
Congress Passes Russian Sanction Bill to Harm US Interests

The Congress passed another Russian sanctions bill to further damage U.S. financial interests. Americans would be better off with normalized bi-lateral relations and extensive American travel in Russia and vice versa.

In addition to passing a vast corporate health care bill that wrenched everything up good and left out millions of the poor from any realistic free medical provisioning, the Congress can't pay off the public debt, spends tens of billions on Ford aircraft carriers that a variety of next-gen drones will be able to put down, and can't get along with Russia after the cold war ended.

Aircraft carriers are the modern equivelent of dreadnauts-good in their day yet of decreasing survivability today. The Japanese launched the first aircraft carrier, the Hosho,  in 1922 and the Brits followed in 1924 with the Hermes. I saw an aircraft carrier at sea on the horizon once and it was huge. It was a vast, metal box target sinkable from above and below; the maritime equivelent of helicopters for soldiers with shoulder-fired missilles. If I was a naval weapons designer with modern tools aircraft carriers would be my ideal work assignment to create attack weapons for. If the U.S. Government invest to many tens of billions in aircraft carriers (the recently commissioned one cost 13 billion) they may allow a quick win by globalist with a few state-of-the-art weapons removing the15 U.S. carriers from existence.

Maybe one could invent something like large, disposable hollow super-cavtating torpeodoes each with an F-35 inside to launch a jet and some sort of new in air or on-the-water retreaval/catch system. There must be thousands of presently unknown methods for launching individual aircraft from oceans.

If the United States government could get along with the Chinese and Russians much better it might be possible to better spend tsome of the billions of dollars wasted on military items that should go to extra-terrestrial development of human and agri-cultural pioneering.

They let North Korea develop the ability to nuke Anchorage with ICBMs, can't get a man to set foot on the moon much less a woman or raven, destory the environment, marginalize Alaskan wolves, sponsor greenhouse gas increase and are basically minimalists on efficiency. The U.S. Congress is something like a cult of special interests.

Congress is good at enriching the rich and themselves and that's the bottom line.


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...