
Billionaires That Own Media Worry About Russians Meddling in U.S. Elections

Fifteen billionaires and six corporations own more than 90% of U.S. media. So I was a little amused when U.S. News published this today...


U.S. News is owned by one of the 15 billionaires- Mort Zuckerman. The media billionaires themselves meddle in U.S. elections with their spin propaganda viewpoint.



The Meaning of Covfefe is Typo

The meaning of covfefe is 'typo'  and 'the damn computer moved a chunk of words around here and there when I was erasing and rewriting'. That at least is what the cognoscenti say about the Presidential tweet gone bad. I personally haven't ever put a typo anyplace it would matter. My editors cover all of my posts quite thoroughly in order to assure the highest quality English use possible.

Still, I understand the President's feeling about the media covfefe. They really are full of that.


Dreyfus, London, the Law of the Wild and Mr. Christian

The Dreyfus Trial and Mr. Christian

Having breakfast with a friend who is a history expert, the conversation wandered over to the sensational Portland Oregon incident concerning one Mr. Christian, a hijab -wearing Muslim woman, a minority woman companion and three men aboard a MAX light-rail train where two men lost there lives, one was wounded and Mr. Christian went to jail and presumably, trial.

The feminist, homosexual left concerned that the alleged White Supremacist that killed a blond male in a confrontation over minority beligerent yelling at a hijab wearing submissive female presumably not to wear a submissive hijab and possibly associating with terrorist plotters to destroy the American way of life, have noted the similarities to the Pulse nightclub slaughter of homosexuals by a weaponized homosexual.

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-oregon-stabbing-backpack-20170602-story.html Apparently the guy who walked away with the backpack and wedding ring of one of the slain was arrested; good cultural progress.

Portland Oregon is a progressive city that hates Christians. It has embraced evolution and homosexuality as solid atheist world-view political positions. With the election of Donald Trump to the White House Oregon has been looking for its Little Big Horn to put down the right. A comedian posed with a replica of Trump's severed head as if the left were ISIS imitators. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40108959

I asked my friend if this incident was another trap Custer gambit that. He said;

I would compare that favorably to the Dreyfus Trial in France. Richard Dreyfus as you know played in Down and Out in Beverly Hills, and was convicted for victimizing the poor and sent to eat Devil's Food Cake at Corsica. Soon after he escaped and returned to lead the Muslim hordes against Charles Martel's forces at the battle of Tours being defeated only through the intervention of the Duke of Wellington.

So how can we apply the lessons of history to the Portland problem?
Like someone with a crack legal mind I shall summarize main points.
  1. There was a fight between alpha males for dominance over two females.
  1. One of the alpha males-the minority male, was under the influence of Sangria alcohol
  2. Of the three challengers to the minority alpha, the first to engage in conflict was a much younger, or precocious male, infuriating the older alpha

In my central African researches into guerrilla behavior I have seen this sort of conflict too often. Aboard MAX there was no opportunity for the submissive females to groom the males into quiescence.

Though people say that I have a cracked legal mind and would be another Mark Garigos if I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney, that bar was always set too low for me. Thus I look toward challenges in the Middle East.”

And what would interest you there F. Lee?

The origin of the ban on bacon in the Muslim world. If they had been northerners instead of desert men they would never have banned it. What happened was this, and I shall prove it.

Early one hot morning a powerful Muslim sheikh caught a smell of frying bacon and the smell nauseated him so he commanded the offending substance to be forever banned from his realm, and that made it into Muslim tradition followed ever since. In cold climates Canadian bacon and scrambled eggs on toast smells superb.”

It hasn't anything to do with Muslims following the Jewish religious laws?

Of course not. Muslims hate Jews.


T.S.A. May Ban SIgsauerkraut and Media Notebooks from All Aircraft!

For safety’s sake its would be a good idea for the T.S.A. to go ahead and ban all notebook computers except those that are used by American bloggers flying domestically. The media are quite close to terrorists globally and might easily be duped into carrying an ISIS or Al Qaeda tampered computer aboard an aircraft with catastrophic consequences.

Especially Washington Post and N.P.R. reporters computers are vulnerable to material hacking (assuming they are actually trustworthy to a limited extent and not suicide-bombers themselves) because of their close associations with terrorists and jihadists, with D.N.C. 1% globalists tax cutters and even foreign oil export executives.

Some say that a notebook ban is a way to promote lagging tablet sales, and other say that German ASUS computers have mooned the US long enough and its time to put the foot down. If  ASUS is wiped, Germany could retaliate on non-Washington Apples.

Not only are notebook computers in the hands of the media a clear and present danger, so is Germany and their sauerkraut upgrades with nano-chips and hot sauce dip. It is little known that foreign agents may conceal in an innocent jar of glimmering designer sauerkraut some of the most invidious, dangerous substance known to mankind. An agent walking aboard and aircraft with a jar of designer kraut may take everyone down. The Sigsauer is a lethal weapon.

Capt. Queeg and Mr. Christian in Portland

Making a political trial of what was otherwise a fairly common sort of crime, although usually one with alcohol or drugs involved, makes me a little uncomfortable. The media should not be trying the crime or self-defense or whatever in print, instead of a judge and jury in a court. It is the left as Capt. Queeg and his plant, to obsess over. 


Historically speaking there have always been culture conflicts. For some hijab is as emotion stirring as wearing a confederate battle flag is to others. It is ironic that the mayor of Portland wanted to shut down a right-wing free speech event over the issue, in order to defend civil liberties? 

There is no mistake that Islam is a rival civilization and it was only by the narrowest margin that the west was able to free itself from Muslim invasions and conquest from Vienna, Rome, Byzantium and Tours France. Spain fought the Muslim invasion for nearly 700 years wining the final battle at Grenada in 1492. The left are usually completely blind to the actual nature of Islam and its thousand year war against western and now world civilization. 

So the left, of which Portland has lots, defends Muslim immigration and offers sanctuary to illegal aliens, when Muslims generally support Islamic law and illegal aliens take jobs away from male workers-especially white workers. Thats not a problem if you are homosexual and swingy, dope using and receiving public support a little now and then of course, however for people that want rule of civil law and and a democracy where elections rather than criminal entry determines how many people to allow to migrate to the U.S.A. they are issues. 

Christians are being killed by Muslims and purged from regions in numerous nations. Iraq and Syria have few. Oregon probably has more than its share of haters of Christians that are pro-evolutionary atheists (I believe God contains the evolution phenomena myself). Defense of culture differs from racism. Americans should have equal protection of the law. 

Philosophy Essays (video)

The author reads two essays. The first video has 3-4 minutes of warped trees distorted by camera held in one hand while riding a bike down a trail through a forest.


Mankind's Birthplace Was Europe-Not Africa?

If the recent scientific finding that mankind became the human line in Europe-in the Balkans 7.2 million years ago, just before nationalism several million years later with all of the conflict that followed, how will that change the entire history of Hollywood film scripts about the origin of mankind from a chimpish looking female from the Olduvai Gorge in Africa?

Apparently the original home-place of South African Negroes is not the jungles and swamps of darkest Africa, but Berlin and Munich! The primitive homing impulse is what is driving refugees from the Obama era supported Middle Eastern wars northward to the tranquil meadows and alps such as existed in the Balkans (well actually it was a savanna 7 million ago) in genetic memories.

This finding is great news because it means that Europeans really only went south for the sunshine and beaches when ice ages formed in the north. Those ancient Europeans were so busy fishing in the sun they didn't notice being cut off by swamps and deserts. In isolation from the northerns and without quality sunscreen except for wildebeest fat they darkened and became the future Chicago Bulls championship teams ancestors. Ironically, everyone's an Aryan.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...