
Kudzu, Asian Carp, Islam and the Invasive Species Problem

Some people believe the world began in 1945; it didn't, political currents existed before then that continue to the present. Protestant reformers were effectively the leaders of revolution against historical Catholic and state monarchy,feudalism and theocracy in 1776. The continuing revolution of politics and theology that started when Martin Luther posted 96 theses on the door of a Catholic church in Germany reached England and eventually Puritans seeking religious and political liberty moved to America. Kicking over British trade restrictions on tea and rum and taking Lard Fairfax's vast Virginia estate were contingent to the fundamental revolt of the protestant masses against hierarchical church and state rule from the old world.

As generations passed after the founding of the United States by protestant revolutionaries the reasons for the founding of the nation were lost and reinterpreted through purely economic glasses. The Supreme Court interpreted the constitution existentially so far as to decree homosexual marriage in a triumph of juridical Eleatic paradox. The American left grew blind to problems of autocracy, imperialism, corporatism, theocracy and atheism. It could not recognize Islam as a theocratic invasive species in regard to western civilization. Like the invasive plant kudzu, Islam expands to the maximum extent of its capacity to do so; it does not become 'assimilated'.

As the people of the United States forgets national, historical Protestant and moral origin in Bible scripture and moves to existential atheism, concentration of wealth, outsourcing of industry, globalism and immigration of Muslim population as well as atheists of China, Catholic Mexicans, other 'Latinos and Latinas' and Hindu of India there is no good cause to think the U.S.A. will continue as a democracy. If America was a democracy starting with the Protestant era, when that era ends so might democracy. Wealth is alreadyconcentrating in the U.S.A. One percent of the population has more of the nation's wealth than 150 million (about half) of the people. The founders revolted against that sort of thing.

Catholic and Islamic nations were or are supporters of imperialism and the concentration of wealth and power. Jeb Bush is a Catholic plutocrat who wants vast military deployments to enrich a Bush ally military-industrial complex another decade even if it results in vast public debt increase (its nearing 19 trillion dollars) and concentration of wealth to global plutocrats with further erosion of U.S. civil liberties. Hillary Clinton is a Chicago lawyer like President Obama. They are of the left existential British imperial amalgam of David Hume , John Dewey, Zeno of Elea, the Russian anarchist Kropotkin and Charles Darwin (if President Obama isn't a closet Sunni Muslim); why should Americans expect a balanced protestant reformed moral authority with fundamental scriptural hermeneutic and support for a limited and moral government with a separate, independent Protestant church social environment to prevail in the U.S.A.? N.P.R. is the de facto propaganda broadcast outlet for the U.S. government. It promotes an atheist religion, a corrupt interpretation of Christianity and a false theology of Islam and the Quran that fails to recognize the implicit expansionism of Islam through any means starting with Muhammad the horse warrior.

Western values tolerate religious independence. The wars of the protestant reformation preceded the establishment of western democracy. Previously the Catholic church and the Catholic Hapsburg dominated state and church relations for the benefit of monarchy The Protestant reformation with allegiance to Jesus Christ and the Bible increasingly through the word of God in natural language translations of scripture instead of the scholastic Latin evolved the removal of state control of Christian ecclesiastical structure and vice versa that has been as close as Wall Street and the U.S. Government are today. From Russia to England and Vienna, Madrid to Rome just one religion an monarchy were permitted and all others deemed as heretics and rebels. Islam is not part of western tradition and is instead a rival civilization.

Historically mollycoddled leftists cannot comprehend politically invasive species and under the political parameters of the theory of evolution believe that with enough dope and homosexuality they can assimilate Muslims and evolve them to become godless atheist Muslims comparable to the evolution of some Christian sects such as the PCUSA toward leftist, godless values where sin is OK. and the values of state socialism inform hermeneutics.

It may be the case that science will eventually develop methods to slightly alter the genomic content of D.N.A. used in the reproductive cycle such that people could choose what sort of characteristics they want to pass on to progeny. If short people such as midgets want to have kids that are 7 feet tall they can have their reproductive D.N.A. gene tweaked to that effect. Like a computer graphic portrait of and individual that can be altered to be of any color, shape, lip thickness and so forth human reproductive genetics may one day be selectively recombined to allow designs conforming to the will of individuals involved. Even though the human genome may be malleable to willed determinism rather than just mate selection for breeding particular characteristics eventually, it does not follow that cultural beliefs are equally as malleable nor that they may be designed a priori.


Because the left seeks its own kind of political stasis utopia with dope, sexual licentiousness for hedonistic and economic purposes of convenience and has a corrupt political leadership class that is rather unintelligent and over-reliant on a costly volunteer, professional military it wants to use as a substitute for a draft occupation army increasingly to accomplish social engineering, it hasn't an ability to recognize invasive species. It has implicit assumptions in a political philosophy of hedonism and atheism, unisex military androgyny in film and reality,existential economic empiricism etc precluding recognition of the existence of lasting dissent . Its ideal narcissistic regard for itself brings it to believe that all others want to be as they are too, and the high ground of evolution will bring them there. Besides, the river of time flows all of the conflicts under the bridge of the present to the non-troubling realm of the past while their own pleasant lives complete.

In the United States the terms left and right, liberal and conservative have evolved to become corrupted. The meanings of either are rather lost in relation to origin circa 1776. The dangers of concentrated wealth to a democratic society haven't changed since the time of the Republic of Socrates and Plato when the oligarchy was at odds with the democracy. Neither have the dangers of apathy, and ignorance to democracy that Aristotle noted in his book The Politics disappeared, each are evident in the president failure of the left to defend the nation against illegal immigration building a large internal proletariat adjacent to a large external proletariat and construction of another internal proletariat of Muslims with cell phones and the Internet able to coordinate with a large external proletariat. They are problems that require intelligent leadership and immigration control, rational environmental economic policy and limited military responses abroad rather than large importunate militarily conventional reactions to moderate or control foreign political and demographic circumstances.

In meeting the Muslim challenge Republican leaders tend to want to put a square peg in a round hole, and democrat politicians want to suck the peg or put hole on hole. If the crusader leadership and European leadership had been so daft as today's politicians Europe and the U.S.A. would already be Muslim.

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