
N.A.T.O. Expansion/San Bernadino Massacre

N.AT.O. is the European-North American defense alliance. One must wonder why nations with significant (20%) Muslim populations sworn to expansion of Islam are top drawer choices, while Russia is given the bureau-snub. I suppose that without Russia as a potential foe N.A.T.O. would have nothing to do except defend against Muslims and maybe China should they decide to send nano-dust warrior-clouds of doom their way under some kind of evil Dr. Fu Man Chu. When Montenegro with 20,000 Slavic Muslims was added it provided potential problems in the future Balkans situation with Turkey's N.A.T.O. forces running joint ops and field exercises. Reconstructing ancient Muslim-Orthodox Christian antipathies wasn't an especially balancing sort of foresight.

Today news stories ran of ISIS killings of homosexuals while President Obama was the queer political community organizer for homosexual marriage in the U.S.A. for practical purposes. People suspect the President of being a closet Muslim practicing tafiq (Islamic lying to fool dupes), yet he did pressurize states such as N.Y. to give the limp wrist and knuckle under when the question was in legislatures. Why then move N.A.T.O. closer to Sunni infiltration with more Muslims eligible for expropriating its leadership?


I should say that I am not anti-Muslim, simply that I support a containment policy of Islam because of its similarity to the rabid for of Marxist-Leninism that Trotsky worked for in trying to take over the world through terrorism and so forth...its simply in the Quran's D.N.A. starting with the founder. I suppose Muslims as believers in God are theoretically better people than atheists with no moral inclinations at all except for personal egoism, however neither works well with the adult equal protection of the law concepts of the U.S. constitution.

Homosexual marriage is a direct attack on human family traditions past, present and future, as well as upon truth and common sense. Americans and others that support a real democratic social environment could have accepted honest queer coupling and even given them some economic benefits equivalent to those enjoyed by heterosexuals, yet the expropriation and in-your-face gross takeover of marriage through force of the judiciary preponderantly was a direct insult and assault upon social and political truth. There is little enough of that in currency as it is.

Since the world trading and financial, markets developed fast, quantitative and rather secretive trading the integrity of business and social structures have been under a new form of attack. One finds the quaint socialist ideas about labor, government and business archaic and off target today. If Americans were to have government take over their financial and trading sector it would simply crash and vanish. Manufacturing and pollution have already been outsourced to China in large measure, so how could American socialism take over manufacturing? Nothing adds up. Taxes could be increased for new programs of course, yet that isn't socialism. Government ownership or sharing of ownership is socialism, and that idea hasn't a real chance of occurring. What can happen is that government can continue to expand with funny money from the federal reserve and debt can compile while politicians can search for some new way to dump the debt overseas or two the poor or wherever. Its hard t imagine that any rich people anyplace on Earth will want to hold the bad on public debt--so that leaves the poor.

So the problems of Muslim expansionism are comparable to that of socialism and Marxist-Leninism, and each work better in a guerrilla phase rather than as a government. Socialism and theocracy have the problem of incompetents running what should be market economies adapted to ecospheric limitations through ecological economics and government regulation setting ecospheric parameters effectively. Pure market economics without direction also evolves to plutocracy or tyranny.

If American and European leadership were at all competent they would have integrated Russia into the European economy and security apparatus already. Instead protracted conflict has been allowed to develop in the Middle east with disestablished lawful government brought to destruction through Obama foreign policy initiatives rather than through regular and traditional diplomatic methods. Conflict across the Middle East supported by the United States have liberated thousands of tons of weapons,explosives and training to Muslim extremist groups and sent hundreds of thousands or even millions of migrants to Europe. The policy has created substantial security problems for Europe already and will continue to do so. It also appears that San Bernadino (east of L.A.) may have experienced a Muslim terror attack imitating that of Paris recently.

President Obama has called for gun control to limit American access to self-defense weapons. He should have called for tighter immigration controls on Muslims as well as enforced a zero-illegal alien immigration status on Mexican and Canadian borders (since Canada has decided to let in 20,000 Syrian immigrants). It seems as if political leadership has substantial reasoning deficits these years of the New World Order. One wonders when common sense will ever prevail.

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