
On Solitary Confinement

Solitary confinement is used to control the violent, to protect the vulnerable and to prevent communication amongst organized crime and revolutionaries seeking to destroy the state.

I should say that I disagree with the move against solitary confinement and the opinion that ending it would be a good thing. Having spent quite a lot of time myself in social isolation for various reasons, I highly value time alone at least when not starving or in pain from toothaches or other health issues.

One may be isolated walking down a crowded street as one is aware that so many people are rather thoughtless proles going about their lives without philosophical examination. One may discover that people are often as dehumanized as rude robots going about their commercial roles. One may feel relief in being absent from the daily hate.

Perhaps women and organized crime dislike isolation and solitude more than men with good books to read. Maybe the educated enjoy solitude more than political activists such as the lady that made the two videos.

Incarceration with human rights taken away of freedom is the great offense, and that must be done with grave concern for justice, while solitary confinement can be made, with modern technology a very positive experience for many. It is the lack of sober moderation in the configuration of solitary confinement criteria that brings it to crash or ineffectively reform prisoners. Just as in rash or extreme aircraft design that might crash a product when flown, it is not useful to end a fundamentally good idea because the delivery or activation was badly or ineffectively put together.

With the right software and hardware provided to a captive in isolation he or she might not even feel very isolated. I think the designers of Eastern State Prison were basically on the right track yet a couple of centuries pre-mature. Saturated with a wealth of carefully screened internet programs prisoners might learn a tremendous amount of their own free will. Maybe a prison-safe virtual reality headset cout let those in isloation visit Mars.

In the United States much is made by the left of the racial disparity between blacks, whites and Hispanics. Consider though that ending slavery was something like ending feudalism centuries before. Millions were thrown into a new social and property paradigm. In the United States that mass economic anomie occurred again with the end of Jim Crow laws, and black Americans had no great and general intellectual and professional institutions or structure to guide the young.

Consider also that in the past 20 years more than 90% of U.S. population growth has been non-white. The media age of white women is nearly beyond child bearing age while that of Hispanics in right in the prime. With white society aging and a minority of children being born are white, it is not unreasonable to expect that a youthful, vigorous and under-educated population including millions of immigrants with poor English language skills would have a majority of the prison population.

I suppose the question is to what extent those Americans of fairly sedentary European cultural origin historically should be concerned about the future of an emerging non-white majority that is restive, desirous of material wealth and social power, and less concerned about the well-being of the ecosphere.

Another point of interet interest is that a godless society led by leftist evolutionists, and in the future with larger number of Muslim immigrants, may not share Christian values such as were found in American white culture until recent times when the left especially waged social war upon it.

Maybe the most offensive thing about the paradigm of imprisonment is that it might be thought good to force behavioral modification of subjects rather than to provide them the tools and resources to change voluntarily. The idea is not good, yet good ideas that were premature in delivery should not be discarded arbitrarily.

Finally One Nation Will Ban Sales of New Fossil Fuel Burning Cars

Britain took the first step toward banning sales of new fossil fuel vehicles, finally leading where others fear to tread. Of course the measure won’t start until the present generation of politicians are mostly dead (in 2040). Even so right-thinking nations that honor Churchill instead of Hitler’s legacy should line up with Britain as an ally of Earth and ecospheric sustainability instead of the new Nazis building an atmospheric gas chamber for those to poor to move off-whirld and genetically re-engineered dinosaurs that vote Democrat.

If Trump Was Really Crazy (Trump vs Mayweather)

The American Psychoanalytic Association said that its members no longer need to follow the Goldwater Rule and are free to talk about Donald Trump's real or imagined mental state. It's good to know that psychiatrist can call a crazy a crazy, a spade a spade or a political foe crazy.

Donald Trump seems to be crazy in the sense that he tends to punch and counter punch verbally a lot against political and economic rivals and those he wants to subordinate coercively. It is hard to call that really crazy. Its like someone that will always punch someone that hits them, and occasionally throw a first strike. Probably the President showers and bathes several times a year and hasn't a distinctive body odur.

One might ask however, if President Trump is said to be a mental in a state, can it make any difference in comparison to the usual politics of Washington? Besides, if the President is really a member of the open air lunatic asylum of the U.S.A. known as a psych nigger plantation would it be constitutional to discriminate against the President for being crazy? The American Disabilities Act is more often observed in theory than reality, and it is hard for people with labels to find employment unless providing a mea culpa for craziness.

If the President admits he is crazy will the media quit with the Russia probes? It the American Psychiatric Association has a majority of crazy members does that controvert their finding at all? If the media is the most crazy and dopish of all the shingle scams with trickery, sophist speech and collusion, are they immune from recognition as criminally insane lunatics now and then?


The Brideswell Prisons

in 1655 the first 'house of correction, named the Brideswell, was built in London to put 'idlers, vagabonds' and sundry poor people thought to be up to no good, to forced work and incarceration. Numerous such facilities were built around England. According to one article the distinction between those 'poorhouses' and prisons was abolished in 1865.
Karl Marx, a fair social observer, commented in Das Kapital that a vast number of rural people were kicked off rural holdings to be forced into the city to work in factories of the industrial revolution. That would have increased problems of urban life, social strife and poverty obviously.
In the United States, in New York, a very famous Brideswell Prison was built by the British to incarcerate American prisoners of war with extreme and harsh conditions. The Provost Marshall of British prisoners admitted straving 2000 patriots to death and executing 275 outright for being obnoxious persons.
The Brits reopened the prison during the War of 1812 when they occupied N.Y.C.
ref. http://www.aaronburrassociation.org/bridewell_prison.htm
Arron Burr fled to avoid being incarcerated in the Brideswell.

With Rose Aboard Shouldn't Irving Stay WIth Cavs a Year?

The Cavs with James, Rose and Love could make a serious run at the title with Kyrie Irving aboard too. If he wants to be well known, as Scottie Pipin was with the Bulls , or Dennis Rodman, he ought to stay with James a year and win a title.

Some may have been put off by being in Michael Jordan's shadow however the really good players were never bothered by such concerns. For them winning was everything.

If it all falls through in a year then Irving should think about getting traded to Sacramento or Memphis to be a star.

Sketching the Ancient History of Prisons

Prisons were not too rare in ancient times yet to the extent they were it was because only select classes could be imprisoned . As democracy spread the franchise of imprisonment increased too replacing former forced labor, serfdom, slavery and death as punishments for the masses from above. A modern understanding of what prisons are may distort the view of history though. One recalls the Apostle Paul's time in prison as well as John the Baptist. Prisons occupy a niche however for political systems that must treat a select class of subjects or citizens with some human rights, and not just send them into slavery or the slave galleys, salt mine until death or wherever the authorities sent them.
The Romans developed prisons and a famous one was the Mamertine Prison created by Ancus Marius in 640 a.d., and was in a sewer and dungeons beneath Rome.
In the Middle Ages numerous prisons existed where hostages and subjects were kept by the ruling class for various reasons. Famous prisons in England included the dungeons of Pontefraact Castle mentioned by Shakespeare in Richard III and Caernarfon Castle's dungeons established in the 13th century. Switzerland had the notorius Chillon Castle dungeon and of course during the 16th and 17th centuries the Bastille Prison in Paris that had been converted from a fort.
Some local gaols or jails kept prisoners for a very long time. The author John Bunyan was kept in the local Bedford town gaol for a dozen years for preaching without a license. Butyrka prison in Moscow is referenced as existing in the 1600s and probably was used to incarcerate individuals from social classes that could not be sent to forced labor camps or converted into serfs. Chateau d'If in France held religious and political prisoners from 1634 to apprx. 1899. One shouldn't overlook the Tower of London or lesser known places of captivity such as Warwick Castle.

Jeff Sessions; Considering a 2020 Run for the White House?

Jeff Sessions; A 2020 Presidential Candidate?

With President Trump trying to ditch him for having the integrity to recuse himself and for not sending Hillary to Gitmo for questioning, the question arises about Jeff Sessions future plans. Would that include a 2020 independent campaign for the White House?

With at least half of a solid ticket it is possible that a good, populist, nationalist Republican running with Sessions could win a primary against the weak President that could not end sanctions on Russia, couldn’t get Obamacare repealed, who failed to protect wolves and critical Alaska habitat, who did not get solar panels on the wall with Mexico, and who hasn’t got any sort of firm program to build a moon base for permanent human scientific research habitation and who let Kim IL develop a smörgÃ¥sbord of nuclear weapons and ICBMs to erase Washington DC in the years ahead when America needs to clear house in Congress.

Jeff Sessions with the right green candidate could change the face of American politics. It’s interesting stuff to think about. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amory_Lovins

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...