
On the Question; Is Life a Basic, Necessary Form of Matter

Tegmark's 'Mathematical Universe' considers the idea of the Universe in a Platonic realist sort of way I suppose. In my opinion the questions about quanta(ty) units at the smallest size and what they are ultimately made of (something else) isn't resolved and perhaps never shall be. Quanta are viewed as embedded in a field, and the field is some form of energy, and particle-wave quanta(ties) are regarded as of one-dimensional perhaps (the reductionism is a logical necessity) from which quanta are built up into large combinations according to force relations that are permissible.

So what are one-dimensional units of basic quanta; something like a section of a membrane may be. And where did those originate besides in poetry? Well, if not poetry perhaps as an undifferentiated minimalistic field that some would designate as the beginning of the Universe.

The beginning would have no time or information (a meta-level reference denoting the allocation of resources) content and might exist without time-since time is a measurement of process. Time is regarded by some as not existing at all, instead it is considered a phenomenal observation by sentient beings of the configuration of passing dimensions intersecting.

One can ask if life is a necessary part of a Universe, as if life is a natural step along the path of entropy, stellar synthesis of chemical elements in novae, recombination and formation of new elements and so forth, and I suppose it might be. I think however that it might be rash to believe that the configuration of matter that is considered to be life could not be a direct result of Supreme Intelligence ordering the components of the beginning that is enigma, and who also transcends the relativistic fields of this or any possible Universe.

Mass and energy are convertible forms of quanta, sometimes locked into a particular steady state wherein life is believed to occur, that is life as a matter and energy configuration instead of life as pure spirit or self-aware information given a materially associated corporeal body.

So one might wonder if any given configuration of mass and energy are necessary in any given Universe. I think that physicists have stipulated that the boundary conditions of a Universe pre-determines its fate. Divine intervention obviously could interact non-deterministically, yet one wonders why an omnipotent God would change anything after making it as it was perfect to start with. Plotinus wondered why the One would do anything being perfect himself. In fact the random coalescence of Universes from various progeneration processes is an assumption often used to counteract the anthropic principle as some sort of proof for intelligent design.

Knowledge hasn't certainty. Epistemology is probabilistically verifiable, yet what if thought is itself provided deterministically inclusive of error, belief and faith such that the potter predetermined who would play this or that role in any given Universe wherein they should appear?

I think the relationships of the basic forces of the universe and the relations they have such as are known of gravity and the strong force are considered by some to be indicative of dimensions of different sizes that define them. Gravity is the most weak power yet covers the largest area. Space-time seems to expand as gravity contracts, perhaps as a reciprocal of stuffing mass and energy into black holes. And one wonders if the singularity isn't just an approach to the boundary of a particular dimension, while the strong force has its boundary at the point wherein it goes from most strong to snap.

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