
If Trump Was Really Crazy (Trump vs Mayweather)

The American Psychoanalytic Association said that its members no longer need to follow the Goldwater Rule and are free to talk about Donald Trump's real or imagined mental state. It's good to know that psychiatrist can call a crazy a crazy, a spade a spade or a political foe crazy.

Donald Trump seems to be crazy in the sense that he tends to punch and counter punch verbally a lot against political and economic rivals and those he wants to subordinate coercively. It is hard to call that really crazy. Its like someone that will always punch someone that hits them, and occasionally throw a first strike. Probably the President showers and bathes several times a year and hasn't a distinctive body odur.

One might ask however, if President Trump is said to be a mental in a state, can it make any difference in comparison to the usual politics of Washington? Besides, if the President is really a member of the open air lunatic asylum of the U.S.A. known as a psych nigger plantation would it be constitutional to discriminate against the President for being crazy? The American Disabilities Act is more often observed in theory than reality, and it is hard for people with labels to find employment unless providing a mea culpa for craziness.

If the President admits he is crazy will the media quit with the Russia probes? It the American Psychiatric Association has a majority of crazy members does that controvert their finding at all? If the media is the most crazy and dopish of all the shingle scams with trickery, sophist speech and collusion, are they immune from recognition as criminally insane lunatics now and then?

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...