
Walking to Future Transportation Infrastructure

Why do cars exist? Wagons and automobiles were evolved for a purpose. Driven by necessity of carrying loads easier efficiency increases and concurrent technological innovations brought adaptations that are now stagnated in a mature form as fossil fuel vehicles preponderantly although alternative energy vehicles exist as swell.

Why do people breathe through the mouth less so than the nose? Try closing one nostril and inhaling deeply through the other until the lungs are full, then switch and close the open nostril that you inhaled through, and exhale through the formerly closed nostril. A simply breathing exercise like that lets one experience the health of full lungs more so than usual. Healthy lungs are a good thing. I suppose one could use a Vick's nasal inhaler for a kind of minty lung sensation carefully) if recently recovering from quiting smoking of tobacco to move toward a better lung use experience. People get used to doing things in a habitual way, from breathing to driving cars, and don't consider the existential circumstance sometimes whereby dialectical social phenomenal history brought them to a particular point in life.

Do cars still need to exist? Isn't it already possible to make a new transportation infrastructure nationally with in-line electromagnet networks create a Meisner lift half for any rightly configured package placed on on it to let it levitate and move on down the line? It should be feasible to overcome the worries about prolongued exposure to an e.m.g. field by using 100% of the field for lift and motion. The e.m.g. field is of a finite nature; like a tank of gas, and should be used efficiently, leaving no part of the e.m.g. field escape work to reach the individual moving alone the e.m.g. line on a select package platform.

Early wagon builders and automobile manufacturers didn't seek to create new voyeur and pleasure opportunities with their products. Instead the four wheeled critters really were made for work; joy-riding simply evolved as a fact of life, and in the U.S.A. vast SUV with stuffed leather star trek enterprise command chairs, bone shaking sound systems and on-line INTERNET let a modern hippie-gypsy drive to the office or field development to build stick frame rectilinear buildings for interior trogs to watch large flat screen televisions. Plainly cars are a link in the chain of consumerist life wherein the planetary ecosphere is a seeming irrelevant externality that leftist worry themselves with. Citizens of democracy shouldn't rely on vicarious political brains for thinking or machines for movement instead of their own two feet. Walking upright is a great human acheivement of evolution-It even helps regularity. People may be evolving constipation and obesity because of reliance on cars to get to the liquor store to buy booze, spice and even dope (Spice, Booze, Dope, Devil and Quear) does sound like a Chicago post-modern civil rights law firm I suppose).

When the Congress passes multi-year 300 billion or half-trillion dollar transportation bills they effectively reinforce corporatism (an ad hoc corporate-state socialist kickback loop) through propping up automobile infrastructure. People simultaneously complain about decaying national infrastructure and lack of creativity and intelligence in leadership while providing vast support for a dirty, ecospherically destructive, mostly foreign owned automobile industry without investing even 10% of those transportation bills in electro-magnetic highway research.

If the national highway network was gradually replaced with advanced electro-magnetic lines to levitate independent platforms (that make no contact with the ground unless at rest) it might serve as a laboratory for applying room temperature superconductors and solar photon capture networks.

Though the left regard the conservative right as too dumb to be concerned about anything besides the optimal material all-day lolly pop provided by fearless leaders, leftist leaders like the Clintons are servants of the corporate 1% plutocracy too. Left and right plutocrats simply exploit the majority from different channels. I only mention that fact because automobiles and other ancient product technologies are part of an ossified economic and political structure that should be gracefully transitioned to a new infrastructure when possible; political leaders of the left and right haven't an interest in evolving transportation infrastructure to something completely new that would help restore ecospheric health any more than the majority of the electorate is concerned with ecological economics, axiology or quantum mechanics.

With personal morality large numbers of Americans may be conservative. When the same people disregard global empirical facts and just think about their narrow self-interest ,economically speaking they become apathetic jellyfish without much prospect for evolving to an upright, peripatetic social philosopher sort of thinking about politics. Morality amidst a majority conditioned to economic servility tends to folly the will of will. A corrupt Hollywood may condition the public to amoral atheistic paradigms. Atheist leftists acting through 'conservative' Wall Street and the media can reduce the people to an Irwin Corrie level of political understanding (a confused philosopher comic) if they think at all. Pre-tribulation theologians of immanent doom happily accept it all as a pre-determined spectacle of God (in error). Some post-tribulationists wrongly infer that there is a necessary continuum of upward political and religious evolution toward a global majority of Christians and that the population of Christians (and others) could not crash as it did during the Bubonic plagues of the 1300-1400s when most of the world's Christians probably died (before increasing later). It is pre-destined that in the end a majoritarian Christian world will exist, yet the road to that destiny may be long and winding. They need to work for a moral world now; a Christian world, and for competent environmentally synergistic economic policy and infrastructure wherever possible. If Christian Americans do not or cannot lead; who can?

The United States serves as a bulwark against tyranny. Though the Democrat Party seeks to bind the Gulliver states with a thousand tiny strings such as citizen gun disarmament, if America falls to leftist authoritarianism there actually wouldn't be any other power (besides God) that would exist to fight global authoritarianism effectively. Bilderbergers and communists as well as Nazi socialists all could evolve the black hole of global tyranny. New transportation infrastructure that combines the best of world engineering that ends the tramping pollution and habitat destruction of the over-mature automobile economy plainly would also create a better human habitat where walking was regarded as a good thing.

Walking is a good thing. Auto drivers have an implicit cyborg paraplegia voyeur mind set it would be good to lose. Driving a car is nearly a required social way of economic life. It is difficult to drop out of the lemming rush contributing to ecosphere oblivion. Electromagnetic lines lifting and moving people and freight anywhere they want to go-as ubiquitous as roads are today would make the highway itself the engine and the people and boxes set on it as packages to be safely, quickly delivered. I think that really is possible. The ways to improve that kind of system are innumerable; existing chip technology and software could support quite a lot of command and control safe destination subtleties.

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