
Future of Self-Driving Electric Cars; Extrapolation 1

Self-driving electric cars will take the self-driving U.S. auto fleet to a higher level of efficiency driven in part by economic competition. Self-driving cars will let every two-car household and office workers have a spare car in the taxi business presenting challenges for the Yellow, Checker and Uber human driver status quo. With proliferation of self-driving cars for commercial purposes without personnel costs inevitably clubs and collectives will buy fleets of their own as membership perks to take SARP members to restaurants and college students to intercollegiate chess games. Vast schools of self-driving auto fleets may swarm about the city transport river systems seeking humans to transport to their appointed destinies.

Recharging electric vehicles will be safer than using gasoline for self-driving cars. The profusion of new electric vehicles will stimulate the rise of electric charging station perhaps with short-range superconductors. Research and application of automobile solar recharging coatings will accelerate as will research into making the highways themselves collectors of solar photons for empowering electric vehicles.

For those of us riding bicycles around the nation looking for work the availability of very cheap individualized semi-public transportation will be a positive change. It would be helpful for carrying groceries without the bottom dropping out of the bag.

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