
Syria, Pakistan, Solar Power and Arable Land

Syria has vast tracks of land presently utilized more for warm than agriculture. Would it be reasonable for the U.S. Government and its partner sponsors of the civil war to invest as much in water making through desalinization for agriculture purposes as weapons, explosives, cash and training to the coalition of willing anti-Assad political jihadists?

One may wonder if thousands of hectares of new crop land irrigated with water that was saline before be pumped with solar power through pipelines to canals where evaporation and condensation trapping occurred yield freshwater isn't a better catalyst for peaceful coexistence than barren deserts and fossil fuel exhaust.


Presently solar power is underutilized in the low tech pumping of water and evaporation of saltwater for condensation entrapment process in desertified regions with land that might otherwise sustain agriculture. Cheap local food supply is good for human health and as valuable as a healthy wild ecosphere where it exists. It may not be necessary to displace prime wild land biota in order to create farmland when quality desert farmland could be brought online with judicious coordination of alternative energy sources that don't add pollution or global heating gases.


What if ISIS could be transitioned into installing solar panels instead of bombs and digging canals for water making and irrigation instead of for burials.

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