
Peyton Manning & Veracity in Pro Sports

Allegations that Peyton Manning used human growth hormone to help repair a broken neck and his denial raises the question of veracity in pro sports; that is do athletes ever tell the truth about the use of banned substances?
All of the great 1990s baseball home run greats; Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Rodriguez used and initially lied about the use of banned substances. Maybe the great Hank Aaron unwittingly benefited from steroids to help him pass Babe Ruth's record. Arnold Schwarzenegger could be a poster child for steroids invented in his home town of Vienna in the 1950s. And what about Lance Armstrong, Bill Clinton and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Can athletes be held to a higher standard than politicians?
In the case of Manning however, I have no problem with his use of HGH if he did use it. A broken neck is a fairly serious injury. If it is of fair use in regular medical recovery procedures for non-athletes I know of no reason why athletes should be banned. If HGH can help paraplegics recover help or prevent people from lapsing into paralytic conditions they could fairly use it too.

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