
Leaked N.S.A. Document Seems Like More Partisan Treachery

The Justice Department has charged a 25-year old female defense contractor named Reality Winner with leaking the classified document from the N.S.A. that reports that Russian military intell may have tried to hack into 2016 election software. The entire incident and its timing seems like more partisan b.s. Even the construction of the document seems suspect.

At any rate Democrat Party symps unhappy over Hillary losing seem to have no allegiance to the constitution of the United States regarding its laws. Stealing and disclosing classified material they have sworn to safeguard is nothing at all for the godless atheist rabble.






The Democrat Party has quite a record of untrustworthiness since the first Bill Clinton administration.

The defense contractor in Georgia only started work after the election in February and disclosed the paper that was created in May. It may be she had no other purpose besides getting some goods to attack the Trump administration in some way from classified N.S.A. sources. It is impossible to say of the N.S.A. is reliable at all itself since it is rotten with homosexual and Democrat haters of Trump.

A Comment on Relativity

The special theory is different than the general theory of course. The speed of light is finite, and nothing goes any faster, yet light (photons) from distant galaxies may travel billions of years to reach Earth observers. The relationship of time and mass are interesting to consider. Photons supposedly have no mass, therefore photons experience no time in-themselves. Photons exist within electro-magnetic fields phenomenally. 

For me at least it is easier to think about photons and the special theory within the general theory of relativity paradigm. Gravity also travels at the speed of light. That suggests an implicit relationship between photons and gravitons as if they were identical. At the least one wonders why gravitons are limited to light speed; what other factor enters in and constrains them? Time is a relationship between configurations of mass from micro to macroscopic and cosmological. Change in the configuration is time. As one approaches light speed mass becomes increased to infinite. It's all quite interesting and full of reciprocal relationships.

Demos Upgrade Impeachment to a Normal Way to Appeal Election Loss

The Democrat Party intifadah after losing the 2016 Presidential election has made for a lot of hate expressed public against the winner President Donald Trump. Talk of impeachment among Democrats started immediately as Trump assumed office, and continues though some council careful timing of that action.


Democrats have sought to lever the Donald Trump's pre-election contacts with foreigners from Russia as an impeachment causus beli, andas well as the firing of F.B.I. Director Comey; an inevitable event since he was so politically involved in election events regarding Clinton emails and was an appointee-lawyer of Barrack Obama from Chicago.

Former NPR reporter Juan WIlliams writing in The Hill said of Democrats and who might be their new leader; "Warren satisfies Democrats who want to go toe-to-toe with a president they view as illegitimate, corrupt, dangerous and even treasonous."


Democrats have little besides hate and sabotage to offer the nation these days. They seem to be irrational and want to just cut taxes on the rich as did President Obama and let Federal Reserve loans pay the difference between inadequate taxation and the cost of the federal government. Hate and sabotage are the preferred actions; emotion instead of reason.



My Personal Link to SIgn Up for Chess24

For those wishing to create a chess playing and training account, here is my personal link to a good site- 


Chess24 also has articles from GMs and coverage of many chess events.

Marx, Feurbach, Engles and Fichte; Students of Hegel's Socratic Irony Interp

Feurbach, Marx and Fichte were students of Hegel. The era of German romaticism was in full swing with the idea of Socrates about irony and subjectivity, relativism vs naive empiricism experiencing radical development.

Apparently Hegel in his criticism of Socrates felt that the negation of truth or knowledge in outward social structures in favor of individuals discovering the truth for-themselves, went to far, insofar as it left everything negative and a vacuum. The romantics liked that and some developed the concept so far as to be virtual nihilists with a self-defining ego and the only meaningful fact.

Hegel developed his idea of the historical dialect of the world spirit realizing itself, and Marx and Engels followed along adapting the paradigm to their own purposes. Hegel though was wrong about the world spirit for several reasons, and off the mark about his criticism of Socratic irony I think. Yet he was right that one should have a positive doctrine (Marx tried to propound one, however the positive doctrine should be conditional, contingent and pragmatic rather than explicitly comprehensive and explanatory universally and inclusive of the political environment.

Probably Darwin came closer to actualizing a positive doctrine similar to Hegel's evolving dialectic, yet without any sort of spiritual or socially deterministic pretension. Evolution obviously does not progress in a bifurcated dialectic yet is discrete, although all within a unified physical law paradigm that is thermodynamically deterministic.

I believe that God set the Universe into being and transcends quantum cosmological explanatory paradigms. So he may entail determinism and indeterminism concurrently due to his omniscience and omnipotence. Temporal points of view may aspire toward a reductionism that present a political point of view as natural law. That generally would be in error.

Solve Vehicular Terrorism With Self-Driving E-Cars

The recent vehicular terrorist incidents in London are a blast of the past when it was fairly common for drivers to mow down lines of pedestrians on American streets during the 70s and 80s intentionally or unintentionally. Las Vegas was hit a few times. Electronic self-driving cars of the near future may reduce the opportunities for driver-terror killings.

Self-driving electronic cars are much safer to refuel than gasoline vehicles and of course comparatively non-polluting. It would even be possible to keep them recharged on the highways if they had a toy-race car like in-the-street power line to draw on. Electronic self-driving cars will be much easier to track, and could be programmed not to be able to attack pedestrians on sidewalks.

Muslim terrorism isn't just going to go away. As leftists support the flooding of the west with Muslims, and as the majority of people of any society produces a lot of mass produced souls without a lot of good sense who will perpetrate popular terrorism as if it were a hip thing, increasing the number of Muslims in a formerly Christian society of a different race will statistically increase the number of low-tech terror incidents too. Tech remedies for how such works of evil are perpetrated is one approach of correction.

Variations of the diners' dilemma occur in the phenomena of Muslim immigrants to England. The left tend to want to promote the minority to political status of high rank in order to demonstrate inclusiveness consistent with the theory that  is perpetrated by the excluded. While the minority Muslims tend to regard promotions as such, presumably, as weaknesses, and that encourages more terrorism and more concessions from the majority.

As Muslim immigrant levels increase as a percent of the population, 'defections' to perpetrate acts of terror increase too, as the benefits and opportunities to conquer the target society are regarded as improving.


Global Warming and Nakamura-Gserper-Position Flow Velocity

Excellent article; it explains something of Naka's method. That game vs Anand is a work of art. I wonder though if fluid dynamics-especially Columb's law, while capable of serving as a metaphor for the flow and velocity of  characteristics of money, isn't more suitable for chess positions and power applications such as Naka's in the games above.
About 70% of Wall Street trades are in some way essentially quantitative computer generated speed-of-light transactions. Funny thing about computers and algorithms is that they don't care much about global warming spoiled as they are with super-cooled and costly air-conditioning temperature regulation systems. An exception might be that in a computer's cold-blooded logic it might search for ways to profit from global warming increase. It is risky to trade against the quants anytime for they might spot vulnerabilities in the soft underbelly of the market and make a killing suddenly sinking one's own investment.
Externalities to one's game strategy such as may be lurking on the Q-side are more hidden in the real world from the view of trading stockfish/sharkfish schools.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...