable that George Washington would have been concerned about what the Saudis might think about an American security policy banning Muslim migration to the United States. George Washington prayed to God; not Mecca or Rome.

Providing leadership for the growth of ISIS in the shadow of U.S. Middle East regime removal is wrong policy from recent American administrations. It seems as if Presidents and Secretaries of State are I.Q. challenged or closet Muslim jihadists themselves. Ad hoc and improvisational military units and political leadership in the past century have nearly invariably generated the most undisciplined warriors perpetrating atrocities.

In the Vietnam conflict, after the volunteers in the Army from the 1950s timed out and a conscript component increased the Defense Department formed a just-for-the-war new Army division- the Americal Division that lacked disciplined unit history-or any history for that matter. Undisciplined circumstances evolved Lt. William Calley's My Lai civilian massacre. Consider how undisciplined ad hoc ISIS fighting units are and hence their propensity for butchery. The new post-Soviet era Serb military had the same sort of lack of unit discipline and cohesion and was known for famous war crimes. New civilian government may have a comparable propensity for extremism or corruption. The year zero Khmer Rouge wasn't the sole newly formed monstrous government of modern history. Seldom have newly empowered extremist governments shared land or resources with loyalists of the dispossessed. Instead they have a tendency toward purges exemplified in Iraq a few times, in Khomeini's Iran and Ukraine.

ISIS terrorism and atrocities have developed in the chaos and indiscipline created in the ad hoc military structure. From Libya to Syria ad hoc Muslim killers armed generally with dumped military weapons from states deposed through American foreign policy design. The civil chaos and generation of new terrorists cannot be switched off through a particular military battlefield victory. Economic conditions for prosperity that require development or conservation of existing physical infrastructure cannot generally be maintained or transition with continuity to a hypothetical militant leadership that meets theoretically 'vetted' standards of the U.S. government. The left extolling the vetting of Muslim mass migrants may as well seek membership in the American Legion for them. Though Muslims tended to side with the 3rd Reich in the war against Jews and the United States in my father's generation.

It is far easier to reinforce existing governments and encourage them through positive engagement to evolve to a more fair and equal sort of status with its citizens than to encourage and support rebellion against the existing government. While the founders described in the Declaration of Independence the situation wherein rebellion is necessary, the godless atheist leadership of the west too often simply increases short-term support for the increase of wars as a long term policy as a kind of decoration or flower arranging activity of the very powerful and advantaged that may require a little more force to put down where thereafter it is thought the Muslim population would settle true buy products and pay rent. Of course if the Declaration where published in the Corporatist era it would be censored for hate speech. One wonders if the advantaged don't have a reciprocal of unreality in their personal political epistemology because the knowledge that brought them to rise to the top of the political toilet bowl hasn't anything to do with competence in justice, sociology, political philosophy or history.


Ted Cruz's Orwellian Slip Is another Snowden Moment

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz's slip that may have revealed a classified N.S.A. program to check out every American's phone calls wasn't necessarily a bad thing; he may have inadvertently perped a Snowden moment, or perhaps a Patrick Henry sort of thing where a politician says he may give at least one truth for his country.


So Senator Cruz is not much to blame for being plain about the endangered status of American individualism, privacy and security from corrupt government that regards public affairs as its own proprietary turf to profit from. State terrorism is historically as great or greater of a danger as foreign invasion. With the incredible electronic surveillance capability of modern nations along with corrupt and incompetent political leadership it is remarkable that Americans remain moderately free. If or when the switch to martial law occurs it won't be easy to turn that power off.


The Fallacy of Regarding Zero-Growth Economics as Zero-Growth

What is economics besides the way a bee takes nectar from the flower? What description encompasses the entire Universe of economic action. Economics is a purpose, an antinomy to art yet the flip side of it simultaneously. Economics is a clump of precision engineering of wishes to bring in a harvest of potatoes before the season's shadows grow long and frosts descend upon the fields. It is a complete world of opportunities and ideas interacting with material, finite material, of which planets are made of.

mass−energy of Earth≡economy

The people living on a planet walk through storms of time and the light of noonday reason to bring form to the formless potential of inert material in atomic structures where forests are silent harmonies of shapes swaying with wind from sea surface temperature changes. Salinity crystallized adding to H2O unexpressed words of molecules to be and become current waves returning to lands where living sentients reside.


An order of economic conversions evening up clouds of entropy precipitate products where the conversion of the given state of the material world was an existing aesthetic compresence in-itself and for-others. Palisades and basalt columns from rapid cooling of lava flows covered with lichen like rainbows are demolished with Alfred Nobel's force delivery packages to make rip-rap for rock crushers and gravel changing like the season to cement. Concrete forms support the rise to the sky of non-mountain shaped people-boxes planning economic expansion.


Across the expanse of the world economic growth is a perspective, a camera angle viewing four dimensions, a shifting of organization in a quadratic equation with disorganization added to nature to increase organization for consumer products of mankind. Yet the balance is zero increase or decrease overall. Economy is a way of measuring particular aspects of events using matte energy, form and thought in a potential twilight zone.

economic growth⊁ecospheric decay

Economic growth in human intelligence with a minimum guaranteed income for all people-even those seeking relief from political scorpions with guns and bureaucratic powers of doom broadcasting the wicked's advantaged gurgling noises themifying whild the night approaches and coal powered lamps will flood neon-tubes with multi-colored light and streets with sweet whiffs of dope adding piquancy to vubbles of boozing.

ecosphere+entropy→economic decrease

The economy is a closed loop equation apportioned as it is to increase ideas, channel efficiency to everything that decreases human waste closer unto nature's efficient processes. Algorithms of everyone and everything are circles of time moving forward through a spiraling continuum building the future presently in the past. Eagles watch the destruction of shorelines, wolves are hunted down like dogs from boats plinking whales and bear lost to hunters driving Cadillac SUVs to the end of the road, waiting in a blind for the animal to seek its moment in the sun to become another trophy and trail of dripping crimson disappearing into a freezer.

economic growth∝intelligence∧efficiency increase+ecosphere increase

Efficiency is a reciprocal of economic utilization of finite resources regulated by intelligent designers of mythic hope. Emulating the will of God discerned darkly as through a one-way glass. Reflections quantified into being standing waves of product. Conserving material and increasing production. Rowing the economy in ideas and efficiency while decreasing the use of raw materials. Increasing the well being of life and space exploration while decreasing the destruction of the ecosphere and conversion of the elements into disorganized remainders of economic action.

Future of Self-Driving Electric Cars; Extrapolation 1

Self-driving electric cars will take the self-driving U.S. auto fleet to a higher level of efficiency driven in part by economic competition. Self-driving cars will let every two-car household and office workers have a spare car in the taxi business presenting challenges for the Yellow, Checker and Uber human driver status quo. With proliferation of self-driving cars for commercial purposes without personnel costs inevitably clubs and collectives will buy fleets of their own as membership perks to take SARP members to restaurants and college students to intercollegiate chess games. Vast schools of self-driving auto fleets may swarm about the city transport river systems seeking humans to transport to their appointed destinies.

Recharging electric vehicles will be safer than using gasoline for self-driving cars. The profusion of new electric vehicles will stimulate the rise of electric charging station perhaps with short-range superconductors. Research and application of automobile solar recharging coatings will accelerate as will research into making the highways themselves collectors of solar photons for empowering electric vehicles.

For those of us riding bicycles around the nation looking for work the availability of very cheap individualized semi-public transportation will be a positive change. It would be helpful for carrying groceries without the bottom dropping out of the bag.

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...