
Holocene Mass Extinction is Also a Problem

Scientists and Democrats often talk about global warming. Yet the 6th mass extinction in the past 440 million years or so is also a problem because its happening now.Because Democrats don't reform economics nearly enough to fix the ecosphere, their policy is generally a sham. They will let Japan take the moon and plant the rising sun on it before being motivated to form a free moon trade agreement with them. They would never tear up the asphalt or require homes to use solar panel shingles and siding.

Global warming effects could help the mass extinction really move forward if it ends up depleting oxygen in ocean water. That's already happened for a time in places like Puget Sound's branch Hood canal and Chesapeake Bay. Things that need oxygen like fish simply die-although without being forced to listen to the broadcast media sell stuff and chat-up innuendo, rumors and falsehoods that is somewhat merciful.

Human development without concern for ecospheric consequences is the culprit for the holocene mass extinction, as is global warming.

Interesting the nearby star Betelegeuse (640 million light years) is in red giant phase and may go super-nova anytime the one-hundred thousand years. Even though its primary direction of gamma ray streaming misses Earth by about 20 degrees so all oceanic and most surface life probably won't die, I wouldn't want to gamble on that. Its possible the star's eccentric convection currents and non-symmetric shape could change its axis angle toward Earth eventually and then, the holocene mass extinction in progress would be jus ta dream of friendlier times when life existed on Earth (besides a few hiding out in special bunkers that survive perhaps).



A Sustainable Political Economy Isn't Stopped By Selfish Genes

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