
Police Shootings Videos; What About Crime Videos

Select demands to immediately publish police shootings in order to protect civil liberties raise a number of interesting questions. Because few like any shootings of people and a certain innate prejudice would exist against anyone shooting others it is probable that adverse publication would create adverse publicity for police departments generally. the context wherein such incidents are published ought to be included too, as well as the out of context police action comprising shooting anyone.

I will not belabor the point that some defense attorneys probably would not want video of their clients involved in shootings immediately published on Youtube. That recalcitrance might exist for ordinary criminal defendants as well as police.

Police shootings such as those of Chicago occur in a given context. Police officers might have work that sends them from one criminal incident to another rather like some people might shop from one store to another. A police officer may experience involvement with hundreds or thousands of crimes and never shoot anyone. I think the context of police shootings; not just the specific incident, might be included in video publication in order to better understand the circumstances in which police shootings happen.


Perhaps Chicago police forces might upload to Youtube whatever video of crimes they have every day as soon as they occur for the public to experience, and then when a rare police shooting occurs swift uploading of those videos could be uploaded too in a context where the public better appreciates the nature of the work of police departments in urban areas.

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