
Trump is Right; Ryan Wrong on revisionist view of immigration history)

Donald Trump's political proposal to halt all Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. is solid and consistent with precedence of mainstream U.S. history. When in prior times foreign ideologies inimical to vital security interests of the nation endemic to a foreign population presented a threat to the fundamental values of the U.S.A. the government acted to halt or strongly reduce immigration of the those with malevolent ideologies to America. That includes ideological theocrats bowing to a foreign city five times daily. I will not even mention Thomas Jefferson's ideas about admitting Caribbean nations to the union. Politicians may have their heads where the sun don't shine on the issue and that is snafu.

Many politicians have said they would ban immigrants from hostile nations or perhaps those with chaos and war created by U.S. administration efforts to force regime change upon them thereafter stimulating civil conflicts and continuing chaos. Iraq, Syria and Libya might be included in those. Politician's assumptions that Muslim nations mirror western nation's organizational premises are wrong. Muslim nations tend to seek one world order themselves without the divisions of nationalism rather like John Leninismists or Trotskyite communists.

Most of the Middle east nations-states structures were forced upon the indigenous people by a victorious west over Axis powers including Turkey. Pan Arabism during the Nasser era leading up the the 1967 six day war with Israel is not unlike the union aspirations of Issis to restore a Caliphate such as existed historically with the Ummayad and Abassid dynasties. The problem is Islam; not particular national-boundary lines and citizenship in regard to Islam. Political square pegs in round holes by the blind D.C. leadership strike recurrently like a hop-headed Zarathustra-McGoo that skimmed a few thin, large-print graphic novels of history thence to act as Fausts with the confident power of delusional scholarship corrupting the U.S.A.

A virtual ban on communist immigration to the U.S.A. during the 1950s is an example too obvious to need to mention. Islam is a theocratic political system itself. It is a political as well as a religious ideology comparable to communist-atheism. Islam has forsaken its theocratic constitution only as a result of foreign conquest from the west.

Turkey had its military revolt only after the Sublime Porte was beaten by the west. Though Lebanon was part of Syria before the end of the Ottoman empire, it was with the partition by the allies of the Middle East that compelled neo-democratic systems upon Muslims in the region.

Some in the U.S. government are dumb enough to believe that Islam has a natural secular and democratic balance with clerics comparable to that of a declining U.S. clergy in relation to the state, and that is, well, too wrong dudes. Muslims vary naturally between authoritarianism tending to secularism and theocracy. That historical tendency is not one that can be changed by a naïve and ignorant American political leadership class of over-promoted materialists risen to their level of incompetence.

The United States also banned Shinto religious policy with worship of the Emperor (not Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton) during the MacArthur period of Japanese occupation. Debathification was compelled upon Iraq during the Bremmer administration albeit with disastrous results. Paradoxically while atheism is a religion in-itself, the U.S. government tolerates and even promotes its values these days, and tends to invest in communist-atheist nations and even support immigration.

It is easy to find examples of limits on immigration quotas from particular nations during times when a given population presented excessive danger to the security of the United States and its constitutional values. Immigrants from Eastern Europe were nearly stopped after the ideology of anarchism and neo-communism became widespread. Perhaps that was an historical mistake considering the potential value of Eastern Europeans as productive people, however we shall never know what that alternate history would have been. As it was the nation suffered little from the rise of anarchism with the exception perhaps of Chicago that remained something of an anarchist training ground.

Not until the Second World War did the nation again need to restrict immigration from particular populations. Those from axis powers were curtailed. Chinese immigration has been tightly regulated ay various points in U.S. history, especially during the Maoist years.

It is interesting that so many Republicans in leadership posts such as Speaker Ryan are absolutely clueless about real U.S. history and values of prior generations. They espouse a revisionist, sanitized version of history as naturally as my posts looked after censorship and deletion at Helium.com circa 2010.

The U.S.A. hasn't got buns of steel such that it cannot be harmed from adverse mass migrations. Maybe House Speakers cannot suffer from a good ass-kicking, yet ordinary mortals can, and so, they take defensive measures against that occurrence rather than basking in a Catherine the Great-Potemkin revisionist view of sanitized U.S. history. Neither are sweet sounds of rhetoric in front of a microphone necessarily consistent with real national security interests.

Odious attacks from Republican leadership on Donald Trump ought to stop; Trump at least has a backbone., and says what he thinks. In your heart, you know he's right. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are the choices of the New World Order crowd presumably. Nearly anyone else, yet especially Donald Trump, would be a better selection.

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